Indian doctors call nationwide strike over rape and murder of Kolkata medic


Aug 28, 2006
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Hospitals to suspend non-essential services and medical procedures on Saturday as public fury over brutal attack grows.

Indian doctors have called for a nationwide shutdown of hospital services as public fury over the rape and murder of a trainee medic in the eastern city of Kolkata last week mounts.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the country’s largest grouping of medics with 400,000 members, said the 24-hour shutdown would be implemented on Saturday, affecting most hospital departments except for essential services.

Let's see if all human rights champions of the world take notice of this horrible incident and condemn Modi Sarkar or not.

Hospitals to suspend non-essential services and medical procedures on Saturday as public fury over brutal attack grows.

Indian doctors have called for a nationwide shutdown of hospital services as public fury over the rape and murder of a trainee medic in the eastern city of Kolkata last week mounts.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the country’s largest grouping of medics with 400,000 members, said the 24-hour shutdown would be implemented on Saturday, affecting most hospital departments except for essential services.

Let's see if all human rights champions of the world take notice of this horrible incident and condemn Modi Sarkar or not.

A very sad story of india.. nothing learn after 2012 incident in delhi
I'm glad Indian society is taking action. Sustained societal pressure is needed to force policy makers to crack down on rape culture. You only have to look at Bollywood interactions between males and females over the decades to see how inappropriate sexual behaviour and unwanted approaches has been normalised as "romance".
Early on Friday morning, a 31-year-old female trainee doctor retired to sleep in a seminar hall after a gruelling day at one of India’s oldest hospitals.

It was the last time she was seen alive.

The next morning, her colleagues discovered her half-naked body on the podium, bearing extensive injuries. Police later arrested a hospital volunteer worker in connection with what they say is a case of rape and murder at Kolkata’s 138-year-old RG Kar Medical College.

Tens of thousands of women in Kolkata and across West Bengal state are expected to participate in a 'Reclaim the Night' march at midnight on Wednesday, demanding the "independence to live in freedom and without fear". The march takes place just before India's Independence Day on Thursday. Outraged doctors have struck work both in the city and across India, demanding a strict federal law to protect them.

The tragic incident has again cast a spotlight on the violence against doctors and nurses in the country. Reports of doctors, regardless of gender, being assaulted by patients and their relatives have gained widespread attention. Women - who make up nearly 30% of India’s doctors, external and 80% of the nursing staff - are more vulnerable than their male colleagues.

The crime in the Kolkata hospital last week exposed the alarming security risks faced by the medical staff in many of India's state-run health facilities.
Posters are seen outside of an emergency ward inside a Government hospital during a junior doctor strike to protest the rape and murder of a PGT woman doctor at R G Kar Medical College & Hospital in Kolkata, India, on August 11, 2024
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The incident happened in the 138-year-old RG Kar Medical College, one of the oldest in India
At RG Kar Hospital, which sees over 3,500 patients daily, the overworked trainee doctors - some working up to 36 hours straight - had no designated rest rooms, forcing them to seek rest in a third-floor seminar room.

Reports indicate that the arrested suspect, a volunteer worker with a troubled past, had unrestricted access to the ward and was captured on CCTV. Police allege that no background checks were conducted on the volunteer.

"The hospital has always been our first home; we only go home to rest. We never imagined it could be this unsafe. Now, after this incident, we're terrified," says Madhuparna Nandi, a junior doctor at Kolkata’s 76-year-old National Medical College.

Dr Nandi’s own journey highlights how female doctors in India's government hospitals have become resigned to working in conditions that compromise their security.
Madhuparna Nandi

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Dr Madhuparna Nandi says there are no designated rest rooms and toilets for female doctors at her hospital
At her hospital, where she is a resident in gynaecology and obstetrics, there are no designated rest rooms and separate toilets for female doctors.

“I use the patients’ or the nurses' toilets if they allow me. When I work late, I sometimes sleep in an empty patient bed in the ward or in a cramped waiting room with a bed and basin,” Dr Nandi told me.

She says she feels insecure even in the room where she rests after 24-hour shifts that start with outpatient duty and continue through ward rounds and maternity rooms.

One night in 2021, during the peak of the Covid pandemic, some men barged into her room and woke her by touching her, demanding, “Get up, get up. See our patient.”

“I was completely shaken by the incident. But we never imagined it would come to a point where a doctor could be raped and murdered in the hospital,” Dr Nandi says.
Medical staff attend to a patient who has contracted the coronavirus inside the emergency ward of a Covid-19 hospital on May 03, 2021
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Some 30% of doctors in India are women, according to one estimate
What happened on Friday was not an isolated incident. The most shocking case remains that of Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse at a prominent Mumbai hospital, who was left in a persistent vegetative state after being raped and strangled by a ward attendant in 1973. She died in 2015, after 42 years of severe brain damage and paralysis. More recently, in Kerala, Vandana Das,, external a 23-year-old medical intern, was fatally stabbed with surgical scissors by a drunken patient last year.

In overcrowded government hospitals with unrestricted access, doctors often face mob fury from patients' relatives after a death or over demands for immediate treatment. Kamna Kakkar, an anaesthetist, remembers a harrowing incident during a night shift in an intensive care unit (ICU) during the pandemic in 2021 at her hospital in Haryana in northern India.

“I was the lone doctor in the ICU when three men, flaunting a politician’s name, forced their way in, demanding a much in-demand controlled drug. I gave in to protect myself, knowing the safety of my patients was at stake," Dr Kakkar told me.

Namrata Mitra, a Kolkata-based pathologist who studied at the RG Kar Medical College, says her doctor father would often accompany her to work because she felt unsafe.
Doctors from AIIMS Delhi stage a protest against the alleged Kolkata Doctor Rape case on August 12, 2024 in New Delhi, India.
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Doctors in Delhi's largest hospital Aiims staged a protest against the Kolkata incident
“During my on-call duty, I took my father with me. Everyone laughed, but I had to sleep in a room tucked away in a long, dark corridor with a locked iron gate that only the nurse could open if a patient arrived,” Dr Mitra wrote in a Facebook post over the weekend.

“I’m not ashamed to admit I was scared. What if someone from the ward - an attendant, or even a patient - tried something? I took advantage of the fact that my father was a doctor, but not everyone has that privilege.”

When she was working in a public health centre in a district in West Bengal, Dr Mitra spent nights in a dilapidated one-storey building that served as the doctor’s hostel.

“From dusk, a group of boys would gather around the house, making lewd comments as we went in and out for emergencies. They would ask us to check their blood pressure as an excuse to touch us and they would peek through the broken bathroom windows,” she wrote.

Years later, during an emergency shift at a government hospital, “a group of drunk men passed by me, creating a ruckus, and one of them even groped me”, Dr Mitra said. “When I tried to complain, I found the police officers dozing off with their guns in hand.”
A junior doctor protesting against  the murder of a woman postgraduate trainee doctor at state-run RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata
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Young female doctors don't seem to be very hopeful of reforms to secure them
Things have worsened over the years, says Saraswati Datta Bodhak, a pharmacologist at a government hospital in West Bengal's Bankura district. "Both my daughters are young doctors and they tell me that hospital campuses in the state are overrun by anti-social elements, drunks and touts," she says. Dr Bodhak recalls seeing a man with a gun roaming around a top government hospital in Kolkata during a visit.

India lacks a stringent federal law to protect healthcare workers. Although 25 states have some laws to prevent violence against them, convictions are “almost non-existent”, RV Asokan, president of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), an organisation of doctors, told me. A 2015 survey by IMA found that 75% of doctors in India have faced some form of violence, external at work. “Security in hospitals is almost absent,” he says. “One reason is that nobody thinks of hospitals as conflict zones.”

Some states like Haryana have deployed private bouncers to strengthen security at government hospitals. In 2022, the federal government, external asked the states to deploy trained security forces for sensitive hospitals, install CCTV cameras, set up quick reaction teams, restrict entry to "undesirable individuals" and file complaints against offenders. Nothing much has happened, clearly.

Even the protesting doctors don't seem to be very hopeful. “Nothing will change... The expectation will be that doctors should work round the clock and endure abuse as a norm,” says Dr Mitra. It is a disheartening thought.
Horrific story and hope that any strike action will minimise harm to those in need who need medical help.
Yes they found more than 150 gram of sperms from her body her bones broken , pelvic bones broken it was registered as a suicide case at first to protect the doctors

I think we should wait for hard evidence before coming to conclusions like this.

Find it incredible to believe that no less than 10 men, let alone those that are doctors, could somehow join up and rape/kill a single female.
Society all over the world has been poisoned by this sickness, there should be death penalty for this crime.
Horrific story and hope that any strike action will minimise harm to those in need who need medical help.
My nephew and niece just qualified after 6 years of grafting studying and learning so this is even closer to my heart. Quite horrific and sickening.
Men who commit this should automatically get the death sentence….
My nephew and niece just qualified after 6 years of grafting studying and learning so this is even closer to my heart. Quite horrific and sickening.
Men who commit this should automatically get the death sentence….

Just cannot get my head round this.

Attacking of all people a junior doctor whose purpose in life was to work all hours to help the injured and the sick.

He/they will be found and executed as per Indian law but that will be scant relief to her family, friends and colleagues who will be scarred for life now.
She was raped by more than 10 doctors
you are some kind of special stupid or what @Waj Sal @Musings @Waz can an indian make such kind of assume about a pakistani incident ...???

waise the prime suspect in this is one Shiekh Shahjahan of TMC and some of his party memebers ... the doctor had a 36 hours marathon shift and had gone there to rest as the Resident Doctors were not given sleeping quarters ..... and here this doctor on purpose was denied the dormatorry and forced to sleep in so called "common area " where as per the hospital staff she was last scene

and above all the principal of the mediucal college who was dismissed with few hours was reinstated as principal of some other medical college ... why and how can someone who has an rape enquiry against him me reinstated again from the position of power he is dismoissed ...???

here is Shiekh Shahjahn of TMC who is belived to be involved in this rape and murder & this guy was also involved was alos involved in stripping and parading a women naked but no one dares tpo talk about him in west bengal ... wonder why ALL ENGLISH MEDIA AND EVEN BOLLYWOOD IS SILIENT

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She was raped by more than 10 doctors
This is an appalling incident and horrific to read. Last thing we need is you spreading crap like this without proof. Put a link up or remain quiet
you are some kind of special stupid or what @Waj Sal @Musings @Waz can an indian make such kind of assume about a pakistani incident ...???

waise the prime suspect in this is one Shiekh Shahjahan of TMC and some of his party memebers ... the doctor had a 36 hours marathon shift and had gone there to rest as the Resident Doctors were not given sleeping quarters ..... and here this doctor on purpose was denied the dormatorry and forced to sleep in so called "common area " where as per the hospital staff she was last scene

and above all the principal of the mediucal college who was dismissed with few hours was reinstated as principal of some other medical college ... why and how can someone who has an rape enquiry against him me reinstated again from the position of power he is dismoissed ...???

here is Shiekh Shahjahn of TMC who is belived to be involved in this rape and murder & this guy was also involved was alos involved in stripping and parading a women naked but no one dares tpo talk about him in west bengal ... wonder why ALL ENGLISH MEDIA AND EVEN BOLLYWOOD IS SILIENT

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Guru sahib - rather than being agitated at the horrific news - you as usual seem to be more concerned about your nation being brought into dispute.
I have correctly asked him for a source - if he doesn’t I will take action.

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