'Indus Water Treaty Not feasible to maintain': India serves notice to Pakistan, seeks Modification.

It's major tributaries come from China......

View attachment 66600

Your rainfall is infrequent and reducing by each year .

Like I said you don't follow posts, we've done this before and you guys have no answer to what China can do. But you come on here boasting. Carry on.

1. These are the major tributaries for Ganga river. How many them originate in China ?


2. North East is still the wettest region on Earth and It is not even the bread basket of India.
1. These are the tributaries for Ganga river. How many them originate in China ?

View attachment 66602

2. North East is still the wettest region on Earth and It is not even the bread basket of India.

Look above the major ones lol, which provide vital meltflow.
I just gave you links showing reduced water fall year on year.

You can ignore it all you want.
Bottom line you are not capable of doing anything.
1. These are the major tributaries for Ganga river. How many them originate in China ?

View attachment 66602

2. North East is still the wettest region on Earth and It is not even the bread basket of India.

Don't worry you have nothing to worry about. Keep posting here.

Well we can divert the Indus rivers.
And what does that achieve? I mean seriously its not like half of India is depending on the water from the Indus and its tributaries. But most of Pakistan does depend on the water from the Indus check a map it pretty much flows through nearly the whole country.

If India is genuine about wanting more water for its towns around the river then Pak should respond positively as water should be accessible to all, but if Modi is trying to look strong and stoke unwarranted tensions then he can be ready for Swift Retort 2.0 if from his barking he tries to go too far.
And what does that achieve? I mean seriously its not like half of India is depending on the water from the Indus and its tributaries. But most of Pakistan does depend on the water from the Indus check a map it pretty much flows through nearly the whole country.

If India is genuine about wanting more water for its towns around the river then Pak should respond positively as water should be accessible to all, but if Modi is trying to look strong and stoke unwarranted tensions then he can be ready for Swift Retort 2.0 if from his barking he tries to go too far.

Indus water treaty was signed in 1960 and it over generous to Pakistan and for what?
So that a war in Kashmir could be avoided. (In that respect IWT was collosal failure as we have already had 3 wars and a major insurgency in Kashmir since then.)

China never bothered to sign such a treaty with India.

85 -90 percent of Indus water flow to Pakistan and Pakistan does not even use that water.

When ever India tries build even run of the river dams on the 3 western rivers. Pakistan raises default objections on them and their construction gets delayed by decades.

Why should we have go through all this. We too are an upper ripparian state.

China never bother to ask us, before building dams on shared rivers.

Watch below by Shekhar Gupta, he explain what problems India has with IWT in its current form. It is an year old, but still relevant.

When ever India tries build even run of the river dams on the 3 western rivers. Pakistan raises default objections on them and their construction gets delayed by decades.

Give me an example of "delayed by decades".
We have seen threats of sanctions before, they never work.

We can simply stop adhering to the treaty.

"However under Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a party can terminate its obligations or formally withdraw from a treaty including one of unlimited duration by invoking a ‘fundamental change of circumstances’ as having both significantly altered the bal of obligations and undermined the essential basis of its original consent to the international agreement"

india is rogue nation like Israel
1. "If" India sticks the the treaty in current form.
2. Not clear what you meant. I suppose you mean that Punjab will have difficulty in getting water from Pakistan. But that won't be a problem if Indus water gets diverted.

It's not technically possible to stop water glowing into Pakistan. Renegotiations are to increase our share.

1. India doesnt have any other option on 3 western rivers which have 80% of water.

2. You didnt understand. For Pakistan to not get water from 3 eastern rivers India need to change their course away from Indian punjab. Thats why I said forget about Indus and western rivers, you cant do anything to stop water going to Pakistan from eastern rivers.

Which is why Pakistan get like 90% of water despite having 80% share.

Good luck convincing sikhs that rivers going through Indian punjab need to dry out so we can harm Pakistan.

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