Imran Khan’s proposed 21-point agenda: Mind blowing

Cash gk

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2015
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  1. Merit-Based Army Chief Appointment: By aligning the appointment process with that of the Chief Justice, this promotes a transparent, seniority-based selection, reducing political influence and favouritism.
  2. Ban on Extensions for Government Positions: This ensures that no official stays beyond their term, allowing for fresh leadership and preventing the monopolisation of power by certain individuals.
  3. Restrict Military Involvement in Civilian Sectors: Preventing military officers from taking roles in civilian institutions would encourage merit-based recruitment and reduce military influence in non-defence sectors, thereby reinforcing civilian supremacy.
  4. Separation of Military from Government Affairs: Closing the Military Secretary's office in the Prime Minister's House would further distance the military from political matters, ensuring that governance is led by elected representatives without undue influence from military officials.
  5. Navy and Air Force for Security: Assigning the Prime Minister’s House security to the Navy and Air Force creates a more balanced approach and reduces the concentration of power within the Army.
  6. Equal Benefits for All Officers: By ensuring equal healthcare, pensions, and educational opportunities for both civilian and military personnel, this promotes social justice and eliminates the stark inequalities between the two sectors.
  7. Restrictions on Post-Retirement Jobs for Military Officers: Prohibiting retired officers from taking foreign jobs for 10 years would help retain national security integrity and reduce the potential for sensitive information leaks or conflicts of interest.
  8. Restructuring ISI for National Interests: Adopting a civilian-led intelligence model would increase accountability and align intelligence operations more closely with national interests rather than military goals.
  9. Civil and Judicial Reforms: These reforms could improve the efficiency and fairness of Pakistan's administrative and judicial systems by promoting merit-based recruitment and reducing nepotism.
  10. Ban on Military Businesses: Ending military involvement in businesses could reduce the conflict of interest where military institutions are involved in both security and commercial activities. This would also encourage a more competitive civilian business sector.
  11. Judicial Accountability via Whistleblower System: This would promote transparency and accountability in the judiciary, encouraging judges to act with integrity knowing their actions are being monitored.
  12. Defence Budget Reduction: Cutting the defence budget by 50% would free up significant resources for social, economic, and infrastructure development, addressing urgent civilian needs such as health, education, and poverty alleviation.
  13. Limiting ISPR’s role: Restricting ISPR to purely professional matters would reduce the military’s ability to shape public opinion and interfere in political discourse.
  14. Revised Pakistan Studies Curriculum: Including lessons on democratic principles and the military’s historical role would foster a better understanding of democracy, encouraging future generations to prioritise democratic governance over authoritarianism.
  15. Post-Retirement Job Ban for Judges and Bureaucrats: This would prevent conflicts of interest, reducing the likelihood of former officials using their past influence to benefit private enterprises or foreign entities.
  16. Public Disclosure of Tax Returns: Making the tax returns of government officers public would enhance transparency, discourage corruption, and restore public trust in government officials.
  17. Election Commission Reforms and Digital Voting: These reforms would strengthen the electoral system, ensuring fairer and more transparent elections, reducing rigging, and making it easier for citizens, especially overseas Pakistanis, to participate.
  18. Overseas Pakistanis Voting System: Implementing a digital voting system for overseas Pakistanis would empower millions of expatriates to participate in elections, ensuring that their voices are heard in national decisions.
  19. Improved Relations with Neighbouring Countries: Strengthening ties with regional powers such as India, China, and Iran would improve economic opportunities, regional stability, and diplomatic cooperation, contributing to overall growth and peace.
  20. Economic Strength to Support Kashmir: Enhancing the country’s economic position would give Pakistan more leverage on the international stage to advocate for Kashmir and strengthen its negotiating power.
  21. Support for Palestine: By supporting Palestine, Pakistan could align itself with global humanitarian efforts and take a more active role in advocating for oppressed communities, improving its international standing, especially among Muslim-majority nations.
Overall, the agenda aims to promote civilian control, transparency, accountability, and democratic values while reducing military interference in politics and governance. This could lead to more balanced governance, a stronger economy, and improved relations with both domestic institutions and international partners.
Imran Khan’s proposed 21-point agenda:
Disagree heavily on 5. prime minister should only be guarded by a separate secret service esque organisation. Let the Navy and Airforce worry about flying and sailing.
These all points are Oder of the day. Yeha people can negotiate for the betterment of Pakistan.
Disagree heavily on 5. prime minister should only be guarded by a separate secret service esque organisation. Let the Navy and Airforce worry about flying and sailing.
Yes there must be separate secret service , something like US system. is it feasible in Pakistan setup?
All measure are logical

100% There is no need for Army to be in "Business"

The Government Social Program which pays normal citizen should be same program paying Pension to Army , agree

Post Retirement , people should , plant trees or work in Gardens
Not get another "Job" because they can't define their existence without sitting in office.
  • Extensions
  • Foreign Tours
  • Post of Civilians Corporation attained without Merit
All these actions are excessive

ISI should be split

External Affairs (Threats from outside Country)
Terrorism external​
[Report to National Defense Minister Civilians]
[Report to Army ]
Internal Affairs (Dealing with Threats)
[Report to Supreme court 10 panel judges]
example corruption of ECP uncovering evidence​
example corruption of QAZI uncovering evidence​
Rigging of Election in Pakistan, exposing the problem​
Security of Pakistan's Member of Parliament​
Action against kidnapping of Member of Parliament​
Review of Bogus cases creator , helping start proceeding against​
Exposing Corruption in Police
Taking action against Form 45 , Form 47 fiasco
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Proposal number 22: Pakistan army must bend over backwards so my taliban brothers can fack you dirty panjabis and take revenge for century of humiliation.

Wannabe afghandu imrandu always dreamt of this. Soon he will die as a rat in jail and all this will be forgotten.
Your language tells me from where you belong.... And believe me it's not good.
Reporting your foul language
Looks like IK wants to mold the Deep State in his image like the way Reis Erdo'an has done in Turkey. But, it requires tons of blood and sweat....

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