IFX Indonesian Fighter Experiment (KF21/IFX program)

So the latest news from Aviation Week is that KAI will not share KF-21 technology with Indonesia till the KF-21 program is completed, in 2026.

They still don't have full faith in Indonesia keeping it's end of the deal with their payments as well as placing the required orders for KF-21s.

Indonesia won't get KF-21 tech till program complete- South Korea

This happened after Indonesia requested that it's share of development costs be cut by 63%

Indonesia seeking to cut share in KF-21 development costs

We have been devoping the fighter since 2011. Some of the works are not allowed to be participated by Indonesian engineers like flight control system, maybe after complete payment we will get some TOT for this. See....people has different opinion about that. Actually it is right that Indonesian enginners dont have much TOT from the development that has been acknowledged by Korean DAPA Director since they are more into contributing on the program.

For our part, it is still giving lot of experience to younger engineers and with KF21/ IFX program we participates, it means it will give Indonesian engineers fighter program where it is like opening the new thing for them that later inshaAllah will be followed with internal research, etc
Design of long-delayed KF-X still in debate


A conceptual model of the single-engine C501

By Kang Seung-woo (The Korea Times)

Posted : 2014-03-03 16:52

After a decade-long delay, Korea's indigenous fighter program is about to officially hit the road with bidding by partner firms scheduled for next month.

However, which design concept to go with — a single- or twin-engine aircraft — is emerging as the biggest sticking point in the program, codenamed KF-X.

Currently, the state-run Agency for Defense Development (ADD), siding with the Air Force, claims the nation's future fighter should be a two-engine, clean-sheet aircraft, proposing a design labeled C103.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), on the other hand, has promoted a single-engine version of an aircraft, named C501, to be derived from the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) FA-50 light attack fighter, saying the plane is cheaper and easier to develop and build than the ADD preference.

The KF-X, aimed at manufacturing "F-16+ class" fighter jets with the help of global defense contractors to fill a fighter gap envisioned the next decade, has been delayed due to budget constraints and questions over its feasibility.

The program, initiated by the late former President Kim Dae-jung in March 2001, had its basic strategy resolved in April 2010 and the ADD conducted a final study on the feasibility of the development program between 2011 and 2012. The Air Force plans to secure 120 new jets to replace its aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s under the fighter project.

In January, 20 billion won ($18.7 million) from the defense budget for 2014 was appropriated for deciding on its design and engine, and DAPA said it would begin accepting bids from manufacturers to participate in the indigenous program in April.


A conceptual model of the twin-engine C103

The Korean Air Force believes that more than anything else, a twin-engine aircraft has better combat performance as well as better safety.

"Twin-engine fighters are more expensive, but they can carry heavier payloads over longer distances," said Greg Waldron, Asia managing editor of FlightGlobal, an aviation and aerospace industry website.

"In addition, a twin-engine fighter provides a larger margin of safety in that if the pilot loses one engine, he can usually make it back to base with the remaining one."

The Air Force also prefers the twin-engine version for possible future upgrades.

"The C103 is a Eurofighter-like 4.5th-generation plane that can easily be upgraded to a fifth-generation fighter, while the C501 is a fourth-generation one," said a local aviation analyst on condition of anonymity.

The ADD has reserved space for a conformable weapons bay in its C103 design, which would give it the makings of a low-observable fighter.

The analyst said that if Korea opts for the twin-engine aircraft in the KF-X, the combat plane will eventually be able to replace the Air Force's F-16s and F-15s in the future.

"Otherwise, the KF-X will only end up as replacement for F-4s and F-5s," he said.

Thus far, the Korean Air Force has only used the American airplanes, so it has been troubled by U.S. interference in international sales and upgrades.

The Air Force says the clean-sheet, brand-new aircraft will be free from that hindrance. The KAI FA-50 is based on the T-50 supersonic trainer, co-developed with Lockheed Martin.

"The biggest advantage is that Korea will be able to export it without an export license (from the United States)," said Yang Uk, a senior research fellow at the Korea Defense and Security Forum.

"The aircraft will help the Air Force save operational and maintenance costs, as well."

In addition, the Air Force says that the development of F-16-class fighters will be meaningless because the KF-X planes will enter service from 2023, with neighboring countries such as China and Japan featuring advanced stealth jets — J-20s and F-35s, respectively.

"In terms of military strategy and military buildup, considering the operational environment of the 2030s to 2050s, the Air Force believes that a twin-engine fighter is a better choice," said an Air Force officer.

"However, it is the defense ministry's task force who calls the shots and we will follow the decision."

According to KAI, the C501 will be built based on the FA-50, although it will be larger, but Yang said that the up-sizing plan is unfeasible.

"If the C501 is built based on FA-50, KAI should redesign the plane's aerodynamics, which will pose a big financial burden," he said.

"If so, there will not be much difference between the C501 and C103 in terms of cost and development time."

However, according to the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) in November, the single-engine design will cost 6.4 trillion won for development, compared with 8.6 trillion won for the twin-engine aircraft. In addition, the single-engine plane's operational and maintenance costs were evaluated at about 1 trillion won cheaper, along with earlier deployment — 10.5 years for the twin-engine model and 8.5 years for the single version.

"KAI is a listed company, so they should consider seeking a profit from the KF-X," said the aviation analyst.

Richard Aboulafia, vice president of the Virginia-based Teal Group, believes that there is definitely a market for a new medium weight affordable fighter design in the coming decades. Lockheed Martin is expected to close its near-ubiquitous F-16 production line in 2015.

"The KF-X should follow previous successful medium fighters like the F-16 and Dassault Mirage series," he said.

Aboulafia also said that a decision to make the KF-X a twin-engine design would be very damaging to export prospects.

"Two large combat engines would make the KF-X too large and expensive for most of the export fighter market," he said.

"On the flip side, if two small civilian engines are adapted for combat use, that would make the KF-X an underperforming and inadequate plane, much like Taiwan's Ching Kuo."

In terms of combat performance, the number of engine is not a conclusive factor.

"The engine is a crucial part of a combat aircraft, but it is merely one aspect of a system of systems. Employed properly, both single and twin-engine fighters can be highly effective in combat." Waldron said.

James Hardy, Asia-Pacific editor of IHS Jane's Defense Weekly, calls the Air Force's preference for a twin-engine aircraft "ironic" given that it turned down twin-engine F-15 in favor of the single-engine F-35 in the F-X III competition last year.

"Single engine aircraft are no longer seen as inferior for most missions — thus the F-35 is single-engine, as are the F-16 and Saab Gripen," he said.

Yang said that there is no clear definition for the KF-X and that has led to ceaseless debates.

"If an aircraft from the KF-X achieves stealth fighter status, it is a high-class fighter jet now, but it will be a medium fighter in 2025-26. There is no clear standard for a medium-class aircraft," he said.

"I believe that KAI will be able to manufacture the high-class plane, should it get more funds. If the government really wants to see economic effects from the KF-X, it should be a national project."

DAPA wants a participant to optionally pay 20 percent of the KF-X development cost, which will prevent KAI from developing a twin-engine aircraft that requires more technical effort. In addition, the arms procurement agency will require compensation for any delay in deployment, the unidentified analyst said.

"If a decision to go ahead with a twin-engine design is made, the government should ease the company's financial burden," he said.

KAI signs $1.41 bil. deal to start full-scale production of KF-21 fighter jet


By Nam Hyun-woo

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) said Tuesday it has signed a 1.96 trillion-won ($1.41 billion) deal with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), to commence production of the next-generation KF-21 fighter jet.

Under the deal, KAI will produce 20 units of the KF-21 and provide follow-up logistics support, technical manuals and training. The fighter jets will be in service for the Korean Air Force by the end of 2026.


2016 news. Old news but some information here is quite important to share.


Korean Indonesian KFX/IFX Fighter Project​

Monday, 2 May 2016

The development project for the 4.5 generation advanced fighter named KFX/IFX run by South Korea and Indonesia has officially started in recent months. Indonesia, which bears 20% of the development funds, has also prepared infrastructure and human resources to support the success of Indonesia's largest military project. Then what has Indonesia prepared?

The first thing that has been prepared by the Indonesian government is to build facilities to support this project in the future. The ongoing facility is a special hangar for composing hangar facilities, titanium hangars, production hangars, and final assembly hangars for this fighter aircraft in Bandung, West Java. This special hangar is located in the area of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, it is almost complete.

In a special facility for the KFX / IFX project, it will later be used by the Indonesian side for the purposes of this project. Indonesia itself is rumored to have a part to make a number of important components of this advanced fighter. Among them are the components of the wing part, tail and wing strengthening components of this fighter.

In addition, it is also rumored that in this facility, one of the prototypes of IFX fighters will also be built which will be part of Indonesia. As we all know that in this KFX / IFX project, 6 fighter prototypes will be built that will undergo a series of flight tests. One of these 6 prototypes will belong to Indonesia. In addition to those 6 prototypes, there will be 2 other prototypes to be built that will not be tested but will undergo a series of aircraft structure tests. The KFX/IFX fighter prototype to be produced in Indonesia is the fifth prototype, and will be a fully conducted flight test aircraft in Indonesia.

Design KFX/IFX C-103 Conventional Wing Dual Engine

Not only preparing itself in terms of infrastructure, Indonesia has also begun to prepare human resources since a few years ago to support this modern fighter development project. The Indonesian government and PT Dirgantara Indonesia are reported to have prepared around 200 to 300 experts to be involved in this Indonesian military mega project. However, this large number of experts will come to South Korea gradually over the next 10 years. But there are also experts who will be involved for 10 years from the beginning.

Some of these experts from Indonesia themselves will be schooled first abroad, especially to Europe to sharpen their knowledge, before being directly involved in this project. The additional knowledge they have gained from European countries is expected to be an additional positive value for the development of Indonesian fighters in the future.

The number of Indonesian experts involved in the second phase called the Engineering and Manufaturing Development (EMD) phase was far more than the first phase (Technical Development Phase) which only numbered 52 people at that time. The first phase (Technical Development Phase) itself lasted for 18 months from 2011 to 2012. While the second phase (EMD) will last for 10 years involving 200-300 Indonesian experts.

Not only aerospace experts, the Indonesian military has also prepared several pilots from the Air Force as test pilots for this fighter aircraft later. It is rumored that currently 5 test pilots have been prepared for this KFX/IFX fighter later. The five pilots reportedly already have qualified and sufficient flying hours with the KT-1B Wongbee and T-50i Golden Eagle trainer aircraft.

Not only that, the five prospective KFX / IFX fighter test pilots have also been specially invited at S1 Aeronautical Engineering – Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This is done so that the five prospective test pilots are also equipped with adequate flight knowledge in addition to the ability to be fighter pilots.

This considerable preparation is expected to be a step to make the KFX/IFX fighter development project a success which in the future is expected to become the fulcrum of TNI defense equipment, especially for Indonesian fighters in the future. Although this fighter is not purely a fighter made in Indonesia, Indonesia hopes a lot for the success of this project.

But of course, all these preparations are not guaranteed that this project will run smoothly and smoothly. Of course, there will be many obstacles and obstacles that will still be faced, but at least all the preparations that have been carried out are a good first step. Whether or not this Indonesian military mega project is successful is not certain and only time will be able to
2016 news, Indonesian report and information with people inside the program

Night Flight


KF-21 fighter prototypes successfully conduct first gun and medium-range missile firing tests​

KF21/ IFX composite production facility will likely be completed next year as the parent company, Defense ID, told to the press that the company has investment plan for Rp 2 trillion in 2025.

Aerostructure production will be one of the investment plans according to the report, beside other investmen plans.

With KF21 production has been started in South Korea, so I suggest building composite production line is the priority now. According to Indonesian Aerospace own plan, KF21 composite production facility is also planned to be completed in 2025.
KF21/ IFX composite production facility will likely be completed next year as the parent company, Defense ID, told to the press that the company has investment plan for Rp 2 trillion in 2025.

Aerostructure production will be one of the investment plans according to the report, beside other investmen plans.

With KF21 production has been started in South Korea, so I suggest building composite production line is the priority now. According to Indonesian Aerospace own plan, KF21 composite production facility is also planned to be completed in 2025.

Fighter Jet Technology Development is included in Defense ID 2025-2029 middle-term plan

View attachment 55408
KF21/ IFX composite production facility will likely be completed next year as the parent company, Defense ID, told to the press that the company has investment plan for Rp 2 trillion in 2025.

Aerostructure production will be one of the investment plans according to the report, beside other investmen plans.

With KF21 production has been started in South Korea, so I suggest building composite production line is the priority now. According to Indonesian Aerospace own plan, KF21 composite production facility is also planned to be completed in 2025.
View attachment 55409
Nice Photo

I hope if IFX get further development to block II, it can joint development with France as our relation with France evolve rapidly
I hope if IFX get further development to block II, it can joint development with France as our relation with France evolve rapidly
IFX is planned to undergo continous upgrade by Indonesian Aerospace independently. It is already under the plan since TD phase.

So it is not "if" anymore, it is a must. This is why Indonesian Aerospace need one prototype as it is intended for continous development inside Indonesian Aerospace complex. Korean DAPA Director also said one prototype ( 5th prototype) is likely still be given to Indonesia despite Indonesian wanting to slash its cost share into 1/3 from previous deal.

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