Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

The Muslim world is 100 years behind the other 2 big camps,it's a bystander who needs to choose an ally,it's no way a monolithic block,the smart ones go West the stupid ones get blown up by their own electronic devices.
Simple really

The west is deceitful, International law is worthless and not applied to Jews or white people

That's why it's vital Russia wins in Ukraine, to create a more balanced world

Israel will drag down the west and the U.S and this conflict has happened at the worst time for Ukraine and the the west in general
In the grand scheme of things this really means nothing. Strategically its effect is minimum, it killed less then 20 people. Even if it killed all 3000 it doesn't really make a dent in the hezbos terror network. Doesn't really diminish their operation capacity in any serious way.

What the isrealis will have to contend with was whether it was worth it. Because by pulling a stunt like this they basically alerted their enemies and even allies about the crookedness and shadiness of Israeli dealings. Now everyone will be inspecting everything and being extra diligent concerning their electronic/communication devices.

I suspect the story about a hezbo finding out about it, thus forcing the isreali hand is probably true. Because playing that card/trick now seems wasted. The real trick would have been to continue supplying hezbos pagers until 50,000 of them had in their possession, then to activate say when isreal invades Lebanon.
Historically jews even by jews own history were not the original inhabitants but canaanites were..and who are the Canaanites?

Dont ask me..ask google

No matter what matrix they want use the jews will loose ..we all know current hews are not genetically related..even if they were they kicked out the original arabs canaanites and the arabs before the jews entered lived their for milenia and lived for 1000 years after they were kicked out..

If you go by any logic, or any other international law jews will always loose the right or cliam to Israel..even by "we were first 2000 years ago" story

There are 500m arabs ..angry arabs..they day american empire stops caring it will be day of recokning ...

This only ends one way... a global nuclear war or genocide of jews again and the only one to blame for it would be jews for continuing genocide, ignoring international law and any decency..they spoiled far two many opportunities..being greedy has a orice
So which all countries will be involved in this global nuclear war?

I don't understand, how you see this ending as genocide of Jews.

Worst come worst case if Israel goes down it will take majority of Muslim countries with it, including Pakistan.
That is even if Isreal fights this war alone, with US not getting directly involved.
The west is deceitful, International law is worthless and not applied to Jews or white people

That's why it's vital Russia wins in Ukraine, to create a more balanced world

Israel will drag down the west and the U.S and this conflict has happened at the worst time for Ukraine and the the west in general
Many countries have shady history and these are not necessarily in the West. WE should not generalize.

Many countries in the West show higher levels of introspection and transparency. This is uncommon in many countries in other regions.
Imagine US becoming a Muslim-majority country.

Probably not in our life time BUT if we can Influence the youth and especially the college youth we can change the future

At the moment, politicians are just beginning to take notice that it's important they get support from various Muslim communities, we can only push that further and demand international law be followed and applied

Like I said earlier Israel can only hold back the tide for so long before it drowns

So which all countries will be involved in this global nuclear war?

I don't understand, how you see this ending as genocide of Jews.

Worst come worst case if Israel goes down it will take majority of Muslim countries with it, including Pakistan.
That is even if Isreal fights this war alone, with US not getting directly involved.
Another Indian with a wet dreams. You simply are obsessed with Muslims and Pakistan. Go have a shower

So which all countries will be involved in this global nuclear war?

I don't understand, how you see this ending as genocide of Jews.

Worst come worst case if Israel goes down it will take majority of Muslim countries with it, including Pakistan.
That is even if Isreal fights this war alone, with US not getting directly involved.
I'm sure if that's the case Pakistan will take india with them. Stop saying stuff out of your ass lol
Hebrews in Egypt founded Kingdom of Israel in the promised land after death of Prophet Moses (Musa PBUH). This Kingdom lasted many centuries but Romans destroyed it in war leading to its inhabitants (Jews) finding refuge in different lands and the revelation that I shared indicates that these people will regroup in the promised land at some point. It is all becoming clear now in this modern age because many in the past could not tell what it means. There are still some revelations in the Holy Quran that we do not understand and new developments might help us understand them. History is an important area of study that can help understand other themes including some divine revelations. There is a reason as to why Islam emphasize importance of seeking knowledge.

After the death of Solomon (PBUH), there was a conflict over his succession. The ten tribes created their own northern kingdom called Israel, went back to old ways of cow worshipping and what not, that left with only two tribes Judah and Binyameen who created the southern kingdom of Judah. Its the Judah from where the "Jews" cames from with Bani Isreal ancestry. Both Israel and Judah were at war for nearly a century before Isreal was invaded by Assyrians and taken captive, and later Judah was finished off by Babylonians. Its funny how present say jews named their country Isreal as original Israel was the enemy of their home Judah!

The point to understand is, that Isreal , the northern kindgom was not "Jewish", but just Bani Israel, as they were not practicing the Jewish faith. But because they were 10 tribes, which by Jewish accounts are still "missing", it just a matter of doing maths that 80% of Bani Israel went missing and still missing (10 out of 12 tribes).

So when you are Quoting Quran without having the understanding of difference between Jews and Bani Israel , you are not only misleading yourself but others as well. its the "missing" Bani Isreal Quan is mentioning that will be gathered before the Judgement day. Who they are , where they reside, are they Jewish (they were not when they were made captive and ejected from holy lands). Well , you dont have to look very far.
This just shows the importance of the need of indigenous tech companies in Muslim countries. Today it’s Lebanon tomorrow it can be any other Muslim country. If they can cause personal radios or solar systems to explode, just imagine what they can do to western defence equipment. The Muslim world needs to heavily indigenize especially when it comes to defence. Pakistan and Turkey can be leaders in this.
NO, they will never leave.
They made of a desert a Middle East silicon valley. It's not to let all now.
Same can have been made in Gaza with all the money sent from all across the word. Money use to built tunnels, rockets, and made billionairs some Hamas leaders.
Palestinian people, but mainly islamists leaders chose not to built some thing, but to stole the thing made by others. As long as it lasts, palestinians and some others will be killed.
Israelis will never surrender. Never.
How many defeats islamists leaders need to understand ?

It's the wellspring of their civilization. Jews leaving Jerusalem/ the middle east will be like Muslims giving up mecca.
Even if it killed all 3000 it doesn't really make a dent in the hezbos terror network.
why do you call them terrorist?
Are you the type to call police terrorist when they try to stop a robber?

Good try zio-bia**h
It's the wellspring of their civilization. Jews leaving Jerusalem/ the middle east will be like Muslims giving up mecca.

What civlization are you talking about?
Did you just invent a new civilization just to give more weight to you already rdicilous argument?

Jerusalem belongs to muslims and always have.
Some coverts from Ukraine call themselv jews dosent change anything.
Palestinians are more ethnic jews than most Israelis

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