Iran has requested the Pakistan Air Force to provide training for its fighter pilots!

Even wore then the things u have stated above.
All arabs n Pakistan should be worried as hell after isreal has demonstrated recently some of its capabilities n shown its deep ingress in the arab n muslim states.
Pakistan should be overly concerned n needs to double check its security apparatuses n protocols but we as a country n our generals in particular r more concerned with inran khan n getting n extension.
To put it short we muslum in short to medium term r fuc¥£d.
Pakistan is client state of usa and by extension Israel just like many arabs we arent worried

One phone call and chief will do whatevwr he is asked for

In past chief acted to destroy the Palestinians movement in Jordan..
Pakistan still cares about what USA dictates?

You seem to be an ignorant idiot, but I would still express my views on this.

Let me start with the fact that US has always been exerting pressure on Pakistan, since the 1979 mullah revolution in Iran, to allow it to use Pak Balochistan for launching some kind of attacks against Iran. This pressure has been quite severe at times. Pakistan has never allowed that even when we were extremely vulnerable due to our weak economy.

The point is that diplomatic juggernaut always involves a trade-off. It depends on the issue. We may defy any power in the world, for example, in the case of developing nukes and missiles. We have defied US pressure, as mentioned earlier, for allowing US to open a new front against Iran through Pakistan’s Balochistan province. On some other issues, we decided to allow some flexibility but with an effort to minimize any adverse effects on our own national interest. So, you cannot generalize that Pakistan is always following American dictates.

On the other hand, it’s worth mentioning how Iranians became a **** cat when the push came from the world powers. I am sure you haven’t forgotten the episode when Iranians, under the international pressure, handed over substantial evidence to Americans regarding the covert assistance in nuclear field that Pakistan provided to Iranians. That sheepish act of our Iranian friends brought a tsunami of international pressure on Pakistan. How the then military dictator dealt with that pressure is another story though.

While Pakistan always defied American pressure to allow them to open a hot front against Iran through Pakistani Balochistan, Iranians were collaborating and facilitating Indians to launch bloody terrorist attacks in Pakistan through Iranian Balochistan. The disgraced Indian terrorist, a serving IN Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was the terrorist mastermind and running a vast terrorist network with roots deep in Pakistan, was operating from Iranian city of Chah Bhar under the patronage of Iranians. He was ultimately caught by Pak agencies and is currently rotting in a Pakistani jail.

I think only these two shameful and cowardly events are more than enough to expose your actual worth. A nation or state does not and cannot become great by parroting self-praise. It’s the actions that make a nation great or a **** cat.
Tell me, what benefit did the nuclear weapons brought for Pakistan? I mean excluding eating grass, fattening bellies of your fat ass generals, forgetting about Kashmir and infight amongst Muslims of sub continent? Did it stop Americans from drone bombing innocent civilans of Pakistan?
This eventual scenario is not good for Pakistan, I see Pakistan again finding itself between the rock and hard place.

If this happens then Pakistan would be on horn of dilemma similar to Afghan war .....

We do not have such Regional & International clout but in our own national interests we must try to delay such eventual events as much as possible.
I doubt Iran will be attacked

Main focus is Palestine not iran

Iran will adapt accordingly as its goal is shia expansion not purely anti Israel
Tell me, what benefit did the nuclear weapons brought for Pakistan? I mean excluding eating grass, fattening bellies of your fat ass generals, forgetting about Kashmir and infight amongst Muslims of sub continent? Did it stop Americans from drone bombing innocent civilans of Pakistan?
Why Iranians wasted so many years for their nuclear program?
Pakistan is client state of usa and by extension Israel just like many arabs we arent worried

One phone call and chief will do whatevwr he is asked for

In past chief acted to destroy the Palestinians movement in Jordan..
Freedom of expression .....even dummies like you are entitled to .... enjoy it .
Tell me, what benefit did the nuclear weapons brought for Pakistan? I mean excluding eating grass, fattening bellies of your fat ass generals, forgetting about Kashmir and infight amongst Muslims of sub continent? Did it stop Americans from drone bombing innocent civilans of Pakistan?
One benefit .....if needed to blow the Indian and Iranian bungholes into smithereens . .. there was no drone bombing on innocent civilians ....those were terrorists and didn't have the drones .... Americans did the dirty job for us and we are greatful to them .
Why Iranians wasted so many years for their nuclear program?
Well, we did not join USA in fooling our own people my friend.

Think about the fact that why Iranian leader made eveloping nuclear weapons Haram. For sure, not because west could stop us from developing them but for other reasons.
Freedom of expression .....even dummies like you are entitled to .... enjoy it .
I look at facts and figures
Pakistan has always said yes to USA no katter what
Has always acted on usa direction even your own isi ex chief state that no chief can be selected without USA
Pakistan has had relations with Israel back door, its nuclear program was allowed by Israel unlike iraqs and her army supressed killed thousands of Palestinians in Jordan.. something that could have changed the direction of Palestine plight

These are FACTs..and i follow FACTs
Tell me, what benefit did the nuclear weapons brought for Pakistan? I mean excluding eating grass, fattening bellies of your fat ass generals, forgetting about Kashmir and infight amongst Muslims of sub continent? Did it stop Americans from drone bombing innocent civilans of Pakistan?
Benefits of nukes?

Tell me this: would Zionists kill Iranian generals with such an impunity (or reportedly kill Iranian president and foreign minister) and humiliate Iran on daily basis had Iran developed nukes?

We have an enemy at least 7-times bigger than us. Indians dropped a few bombs on a remote area in Pakistan in the dark of the night. We gave them a good beat and humiliated them thoroughly in front of the whole world the very next day.

Zionists cannot even think of doing with us what they are doing with Iran.

I really doubt you have a brain to comprehend all this. i'll not respond to any trash from you anymore.
Benefits of nukes?

Tell me this: would Zionists kill Iranian generals with such an impunity (or reportedly kill Iranian president and foreign minister) and humiliate Iran on daily basis had Iran developed nukes?
We have inflicted enough damage on Zionist regime. Our generals are not resting at home, they die on mission and on battlefield.

Nuclear joke could not stop their martyrdom. We are at a covert war with USA for the time being and as the king of this chessboard, Iran makes limited moves to keep Islamic resistance alive.

We have an enemy at least 7-times bigger than us. Indians dropped a few bombs on a remote area in Pakistan in the dark of the night. We gave them a good beat and humiliated them thoroughly in front of the whole world the very next day.
I do not think so. It was bravery of Pakistani Muslims not the nuclear joke that could deter a 6X times bigger enemy.

If it was not for US aligned elements in Pakistan, Muslims of subcontinent could be in a better position.

Zionists cannot even think of doing with us what they are doing with Iran.
What a joke, Pakistan cannot even dream of posing any threat to USA's regional lapdog.

You have given up on Kashmir already, how dare you to talk about Palestine?

I really doubt you have a brain to comprehend all this. i'll not respond to any trash from you anymore.
Behaving like a little brat
Iran presently is fighting a war of cross border attrition with isreal through its proxies....a battle that suits isreal just fine.

Iranians should have launched a massive missile rocket attack on isreal using hizbullah....forcing isreal to launch a ground offensive into Lebanon.
Thats where hizbullah like the last incursion has a chance to give isreal a bloody nose

Iran has absolutely sh!t the bed.

Israel could kill Hezbollah and Hamas hotshots, the leader in Tehran, now this pager explosion, with Iran not doing anything in return.

Iran is just the problem child of the block at this moment which can't do anything meaningful.

The whole world now knows Iran can't do anything.

And as you said, Pakistan needs to keep itself secure and focused on the security side rather than mingling in political affairs.
Technology shifts are a factor, but I think there's also been an unsung political rivalry between the IRGC and the Iranian military.

IRGC is about fostering loyalty to the establishment, whereas the Iranian military have mostly been orphaned since the fall of the Shah.

Sanctions have been a factor, sure, but when you look at the Iranian Army, Navy, and Air Force, they're denied of any major platform. Even the modern weapon systems that belong to the air and sea domains are largely used by the IRGC (e.g., fast attack crafts).

I think the bulk of Iran's military capabilities will rest with the IRGC in the future. The traditional military will probably disappear and become some type of national guard for internal security operations, IMO.
Yaar, the IRGC gets the bulk because they manage and operate all the modern gadgets. Iran's proxies are managed and armed by the IRGC. IRGC has its own R&D and manufacturing. Iran's army and AF are operating equipment from the 1960's and 1970's. Iran's regular forces should be disbanded and I believe that has largely been a work in progress toward just doing away with conventional/ legacy organizations and their obsolete weaponry.

F-14, F-16 or Su-35 will be shot down a 100 miles away from Israeli border with no problem at all, no matter who is flying them or if they carrying the worlds best ECM package or if they are sent in SEAD with a strike/ escort wave or in a massed attack.

The Uki's and Russians don't do this or else their entire AF will take severe losses and become totally exposed as useless. Russian AF has already been exposed as a joker outfit.

I seriously believe that Russia has already lost all its legacy weapons business. Their reputation lies in tatters now among global customers.
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Ofcourse not defeated

But weakened

It's a psychological blow that creates complications

Of course god knows best, this could have happened mid battle
yaar Hezb has 150,000 members. Mossad pulling 1965 era (in their own western audiences eyes) jhames Bhaand stunts will do nothing.

90% of Israeli accomplishments are exaggerated claims of agent 007 Jhames Bhaand manchild filums.

Sub Jhoott.

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