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Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
The image of an Israeli fighter escaping from a Hezbollah defense missile
View attachment 47046
This is 358
Hezbollah have them in big numbers they don't care to fire at will

While it performs against drones such as Hermes-900, it is subsonic and never performed against fighter jets

Touching fighter jet is a real pain compared to drones and projectiles


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Correct. However, the breakaway province is part of Iranian foreign theaters as the thread name describes.

If you put a gun to my head I’d discuss this elsewhere. But it is a grey area nonetheless.
Su-57 are things Iran never asked for, neither those Ukrainian claims.

Besides S-136 and Mohajer performances, Iran has nothing to do with besides basic learning from real action

This is like people bringing there NK advancement, cherring and comparing a country in which people are starving and has terrible economics and land size against Iran


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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Hermes 900 shot down by Hezbollah

When I say MALE drones are useless people against any one with AD capability, people here attack me.

Good luck to Gaza, Mohajer 6 and S-129 against a neer pear military. HZ and Houthi’s are making short work of these drones.

Either go HALE or VLO. Stop sticking with shit body designs from 20 years ago.

Expect to see “Shaheed-900” soon in Tehran.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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This is the second time China FM has been told that there will never be any "concession" over the islands and have to be reminded of it, if someone wants the islands it would be took only by the use force

Either they forget each time, either they are heavily under UAE pressure

They don’t care.

I remember a quote that came out of JCPOA negotiations back in the day when someone on Iran team said “we expect the [West] to stab us in the back, but China stabs you from the front while looking directly at you”

China has wayyyyy more economic relations with the Arabs than Iran. Remember China is helping Saudi Arabia with its nuclear program AND Ballistic missile program.

China is no friend of Iran and that 20 year “strategic” deal isnt worth the paper it was written on.

China just needs Iran for some cheap oil and for it to cause America enough trouble to keep it busy.


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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not confirmed that this is Hezbollah and personally I highly doubt it

Hezbollah is escalating carefully and gradually and it makes no sense to go from Kiryat Shimona to Eilat. more likely this was Iraqi or Yemeni drones
...or nothing at all. I'm monitoring...chatter suddenly disappeared. Will reverse if needed.

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