Why Iran never retaliates

Israel has offered mainstream Fatah group in early 2000s pretty much that - whole of Gaza, 95% of West Bank with status of Jerusalem up for negotiations. the offer won't apply for groups like the Hamas for good reason
this is not true. Israel 'offered' bantustans in the West Bank divided by Israeli settlements and controlled by Israel and they offered the Palestinians virtually none of East Jerusalem
Gaddafi, who surrendered to the US, disarmed, accepted inspections, and even signed a non-aggression pact with Italy, a major NATO member, could not avoid war.
What happened to Hussein, who capitulated to the US in the Gulf War?
What happened to Syria, which made peace with the West after the Gulf War?
There is no example of a war that was avoided because of a low profile.
Happily for Iran, the US was busy invading other countries.
But this ironically may have led to the misconception that by keeping a low profile, an attack from the enemy could be avoided.
It is probably too optimistic to think that the West, which even fires missiles at the Russian mainland through proxies, will refrain from attacking Iran indefinitely.
Iran's security is seriously threatened unless it can at least be convinced that it is a formidable opponent worthy of negotiation.
Gaddafi, who surrendered to the US, disarmed, accepted inspections, and even signed a non-aggression pact with Italy, a major NATO member, could not avoid war.
What happened to Hussein, who capitulated to the US in the Gulf War?
What happened to Syria, which made peace with the West after the Gulf War?
There is no example of a war that was avoided because of a low profile.
Happily for Iran, the US was busy invading other countries.
But this ironically may have led to the misconception that by keeping a low profile, an attack from the enemy could be avoided.
It is probably too optimistic to think that the West, which even fires missiles at the Russian mainland through proxies, will refrain from attacking Iran indefinitely.
Iran's security is seriously threatened unless it can at least be convinced that it is a formidable opponent worthy of negotiation.
there was a period of time where the US had a massive military presence/occupation on either side of the Iranian borders (Iraq and Afghanistan). how Iran escaped being attacked at that time (with US neocons dominating US politics) is a miracle

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