India to Sign Deal for MQ 9 Predator drones worth 4 Billion USD

If you people really think like that than Pakistan is really lucky to have an adversary like India.
Many are of the view that MQ-9 is suitable for COIN which is wrong and gross underestimation of the platform. Check post # 80 and tell me. The US is testing and preparing MQ-9 for conventional warfare.

ISR purpose variants were lost in hostile environments. But the US can introduce far more survivable variants that might be fully capable of defeating air defense systems and other drones as well. MQ-9 is a multi-mission platform after all.
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Yes, but my point is that people should not write off MQ-9 just like that. The US can prepare this drone for conventional warfare if necessary. This drone is far more capable in comparison to numerous hyped toys. The US is testing MQ-9 with different payloads and in different roles to expand its capabilities on many levels. This can be a fearsome weapon in time.

a lot of people on this forum have no clue of what it takes to conduct reconnaissance & surveillance over a large body like the Indian Ocean

on second thought I doubt they even comprehend the challenges over even a smaller region
Many are of the view that MQ-9 is suitable for COIN which is wrong and gross underestimation of the platform. Check post # 80 and tell me.

India does not need the MQ-9 for COIN. They have hundreds of thousands of paramilitary policemen who do the job
Many are of the view that MQ-9 is suitable for COIN which is wrong and gross underestimation of the platform. Check post # 80 and tell me. The US is testing and preparing MQ-9 for conventional warfare.

ISR purpose variants were lost in hostile environments. The US can introduce far more survivable variants that might be fully capable of defeating air defense systems and other drones as well. MQ-9 is a multi-mission platform after all.
you can add what you want to the drone but it won't change the fundamental nature of the drone. it's not a LO drone and is innately vulnerable in contested airspace
Many are of the view that MQ-9 is suitable for COIN which is wrong and gross underestimation of the platform. Check post # 80 and tell me. The US is testing and preparing MQ-9 for conventional warfare.

ISR purpose variants were lost in hostile environments. The US can introduce far more survivable variants that might be fully capable of defeating air defense systems and other drones as well. MQ-9 is a multi-mission platform after all.

Dear first check the post against which i made that comment. My comment is not about MQ-9 capabilities.
Nobody cares in India what any Iranian or Pakistani or Chinese thinks

The equipment that India is buying from.usa is first rate high quality
P8 posedions are the best maritime patrol planes
Apache the best gun ships globally
C17 Globemasters huge logistical supply planes
Now the world class drones predators
If course Indian Tejas also uses USA GE engines and they don't smoke 😂
you can add what you want to the drone but it won't change the fundamental nature of the drone. it's not a LO drone and is innately vulnerable in contested airspace
Buddy, I don't think you understand what ISR is. This drone is meant to patrol the high seas to spot enemy submarines and ships from a distance. It is NOT meant to operate in a contested airspace.

The P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft similarly is NOT meant to operate over contested airspaces. It operates from/at a distance.

You are not comprehending that not all assets operate/need to operate in contested airspaces for them to do their mission effectively. This drone is primarily meant to expand Indian Navy's Maritime Domain Awareness. Here is a link to read more about it: domain awareness (MDA) is,safety, economy, or environment.

@LeGenD - The Indian Navy has been operating 2 MQ-9B for the last two years. The assets were taken on lease from the US to better understand their on-site performance and costs.
you can add what you want to the drone but it won't change the fundamental nature of the drone. it's not a LO drone and is innately vulnerable in contested airspace
Many drones used in Ukraine War are not LO but they have done a lot of damage. LO have its uses but full-scale war is a complex development wherein a large number of assets will be needed to fight battles. MQ-9 can be equipped to do a lot more than many toys used in war and shape conventional battles in profound ways.

The experiments that I have disclosed in post # 80 are inconsequential? Name a drone that can do all that and more.

Of-course, there are weapons that can be used to counter MQ-9 but you might be up against an army and not MQ-9 alone, right? So MQ-9 will have its shots in a capable force.
Many drones used in Ukraine War are not LO but they have done a lot of damage. LO have its uses but full-scale war is a complex development wherein a large number of assets will be needed to fight battles. MQ-9 can be equipped to do a lot more than many toys used in war and shape conventional battles in profound ways in sufficient numbers.

The experiments that I have disclosed in post # 80 are inconsequential? Name a drone that can do all that and more.
suicide drones and FPV drones have done a lot of damage in Ukraine, not MALE drones
suicide drones and FPV drones have done a lot of damage in Ukraine, not MALE drones
Because neither Ukraine and nor Russia have produced a drone that is advanced and multi-mission on the level of MQ-9. This technology is not found there. Ukraine has used TB-2 in war, which is the closest analogue.

But Ukraine does not have a large stockpile of TB-2 so it is used calculatively.
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Because neither Ukraine and nor Russia have produced a drone that is advanced and multi-mission on the level of MQ-9. This technology is not found there. Ukraine has used TB-2 in war, which is the closest analogue.

But Ukraine does not have a large stockpile of TB-2 so it is used calculatively.
Ukraine's experience with TB-2 drones proves my point quite well

"The Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drones, which reportedly assisted Ukraine in military successes earlier in the war, are now of limited utility amid Russian forces bolstering their air defenses, according to a Ukrainian military official."

same fate awaits MQ-9 and all MALE drones no matter how many pods or mini UAVs you attach to them
Many drones used in Ukraine War are not LO but they have done a lot of damage.
Only FPVs and Quadcopters or cheap suicide drones like Shaheds. Tb2s were wiped out in early stages of war for example. Same would happen to MQ9.
Only FPVs and Quadcopters or cheap suicide drones like Shaheds. Tb2s were wiped out in early stages of war for example. Same would happen to MQ9.
The main issue with these MALE drones (currently) is that in order for the E/O targeting/ ISR equipment to be able to work, they get within the lethal reach of the 2k-12 or the 358 or even the much older 125 Pechora/ Angara, like in this case from yesterdays shoot down. Iran's modified its Kubs for extended range of up to 30km's and far better acquisition performance of its targeting radar unit possibly the Iranian RAAD being used instead of the original straight flush. Hezb was supplied with this 2k-12 Mod recently and they even displayed it with a lot of boasting:

However I totally agree with @LeGenD that over the vast Indian ocean, this MQ-9 hardly has an equal just due to its massive range/ endurance and the ISR equipment onboard. It almost makes the Poseidon redundant.

Iran's been winning the lottery ticket with every shoot down of these $30 million dollar drones. It's really a free TOT the US is giving Iran continuously over the last 20 odd years. No shit Iran's drones are getting better and
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Nobody cares in India what any Iranian or Pakistani or Chinese thinks

The equipment that India is buying from.usa is first rate high quality
P8 posedions are the best maritime patrol planes
Apache the best gun ships globally
C17 Globemasters huge logistical supply planes
Now the world class drones predators
If course Indian Tejas also uses USA GE engines and they don't smoke 😂
Apache lost somewhere in Ladakh bruh.
Engines delay for both helicopters and jets sites supply chain issues. I think the US wants India to buy f-16 off the shelves.
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So mq-9 equivalents are wl-2,ch-5,Orion, and Sirius. Ch-5 is not cheap either around 8 million. Wl-2 is 2 million not sure if it's correct still the price difference are insane.

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