Indian Navy Talwar Batch 3 receives 3S90M VLS Shtil

Good to see vls modules for Shtil 1 sam instead of single arm launchers like rest of the talwar class which needs to be replaced with vls modules
Whats interesting is that that the Tushil class is getting Variable Depth Sonars which the Tughrils lacks. VDS equipped Talwar will be a better ASW platform than a hypothetical-Tughril with regular hull mounted sonar.

Talwar class frigate with Atlas Elektronik VDS.
I don't get why we bought batch 3 Talwar class frigates in the first place.

Considering the fact that we are more than capable of building advance Frigates and Destroyers.

And they will be inducted around the same time as the larger Nilgiri class Frigates.

Unless we got a good deal on price .
The reason we brought three from Russia is to speed up moderation
Ie we built niglrli frigates at home and get russian Talwar class sage to time
That's ten frigates total between
2024 -2030...rather than seven ie three from Russia and 7 from India
We should do this same with Rafale and Tejas mark 2
Ie buy 114 Rafale and build mark 2 Tejas 1114 at same time inducting 228 fighters between 2027/2025.

Completely modernised Indian air power especially as super mki happens same time
Nice looking shop we have 9 of these now
If you zoom in closely, you can see the tops of the Shtil VLS doors, and the stern features a VDS opening like her sister ships—possibly installed when she reaches her homeport. This ship would be excellent for anti-ship and land attack missions, mid-range air defense, and ASW operations.

Why did we retire Dhanush missile

It could carry a big warhead

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