Iran has requested the Pakistan Air Force to provide training for its fighter pilots!

Too little too late!
a coordinated isreali/u.s/uk attack on iran is around the corner....khaleejis might be limited to just logistics or may be involved all out.
The only question that remains is will the isrealis fist neutralize Iran's proxies then attack or instead of wasting time on the proxies, just blunt them n go after the real target.

Pilot training, tactics n overall strategy takes a long time...much much longer then inducting new ac.......time that the iranians wasted n now r starring down the barrel
I believe Iran will just do away with Air Force in the next few years. It makes no sense at all. The war has totally evolved so far out into the future and moved on from army or Air Force or navy.

Nothing of legacy weaponry makes any sense today.
The dire, and to some extent helpless, situation that Iran currently finds itself in is the direct result of faulty strategic vision on part of the Iranian leadership. Creating and using proxies to lob rockets/missiles/drones here and there at the enemy can only serve as a tool under a certain hostility level. When the bar has been raised and it comes to a open war, such proxies and tools turn out to be at the mercy of the enemy in the absence of an effective air defense.

Any fighting force must have an effective air cover or else it cannot sustain its operational capabilities for long. That’s what is happening with Iran now. Israel has complete air dominance in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen. In the absence of an air force or at least a modern AD system, Israeli military planes are running sorties whenever and wherever they want over these countries. Hiding in tunnels is not of much help either for Iranian proxies or military personnel deployed there with those proxies.

It's not just bombing runs that Zionists are carrying out with impunity. They reportedly have even used slow moving large planes without being challenged to launch EMP attacks on Lebanon and who knows on Syria too (exploding TV sets, car batteries, and other electronic/electric devices) .

A regular air force has no equivalent in the form of drones, missiles, and rockets. All these weapon systems have their own role in a war fighting effort. Only fools can overlook some of those specific roles and then ultimately find themselves in a completely helpless situation.

Having said that, we don’t want our Iranian friends end up in such a situation. We wish all the success for them. But building an air force in the nick of time is almost impossible. However, all Muslims states must provide whatever possible to help them out against the war criminal Zionist's onslaught. after all, helping the Palestinians against the Zionist war crimes is the farth (compulsory duty) for all Muslims of all sects.
Iran needs to recapatilise its airforce ASAP - it is woefully under-equipped for the upcoming threats it faces. The threats are real. The monsters are now at the front door for Iran. It has to find the right balance between developing home grown solutions and front line fighter jets. Now that the UN sanctions no longer apply, it should seriously look at the J10CE, JF17C platforms. They represent a quantum capability increase over anything else it can get its hands on.

Fighter jets and SAMs complement each other in a much better stronger air-defence network than either can alone. It is multipler that is more than the individual parts, or the sum. AEW&Cs make an even bigger difference.

If Pakistan does not want the zdk-03 karakoram eagle aew anymore, then in an ideal world it could try and ask Iran if they are interested to recoup its costs.
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I believe Iran will just do away with Air Force in the next few years. It makes no sense at all. The war has totally evolved so far out into the future and moved on from army or Air Force or navy.

Nothing of legacy weaponry makes any sense today.
Sir, the Iranians are not looking so smart now, would they be better off with a reasonable air force versus some missiles, well you will have your views

Where is this Iranian guile and cunning

No really, tell me actually, for irabs sake

Israel will have many more tricks
Feel good BS as usual without any source.

Pakistani military officers attend AJA University of Artesh in Tehran every year, I think some Iranians go to Pakistan in return as well in an exchange program. Not sure.


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