Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

On the positive side this weapon cannot be used again. Hopefully people check their devices and any other type of explosive will get caught before it can be used as well.

My guess is this is psychological more than anything. There will likely be waves of fear as people dismantle their TVs, radios, and cell phones based on false reports of explosives found.
If they are so creative to do this kind of attack, only God knows what will be next.
The pagers were only meant for Hezbollah fighters. It was a closed, private network not open for public.

Heard even Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon is hurt ? .
The Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon is a child himself.
If they are so creative to do this kind of attack, only God knows what will be next.
This is exactly what they want you to think. Maybe they do have more tricks, maybe they don't. Either way Israel must be resisted.
This is exactly what they want you to think. Maybe they do have more tricks, maybe they don't. Either way Israel must be resisted.
Have you heard about NSO Group Pegasus?

If hezbollah can't use beepers, can't use smartphones, can't use anything, how they will communicate? homing pigeons?
But to locate a explosive inside, it's not needed so much, just open the device.
They're probably doing it now, Tonight our islamists are probably using screwdrivers trying to open up their phone to see what's inside. Electronics retail store are going to make a buck after these guys manage to destroy their phones in the process.
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Not sure what you're trying to claim here? If what I saw is not true then that means there are bots which are purporting that they're hindu nationalists all over social media. I don't think you know how bad it is dude, every single social media site/app you will get brigades of hindus on anything to do with Muslims hurling insults. Now I'm not saying I despise all hindus but there is a serious obsession and I doubt it's a minority.
I am saying there will be bad apples and the numbers you assume by seeing in social media are not true. For example couple of years back you would have seen some posts by Indians in Gulf countries creating controversy and they being deported. Those were a couple of cases but during that time you would have seen thousands of posts popping up against the middle East as Indians and majority were fake accounts created to show as if majority of Indians have the same mindset.
This was the Zionist entity or one of their western vassals planting explosives inside a shipment of pagers and then detonating them all at a pre-arranged time.

Hezbollah has completely messed up here as every single piece of equipment that it buys in from outside should be inspected in the minutest detail to make sure that something like this cannot happen.

I feel sorry for the Hezbollah fighters and others caught up in this, but Hezbollah should have made sure that something like this could never ever happen.
They're probably doing it now, Tonight our islamists are probably are using screwdrivers trying to open up their phone to see what's inside. Electronics retail store are going to make a buck after these guys manage to destroy their phones in the process.
Lithium batteries are packed inside the devices, I guess, if they change the packed battery by something with less capacity and the explosive attached, even opening the case it would look normal.

It would be necessary to open the battery case and then, the battery will be useless.

Ambassador of Iran was using device bobby trapped by Israel ?.

Hope you can understand the un-imaginably huge international embarrassment this is ?.
Yes as reported many "children" were among the victims of these bobby trapped devices, Our ambassador is one of those "children".
On the positive side this weapon cannot be used again. Hopefully people check their devices and any other type of explosive will get caught before it can be used as well.

My guess is this is psychological more than anything. Israel found a very sneaky attack vector and use it to make themselves appear stronger than they actually are. Acting tough is a sign of weakness. This is Israel trying to intimidate the Lebanese people and make Hezbollah look weak and compromised. If people just ignore this, check future electronics for explosives, and continue to resist Israel then Israel will fail its goal.

Hardly , it makes them look more desperate
Making one mistake after another

After getting rocked by a missile from Yamen
inflaming the Lebanon residents also against them not really a smart move by any means

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