India likely to use indigenous engines in Arjun tanks as German engines getting delayed by 4 years

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@Pingle @vkdindian @Zarvan @Vikramaditya1 @Faceless @CallSignMaverick @Archie @ApexWarrior @GatlingGun
• Use the old power pack from Arjun Mk1 on mk1a to save time and money
• Don't order a big enough amount of engine to get licence production
• Work on the project on a snail pace
• Old power pack production closed
• Need 5 years to restart
• Decide to Go domestic
• Domestic engine in early prototype stage
• Will Take a decade to get a working powerpack.
• Move onto NGMBT (or risk being outdated) and pretend like Arjun never existed

Jai Ho Babus of the DPSUs & MoD and Jai Ho Dalal Generals of the Army ☠️☠️
• Use the old power pack from Arjun Mk1 on mk1a to save time and money
• Don't order a big enough amount of engine to get licence production
• Work on the project on a snail pace
• Old power pack production closed
• Need 5 years to restart
• Decide to Go domestic
• Domestic engine in early prototype stage
• Will Take a decade to get a working powerpack.
• Move onto NGMBT (or risk being outdated) and pretend like Arjun never existed

Jai Ho Babus of the DPSUs & MoD and Jai Ho Dalal Generals of the Army ☠️☠️

Its often about using up X amount of time first. "GSQR + results" and rest basically fit around having to use this chunk of time first ....i.e drift and delay = first priority.

This is the problem with lower HR tiers to begin with (its what separates from higher HR tiers) when there's cushy situation keeping them insular....they want to use up time knowing this creates even more time to use up later.....then they drag everything else down. Delivering results is anathema to this model. Its easy street long term 101 stuff.

Imagine if this is kind of HR on tap for ISRO in 1980s. They'd still be tinkering with the SLV very cautiously 40 years later....because its all about using up time first.
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Is Russia any worth now with whom we can co develop something? They allowed their country into ambush led by NATO and now they are struggling to keep their army fight worthy in Ukraine war and begging to Iran and north Korea for weapons and delaying weapons deliveries to its time tested allies like India...... sorry this is not the India of 90s....
India does not want to stand with its old ally?
India does not want to stand with its old ally?
We are always with our old allies otherwise we would have abandoned S400 under USA pressure in the beginning itself..... nor we would have kept purchasing their oil.....

But given the current state of Russia due to Ukraine war we cannot afford to rely on them at least on defense related matters and put India's security at risk.....

After all defense is not the only field where you can work with your ally.....
I am actually of this view but not at the cost of putting India to face delays and consequent troubles..... on the battle field after all it will be India all alone...... we should better focus on our own technology improvement and as a stop gap get help from France or Israel.....
Man, the biggest reason of delays is India herself. All the projects and purchases with India take too long. Way too long. Like 20 years long for buying planes. Or 30 years long to buy engine. Indian tank program has been running for lord known how long without producing any tanks and it expects the world to slow down to match its speed! Things get obsolete. So if India wants to use old legacy engines in its tanks, it should either develop it inhouse, purchases technology for engine (if anyone is willing to sell that is) or be ready to commit money to keep the production running by buying a lot of engines upfront.
• Use the old power pack from Arjun Mk1 on mk1a to save time and money
• Don't order a big enough amount of engine to get licence production
• Work on the project on a snail pace
• Old power pack production closed
• Need 5 years to restart
• Decide to Go domestic
• Domestic engine in early prototype stage
• Will Take a decade to get a working powerpack.
• Move onto NGMBT (or risk being outdated) and pretend like Arjun never existed

Jai Ho Babus of the DPSUs & MoD and Jai Ho Dalal Generals of the Army ☠️☠️
India defence procurement is done exactly like Indian middle class homes are run, penny wise pound foolish.
Man, the biggest reason of delays is India herself. All the projects and purchases with India take too long. Way too long. Like 20 years long for buying planes. Or 30 years long to buy engine. Indian tank program has been running for lord known how long without producing any tanks and it expects the world to slow down to match its speed! Things get obsolete. So if India wants to use old legacy engines in its tanks, it should either develop it inhouse, purchases technology for engine (if anyone is willing to sell that is) or be ready to commit money to keep the production running by buying a lot of engines upfront.
Our procurement speed is obviously pathetic and this I always keep crying on this forum if you check my previous posts.... yes India herself is pathetic in this.....

But my point is right now Russia is not a right place to buy big tickets items or co develope anything with them obviously because of Ukraine war country is in position where its struggling to meet own requirements forget catering others..... S400 is a perfect example..... we were supposed to get all batteries by 2022 and see in 2023 with only 3 batteries.....imagine if Mig 35 wins MRFA and we pay advance? Horrible scenario.....

They make good weapons but we can't now trust them for on time deliveries..... and they themselves are responsible for this....
Germany is no longer a viable defence supplier
They have zero focus on even their own self defence

They have barely 200 Leopord tanks
230 fighter jets , 11 frigates and 6 subs

Without the French ,
They will probably loose a war against Poland
Let alone fight the Russians
Germany is no longer a viable defence supplier
They have zero focus on even their own self defence

They have barely 200 Leopord tanks
230 fighter jets , 11 frigates and 6 subs

Without the French ,
They will probably loose a war against Poland
Let alone fight the Russians
Exactly this is why I will still advocate to avoid going to Germans for submarines...... neither they're reliable and trustworthy suppliers nor they have as big clout as France on international stage...... their policies keep changing overnight...... India still has a time to avoid doing a mistake.....

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