India to Sign Deal for MQ 9 Predator drones worth 4 Billion USD

Indian NASM missile on This Predator Drone is a very good thing

Also some Consultancy for our own Future drone
So, this is the Americans. On the one hand selling offensive weapons to India. On the other hand, trying to apply sanctions against Chinese firms that assist and sell components for Pakistani missile program. Obviously, the Americans already understand that their sanctions are going to be thrown in the dustbin.
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So, this is the Americans. In the one hand selling offensive weapons to India. On the other hand, trying to apply sanctions against Chinese firms that assist and sell Pakistani missile program.

They have a problem with China
The Leonardo Seaspray 7500E V2 AESA radar is the real MVP when it comes to sea surveillance on the MQ-9B drones. Here's why it's such a big deal:

Key Features:​

  • Radar Type: AESA – This is top-tier radar tech, known for its rapid scanning capabilities, high reliability, and ability to track multiple targets simultaneously.
  • Modes:
    • GMTI – It can detect and track moving targets on the ground, even if they’re far away or in tough terrain.
    • Spot/Strip SAR – This mode provides super detailed, high-res images of large areas on the ground. Perfect for mapping terrain or identifying structures.
    • ISAR – Used for identifying ships and tracking them, giving detailed images of moving vessels.
    • Air-Surveillance Mode – It can track airborne targets too, keeping an eye on everything from low-flying helicopters to other aircraft.
  • Frequency Band: X-Band – It offers high-resolution images, making it perfect for spotting smaller targets, like speedboats or drones.
  • Max Radar Range: ~600 km – That’s a massive detection range. This radar can scan huge stretches of ocean or land in a single sweep, giving India unparalleled coverage for maritime domain awareness, coastal defense, and even long-range tracking of enemy movements.
This radar is why the MQ-9B is a force to be reckoned with in maritime surveillance. It makes the drone capable of detecting and tracking everything from ships to moving ground targets, all while delivering detailed intelligence from long distances. This means the drone can cover huge areas and provide vital real-time information to ground commanders without even breaking a sweat.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the other key gadgets on the MQ-9B:

  1. MX-20 EO/IR Sensor:
    • High-quality electro-optical/infrared imaging.
    • Provides day/night, all-weather surveillance.
    • Crystal-clear zoom for detailed intel on targets.
  2. HISA Surveillance Radar:
    • Multi-target tracking in all-weather conditions.
    • Ideal for wide-area surveillance over land and sea.
  3. SAGE 750 ESM System:
    • Detects, locates, and analyzes enemy radar and communication signals.
    • Excellent for electronic warfare and threat detection.
  4. Ku-Band SATCOM:
    • Provides Beyond Line-of-Sight (BLOS) communication.
    • Keeps the drone in touch with control centers over vast distances.
  5. UHF/VHF Radios:
    • Secure, long-range communication with ground forces and command centers.
    • Ensures real-time intel sharing during missions.
  6. Rover 6Si and TNR2x Transceivers:
    • Transmit live video and data to troops on the ground.
    • Improves situational awareness and reaction time in operations.
  7. C-Band Line-of-Sight (LOS) Data Terminals:
    • Provides close-range communication links for real-time control and data transfer.
    • Ensures smooth, uninterrupted operations in both remote and high-threat environments.
These gadgets make the MQ-9B a serious ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) powerhouse, giving India unmatched capabilities in electronic warfare, surveillance, and battlefield communication.
They have a problem with Pakistan too, but we are watching and learning.

Geo politically speaking

Any country's usefulness is determined by the circumstances of that time

In 1980 you were most useful because of Afghanistan invasion and got F 16s along with Billions in Aid

Today US focus is on China
Geo politically speaking

Any country's usefulness is determined by the circumstances of that time

In 1980 you were most useful because of Afghanistan invasion and got F 16s along with Billions in Aid

Today US focus is on China

Well, it is Impacting Pakistan and we won't obviously forget.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the other key gadgets on the MQ-9B:

  1. MX-20 EO/IR Sensor:
    • High-quality electro-optical/infrared imaging.
    • Provides day/night, all-weather surveillance.
    • Crystal-clear zoom for detailed intel on targets.
  2. HISA Surveillance Radar:
    • Multi-target tracking in all-weather conditions.
    • Ideal for wide-area surveillance over land and sea.
  3. SAGE 750 ESM System:
    • Detects, locates, and analyzes enemy radar and communication signals.
    • Excellent for electronic warfare and threat detection.
  4. Ku-Band SATCOM:
    • Provides Beyond Line-of-Sight (BLOS) communication.
    • Keeps the drone in touch with control centers over vast distances.
  5. UHF/VHF Radios:
    • Secure, long-range communication with ground forces and command centers.
    • Ensures real-time intel sharing during missions.
  6. Rover 6Si and TNR2x Transceivers:
    • Transmit live video and data to troops on the ground.
    • Improves situational awareness and reaction time in operations.
  7. C-Band Line-of-Sight (LOS) Data Terminals:
    • Provides close-range communication links for real-time control and data transfer.
    • Ensures smooth, uninterrupted operations in both remote and high-threat environments.
These gadgets make the MQ-9B a serious ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) powerhouse, giving India unmatched capabilities in electronic warfare, surveillance, and battlefield communication.

They will be very useful in Kashmir too where our soldiers have a hard time looking for a few terrorists

And keep an eye on LAC with China on 24 /7 basis to stop
Well, it is Impacting Pakistan and we won't obviously forget.

You need Leverage against Americans , that is what we learnt the hard way

We also remember the many Sanctions against India which caused a lot of hardships to our projects and programmes
You need Leverage against Americans , that is what we learnt the hard way

We also remember the many Sanctions against India which caused a lot of hardships to our projects and programmes

More defence cooperation between China Pakistan is the answer.
They will be very useful in Kashmir too where our soldiers have a hard time looking for a few terrorists

And keep an eye on LAC with China on 24 /7 basis to stop
Bro, the MQ-9B has 40 hours of endurance, while the P-8I can only manage about 10 hours. That’s a game-changer when it comes to ASW across the entire IOR. With the MQ-9B, we can keep a constant watch, track enemy subs, and monitor maritime activity for much longer without needing to rotate aircraft as often. That kind of endurance gives us better coverage, improved response time, and a major advantage in keeping the IOR under control. @Pingle

The MQ-9B is designed to fly over the horizon via satellite for up to 40 hours.
So, this is the Americans. On the one hand selling offensive weapons to India. On the other hand, trying to apply sanctions against Chinese firms that assist and sell components for Pakistani missile program. Obviously, the Americans already understand that their sanctions are going to be thrown in the dustbin.
It is not Pakistan-exclusive but due to MTCR factor. Pakistan should ideally find a way to develop missiles locally.

Secondly, Pak-US bilateral relationship is at a stage that show no progress. Pakistani leaders have not managed to develop bilateral relations with the US on long-term basis like with China.

Indians are relatively cool-minded. They have had tensions with the US in earlier years but are looking at ways to expand bilateral relations with the US among other countries. Indians do not consider foreign policy as a zero sum game.
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