India rejects United States' request to shut down Russian media outlet RT

Time will tell. Everyone thinks they are John Cena until they step in the ring. What test has the US even put you through? They are just tickling you and asking you very politely. You haven't seen the ugly side of the Americans yet.
For India?

Lets see... They sent a nuclear threat in 71 and India pushed them back with its diplomacy involving Russia.
They denied India supercomputing capability in 80s and India developed it on its own.
They put sanction on India after nuclear test and India practically walked out of them unscratched.
India is one of the few countries to get NSG wavier to receive nuclear fuel and technology even after not agreeing to sign NPT nor CTBT.
India bought S-400 from China despite CATSAA and got no sanction.
India bought oil from Russia after start of ukraine war and remains sanction free.

I think India has been doing pretty fine.
Attack helicopters
Engines for Tejas
P8 Poseidons
Top end Drones
Did you notice none of them are top tier defence items?

There is no fighter jets, submarines, battle ships, tanks etc? Also size of deals in very limited in all these cases. And that India has alternatives for most of these even inducted parallely?

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