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Indian Light Tank Zorawar Breaks Cover


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Jan 30, 2024
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Honestly I am not sure if I should be happy or Sad about this Tank,
On One hand I am happy that the project moved this fast and a prototype is ready in just 2 years and will be heading for user trials by the end of the year even after German Engine Fiasco.

But On the other hand I am sad that this thing is just a screwdrivered item (with almost everything other than the chassis being imported)
Composite Rubber Tracks - American
Turret - Belgian
Engine - American
Transmission - American
Anti Tank Rounds - Imported (No Indian Company currently manufacturers 105mm NATO tank rounds)
Electronics & Optronics - Likely Imported

Sab kuch to imported hai, to Bhai indigenous kya hai, bas design

The other thing that Saddens me is it's protection, this thing is so lightly protected that it can barely be called a tank.

Even if we are to use this thing as Infantry support how do you prevent it from being destroyed by the likes of ZBL -08 which have a 30mm main gun, because the turret is only rated for STANAG 4569 IV.
This thing at the very least needs protection from 30mm auto cannon because that's what it's most likely to face off against.

No Hardkill APS means 0 protection against any kind of ATGM or Anti Tank Round.
IMO both 0 ERA and no Hardkill APS is criminal.

Another thing that's bugging me is it's Anemic Anti Drone Protection, I don't see any Soft kill systems present on the tank.
I am not sure about the Hard kill RCWS either (I have rarely seen a 12.7 be useful against drones in the Ukraine War)
Honestly a 30mm programmable auto cannon straight from Abrams X would have been the best, but that's just me being foolish

All this because somebody somewhere is insistent on it being 25 tons when in reality this thing should be 30 tons with a more powerful 1000hp engine and better protection.

I just hope an Indigenous Turret and 1000hp Engine are in the works.
It usually takes more than a decade to develop the first prototype of a new tank, yet they managed to do it in just two years. This sounds impossible, even if they are importing systems from around the world and integrating them domestically. It should still take more than a decade to roll out the first prototype.


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Feb 24, 2024
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Ignoring the idiotic "not beautiful" troll posts, can someone who is an actual tank expert or armor expert please chip in?
Dec 25, 2023
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And yet,other countries pretty darn manage it:


You want IFVs? Bradley,Marder,Puma,Lynx,CV-90,VBCI,Freccia,ASCOD,Redback,Type 89,Lazar,Kurganets,Namer,Borsuk all look gorgeous.

Even the BMP-3 looks better!
None of them are light tanks


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Jul 15, 2015
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Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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So you're basically accepting that all you're doing in trolling.

Alright, note to self- ignore your worthless posts. No wonder the Turks are all over you jokers.
No. I said my opinion and you guys went nuts.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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None of them are light tanks
Yes,but we are talking about Indians having a tendecy to make ugly products when it comes to Defence. The Tejas is not ugly. One of your MRAPs isn't ugly. But so many other stuff are like out of an orc foundry or a LEGO factory.


Jul 25, 2013
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It usually takes more than a decade to develop the first prototype of a new tank, yet they managed to do it in just two years. This sounds impossible, even if they are importing systems from around the world and integrating them domestically. It should still take more than a decade to roll out the first prototype.
2 years after the project get sanctioned. From the perspective of AMCA project it just being sanctioned recently while the design has already been worked for years before.

That is just Indian term ( get sanctioned), so I assume it is sanctioned when the design is getting greenlight to be a prototype. 2 years is the time from freeze design into prototype. Then how long is the design phase ? They dont tell anything about it

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