Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

“We condemn the Hamas terrorist attack and stand in solidarity with Israel. Our position hasn’t changed,” Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told me in a March meeting with Israeli academics in Taipei. The visit was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
All imports of food and other goods from India should be banned. Next time they can lace food from India with biological weapons and the Jews and Hindus will be laughing like they’re doing now.
No , we will stick to supplying drones to IDF. Maybe Bangladesh as per its capacity should send some clean undies to Hamas and Hezbullas.
How come Wishvaguru's priorities are supplying IDF with firepower to carry out a genocide in Gaza when there are millions of nangay radical Sanatanis in Bangladesh in danger of being bathed AS WE SPEAK??? VHERE IS WISHVAGURU AND MODI-JI????
🤣It was built over a temple. Archeological survey lead by a Muslim proved it. Now cope.

No , we will stick to supplying drones to IDF. Maybe Bangladesh as per its capacity should send some clean undies to Hamas and Hezbullas.

Crackpot indians 🤣🤣🤣
Dont tell me all humans came out from India too or a theory like like that i heard from some disturbed indian on youtube.

Lol Bangladesh still dont shit on the streets, neither Bangladeshi refuse to eat from same table as a fellow countryman only because somebody is from untoucheable class.

Have some shame!
Google what shame means if you are unfamiliar with the word.

And if youre a Israeli bot in desguise then simply fu** off to oblivion, for good.
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“We condemn the Hamas terrorist attack and stand in solidarity with Israel. Our position hasn’t changed,” Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told me in a March meeting with Israeli academics in Taipei. The visit was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Hezbollah’s exploding pagers reportedly altered in Taiwan under Israeli supervision​

Our country, our rules...


But this forum isnt your country so,
as i say to Transgender people. Its ok you wanna live your life the way you wanna live, but dont expect everybody else to join you in your delusions.
Sure- but lets think further on this:

Israel just gave Hezbollah and Lebanon a perfect Casus Belli/justification for military action with this terrorist act it pulled on Lebanon.

But now we will head into the question of NOW WHAT? Well, Israel still hasn't won anything or any serious concession, its still bleeding daily and hasn't achieved anything worthy in Gaza to date. These mass pager bombs that Israel remotely detonated is a terrorist act and it doesn't improve Israel's position or situation regionally and against adversaries positively- like how? Ok- 2500 Hezbollah got injured, but what about the remaining 100-200K active soldiers? And this probably answers the question whether we will see a regional war or not.
As if they will hold back attacking Israel if this did not happen... Only their incapability to do much is holding them back
What do you expect from a media that still refuse to label far right white americans as terrorist, even after they violently went into the highest seat of power in DC in order to murder parliament members.

Western sources provide best evidence and information for numerous developments around the world using advanced tools and techniques. If you know where to look.

I found best evidence of destruction in Gaza, Jenin, and South Lebanon in Western sources in fact.

Mate, do your own research and don't fall for Zionia tropes often repeated in forums. The collective West had been a major source of education and information sharing around the world. Some just fail to see it in this context.
How come Wishvaguru's priorities are supplying IDF with firepower to carry out a genocide in Gaza when there are millions of nangay radical Sanatanis in Bangladesh in danger of being bathed AS WE SPEAK??? VHERE IS WISHVAGURU AND MODI-JI????
It's a private company's job of aupplying drones. Not Modiji.
Find a job you will understand how corporate works.
It's a private company's job of aupplying drones. Not Modiji.
Find a job you will understand how corporate works.
If it's a private company, how come you're bragging as if you're personally packing the shipping containers to IDF from your slum? Jeets say the stupidest things man. Stfu if it's a private company and Pisswaguru and Gobi-ji have no involvement.
This reminds me of the darks days of Syria, Yemen, Lebanon. Eventually ISIS, Saudi, and Zionia were defeated by The Resistance. This is not the first time The Resistance has faced challenges. It won’t be the last. The Resistance will ultimately prevail. In this and all cases just stand by. It’s no different.
American Air Force and Special Forces, Iraqi troops and SDF elements all had a role in defeating ISIL. Let's be honest for once.
If it's a private company, how come you're bragging as if you're personally packing the shipping containers to IDF from your slum? Jeets say the stupidest things man. Stfu if it's a private company and Pisswaguru and Gobi-ji have no involvement.
How are these people real? Why are they allowed in here and allowed to ruin discussions?

Western sources provide best evidence and information for numerous developments around the world using advanced tools and techniques. If you know where to look.

I found best evidence of destruction in Gaza, Jenin, and South Lebanon in Western sources in fact.

Mate, do your own research and don't fall for Zionia tropes often repeated in forums.

Western media is extremely polarized nowdays. 30 years ago there used to be atleast some jounalistic pride but now its different.

Agree that the best and most critical sources come from the west, but these are mostly small players, sadly, often indepdendent players. The mainstream media is waste of time, for the most. Its 90% controlled by establishment and used to keep the sheeps (Us regular citizens) in line.

How can you deny the obvoius dispreferential treatment muslims get in western media, atleast until very recently.
If it's a private company, how come you're bragging as if you're personally packing the shipping containers to IDF from your slum? Jeets say the stupidest things man. Stfu if it's a private company and Pisswaguru and Gobi-ji have no involvement.

I did not give that credit of drone supply to Modiji, can you unemployed tool read.

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