Iranian Chill Thread

تا به امروز که در حرف ها و نظرات کاندیدا ها تقریبا مواضع و جایگاه ها مشخص شده یه عده تمایل به شرق یک نفر تمایل به مدیریت غرب و بازتر شدن دیدگاه ها داره توی موارد اقتصادی چیزی که کمتر پرسیده شد و مورد تاکیید قرار نگرفت اراعه راهکار برای هم تولید کننده خرد و هم کسانی هستند که بیرون بازار کار موندند

فکر کنم بهتر باشه برای این بدنه حدود 20 تا 30 میلیونی هم راهی پیشنهاد بشه که به طور دقیق برای کالا و خدمات تولیدی این گروه با دیدگاه شرقی یا غربی چکار میشه کرد؟چطور به منابع حاصل از فروششون دسترسی پیدا می کنند؟

جالبه که به طور مثال بازار ایران برای این گروه در چین بازه ولی این گروه بی نوایان در ایران به صورت مستقیم امکان معامله با تقریبا هیچ جای دنیا رو نداره

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This is obfuscating ‘nationalism’ with ‘patriotism’. The former is terrible. The latter is encouraged. For example anti-Afghan commentary is nationalistic and awful while going against the very tenets of patriotism.

Encouraging the rule of law applies to both for better or worse confusing the distinction even further.

Straddling the two is fraught with danger.
This is obfuscating ‘nationalism’ with ‘patriotism’. The former is terrible. The latter is encouraged. For example anti-Afghan commentary is nationalistic and awful while going against the very tenets of patriotism.

Encouraging the rule of law applies to both for better or worse confusing the distinction even further.

Straddling the two is fraught with

In Iran it's not anti Afghan sentiment What people are portraying as anti Afghan is actually anti illegals we have several milion Afghan in Iran less than one milion reside in Iran legally

That map is a dangerous map. All over it the border is clear .in all area the border is well marked by mountain , sea or flatten the neighboring country.
In khuzestan and north of bushehr the demarcation is not clear . And the border line is faint snd not noticeable and the coloring is exactly like Iraq and kuwait also the province is completely flattened as if it's not part of Iran but part of Iraq.
That map is a dangerous map. All over it the border is clear .in all area the border is well marked by mountain , sea or flatten the neighboring country.
In khuzestan and north of bushehr the demarcation is not clear . And the border line is faint snd not noticeable and the coloring is exactly like Iraq and kuwait also the province is completely flattened as if it's not part of Iran but part of Iraq.
Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 22.49.20.png

the pink line seems clear to me. looks exactly the same as the border with Turkmenistan
come on, I have been reading this fake news tweeted by random unreliable accounts for months now
I’ve actually seen their videos and they’re pretty well geared. This tweet authentic or not is not far from the truth gearwise.

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