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Iran Economy


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May 7, 2024
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Statistics of the International Energy Agency show that 25 billion cubic meters of Iran's produced gas is wasted in the production, transmission and distribution stages. This figure alone is equivalent to half of Türkiye's total gas consumption. The value of this volume of annual gas losses is about 10 billion dollars at current world market prices.
Is this a polite way of saying a lot of gas is pilfered? It is hard to imagine so much gas leaking away and the government keeping quiet.
On the other hand, Iran annually delivers 70 billion cubic meters of gas to power plants with a low efficiency of 33%. In other words, one third of Iran's gas consumption is used in these power plants, and due to the low efficiency of the power plants, a significant part of the delivered gas is wasted in the process of converting it into electricity.
What is the reason for such low efficiency? I am guessing Iranian producers use same generators as others. Is this another way of saying gas or electricity is pilfered?


Jan 11, 2012
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Is this a polite way of saying a lot of gas is pilfered? It is hard to imagine so much gas leaking away and the government keeping quiet.

What is the reason for such low efficiency? I am guessing Iranian producers use same generators as others. Is this another way of saying gas or electricity is pilfered?
Many of those Power planet are older generation
Also some of them are not even recombinant cycle


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Oct 21, 2006
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Is this a polite way of saying a lot of gas is pilfered? It is hard to imagine so much gas leaking away and the government keeping quiet.

What is the reason for such low efficiency? I am guessing Iranian producers use same generators as others. Is this another way of saying gas or electricity is pilfered?
Its also the issue of sour gas. Scrubbing it is expensive. Flaring it is cheap. You can't put sour gas into pipeline.


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May 7, 2024
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Its also the issue of sour gas. Scrubbing it is expensive. Flaring it is cheap. You can't put sour gas into pipeline.
What about burning it in situ and generating power (or using the heat for industry - say for making cement etc.,)


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Oct 21, 2006
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What about burning it in situ and generating power (or using the heat for industry - say for making cement etc.,)
Turbine/ station piping day lunn lugg jaen gay! It’s very corrosive bro. Scrubbing means removing the sulfur, SO2 and H2S along with moisture.

Not so easy and costs a lotta money.

I have worked on many oil n gas projects throughout the world…..

What Iran/Qatar produce in a day, is what the next 10 chummppu outfits produce in a year!

There is a reason the US is after Iran……otherwise Robert Mugabe is also very anti-western…..😝

PS…..the US won’t leave Iran alone……just like it won’t leave the Sawdis alone.
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Jan 11, 2012
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Its also the issue of sour gas. Scrubbing it is expensive. Flaring it is cheap. You can't put sour gas into pipeline.
We could not but now we have a special refinery for that . They say now we collect 70% of those sour gas and refine it.
But when your country is the 2nd country in gas reserve that 30 % is alot . It's just for some reason they let those 30% that can be collected with a little hard work go to waste. It was acceptable 20 years ago that we could not do anything about it but these days we have a solution for it
They need to just build one other refinery like it
It pay for itself in one year and after that it's all gain
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Oct 21, 2006
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We could not but now we have a special refinery for that . They say now we collect 70% of those sour gas and refine it.
But when your country is the 2nd country in gas reserve that 30 % is alot . It's just for some reason they let those 30% that can be collected with a little hard work go to waste. It was acceptable 20 years ago that we could not do anything about it but these days we have a solution for it
They need to just build one other refinery like it
It pay for itself in one year and after that it's all gain
I know……I have worked with dozens of Irani engineers all over on multiple $25 + billion dollar projects down in Australia. You guys know your oil n gas.


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Jan 18, 2024
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“According to the Oil Ministry's estimates, approximately $5 billion is needed to curb gas flaring, which accounts for about 8.5% of the country’s total gas production. The annual value of this flared gas exceeds $5 billion in regional markets. To compare, Iran's flared gas volume equals 42% of Turkey’s total gas consumption in 2023.”

Iran flares close to 10% of its annual gas production which is equivalent to 42% of the annual gas consumption of the country Turkey.

Let that sink in for a second


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Jan 18, 2024
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I know……I have worked with dozens of Irani engineers all over on multiple $25 + billion dollar projects down in Australia. You guys know your oil n gas.

Yeah we ‘know’ their oil and gas that’s why we have not invented a single LNG production facility or tanker in 20 years.

We know enough to keep them running that’s about it. Or else look at oil production in 1970’s under puppet Shah with American engineers and obsolete tech compared to 2008 (pre sanctions) compared to 2024. Paints a terrible picture.

We are desperately falling behind Qatar in the shared Pars field where nearly all of our natural gas reserves are. Qatar is sucking up our share too using western energy companies.


Dec 26, 2023
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You guys remember the claim of Iran being the largest economy in the Middle East because of skewed IMF data?

Here's the explanation:

But, the average annual inflation rate in Iran during 2018-2021 was about 35%. On the other hand, Iran’s national currency has lost most of its value, plunging from below 50,000 rials/1 US dollar to 250,000 rials/1 USD during this period.

Both IMF and the World Bank updated their estimations in late 2021 about Iran’s nominal GDP, based on the “current prices” (with measuring inflation).

IMF’s calculation says Iran’s nominal GDP, based on the low “official” USD rate (42,000) has almost doubled since 2017 and reached about $835 billion in 2020, but the World Bank says it declined from $445 billion in 2017 to $203 billion in 2020, based on the USD rate at Iran’s open currency market.

Considering the fivefold difference between official and open market currency rates in Iran, the huge gap between the two estimates is quite reasonable.

Iran’s government plans to eliminate the low “official” dollar rate that the IMF has used. This rate was applicable only to controlled imports of essential goods, such as food and medicine. It is not clear why IMF made its calculations based on this rate. Therefore, it is expected that the IMF will adjust its calculation and put the country’s nominal GDP at a level, close to World Bank’s estimated figure.

In this case, Iran’s nominal GDP with 83 million population, equals half of United Arab Emirates’ and one-third of Saudi Arabia’s or Turkey’s GDPs.

Source: https://www.iranintl.com/en/202201114529

Flames In The Desert

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Dec 13, 2023
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I know but the facts are correct.
So if the "facts are correct" who cares if its blatant anti iranian propaganda,right?
If you really want to credibly present facts then I`d advise not using sites that at best clearly have an agenda and at worst are nothing more than the propaganda arm of an enemy regime.


Jan 11, 2012
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So if the "facts are correct" who cares if its blatant anti iranian propaganda,right?
If you really want to credibly present facts then I`d advise not using sites that at best clearly have an agenda and at worst are nothing more than the propaganda arm of an enemy regime.
Look at the fact
The propaganda and agenda driven was clearly that manipulated and distorted economy size

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