India’s far-right Hindus seek to drive Muslims out of ‘holy land’

Radical Hindus do no favor to India with their barbaric conduct. When I was a youngster, Hindus were regarded as peace loving people. I pictured all Hindus to be alike to Gandhi with his loincloth preaching peace. Now when we read the news about Hindus, it usually is about them plundering, murdering and threatening their minority Muslim and Christian nationals. Barbaric and savage

Radical Hindus do no favor to India with their barbaric conduct. When I was a youngster, Hindus were regarded as peace loving people. I pictured all Hindus to be alike to Gandhi with his loincloth preaching peace. Now when we read the news about Hindus, it usually is about them plundering, murdering and threatening their minority Muslim and Christian nationals. Barbaric and savage
I thought the same about Buddhist too. But at the end of the day, people are just people. No matter the religion.
Have you saved this wall of text on your device? You just copy and paste this everytime

The same message is needed, the peaceful method to avoid this was a sensible Partition

Instead we have this communal hellhole of a state where the risk to hundreds of millions is massive, and they have to now take steps to defend themselves and their community

They don't have the political representation to defend them and bring change in at government or state level,
The Indian police are biased and silent at best or complicit at worst and will actively join communal riots

So when your hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims to defend the community you have to take steps including
-economic where you deal with, sell and buy from supporting your own community
-Defensive, where you prepare your community to form a irregular militia, create a basic understanding that if one of you or your family comes under attack,you can call upon your militia to prepare a immediate response or defend a area and community
The Delhi riots, is a good example where this can work to defend the community

Political and ideological, where the community creates and sets up its own representation to coordinate the community and work against common threats

And this is just a start

What you can't do, is do nothing
So when your hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims to defend the community you have to take steps including
-economic where you deal with, sell and buy from supporting your own community
-Defensive, where you prepare your community to form a irregular militia, create a basic understanding that if one of you or your family comes under attack,you can call upon your militia to prepare a immediate response or defend a area and community
The reason these things don't work is because these regions whatever it is, will be a ghetto.
People wouldn't want to live there. There are such Muslim only ghettos in India but even Muslims wants to live outside these places but are limited by their options.
If such a Muslim unity and working together worked wonders why you left your own country for UK. You must have had the utopia in Pakistan afterall these were the same reason for creation of Pakistan. But then you can't sleep, the Balochis are fighting you TTP is fighting you. Heck even Talibs who once used to be very cozy with you are now fighting you at your borders.
Such division is inevitable one way or the other.
I support reunification

I will be honest. Indian Muslims, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis all same to me

Absolutely. So do I and we are the same.
The reason these things don't work is because these regions whatever it is, will be a ghetto.
People wouldn't want to live there. There are such Muslim only ghettos in India but even Muslims wants to live outside these places but are limited by their options.
If such a Muslim unity and working together worked wonders why you left your own country for UK. You must have had the utopia in Pakistan afterall these were the same reason for creation of Pakistan. But then you can't sleep, the Balochis are fighting you TTP is fighting you. Heck even Talibs who once used to be very cozy with you are now fighting you at your borders.
Such division is inevitable one way or the other.

There are 250 million Indian Muslims

When their are that much people, it stops being a ghetto and starts to become a Muslim area or city, town etc, it's vital to defend the community

We are not I. Pakistan for the same economic reasons many people migrate

You may always have issues, but when you ha e issues amongst your own people, you can resolve them over time,,
But when you have issues with a enemy like the hindutva then the issues cannot be resolved you need freedom and independence to resolve the situation
Absolutely. So do I and we are the same.

Muslim Indians can seek asylum in Pakistan if things go South. Their Pakistani brothers will welcome them with open arms 🤗

Muslim Indians can seek asylum in Pakistan if things go South. Their Pakistani brothers will welcome them with open arms 🤗
Pakistan is only for Pakistani citizens, why the hell would we accept any Indian????

Indian Muslims have their own home and lands, what they need is independence and freedom
There are 250 million Indian Muslims

When their are that much people, it stops being a ghetto and starts to become a Muslim area or city, town etc, it's vital to defend the community

We are not I. Pakistan for the same economic reasons many people migrate

You may always have issues, but when you ha e issues amongst your own people, you can resolve them over time,,
But when you have issues with a enemy like the hindutva then the issues cannot be resolved you need freedom and independence to resolve the situation
There's 1 million muslim in my municipal region. There was a major violence between the Muslim over which language they should do Friday sermons. Finally they split into two groups and build a new set of mosques. This is one small region over one simple issue. I could at least bring 10 such issues and groups. KNM Salafist, Mujahids (beard short pants type), EK Sunni (old), A P Sunni (new, the one who claims to have your Prophets real hairs the other side calls it fake).

Pakistanis have this false belief that Muslims, because of their religion will come together.

Yeah the economic reasons like I said, you escaped uour ghetto. 250 million or whatever Muslims don't even agree on things they want they have different caste groups like Ansaris being the upper caste ones. Lol!

This tribalism is prevalent even in your country. Balochis, Pashtun, Punjabi, Sindhi. IMO you should spend your energy preaching to Pakistanis for once they seem to have disagreements that turns so violent that more Muslims are killed in Pakistan than in India.
There's 1 million muslim in my municipal region. There was a major violence between the Muslim over which language they should do Friday sermons. Finally they split into two groups and build a new set of mosques. This is one small region over one simple issue. I could at least bring 10 such issues and groups. KNM Salafist, Mujahids (beard short pants type), EK Sunni (old), A P Sunni (new, the one who claims to have your Prophets real hairs the other side calls it fake).

Pakistanis have this false belief that Muslims, because of their religion will come together.

Yeah the economic reasons like I said, you escaped uour ghetto. 250 million or whatever Muslims don't even agree on things they want they have different caste groups like Ansaris being the upper caste ones. Lol!

This tribalism is prevalent even in your country. Balochis, Pashtun, Punjabi, Sindhi. IMO you should spend your energy preaching to Pakistanis for once they seem to have disagreements that turns so violent that more Muslims are killed in Pakistan than in India.

That makes no sense, what your saying is because you have differences amongst your own family don't mind hindutva extremist killing or targeting you??????

Any differences Muslims have amongst themselves is their own issue and will be resolved amongst Muslims themselves,

That doesn't change the need for freedom from a enemy like the hindutva
Pakistan is only for Pakistani citizens, why the hell would we accept any Indian????

Indian Muslims have their own home and lands, what they need is independence and freedom
Has hate clouded your judgement?

Indian Muslims are in no position to create seperate country.

Your calls for an armed revolt will only hasten their immigration to Pakistan

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