Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Iran makes its own pagers domestically. these should be thoroughly vetted and provided to Lebanon. your other suggestions are good.

problem is Israel has early warning radar systems and bomb shelters, so by the time the missile/drone arrives the crowd is long gone
Aim at a random hospital at this point

And this is still legitimate
Hezbullah's equation was.....

Civilian for Civilian

Hospital for Hospital

Child for Child.
Hezbollah equation on paper was never that, they refrain from massacring settlers, they have all the tools to massacre hospitals, throw bombs at random bus and bus stops, but they don't do it for reasons they only know

It took people all of this to realize that aiming for an hospital or a civilian shelter is a legitimate response? It took all those buildings destroyed, children killed to understand that aiming for their civilians is a legitimate response

Months ago suggesting doing this was forbidden here
If Hezbollah wants to force Israel to invade south Lebanon then either it continues to absorb these massive losses for more months and hope it can sustain firing rockets into north Israel and then Israel invades (after Hezbollah is severely depleted) or it fires sustained volleys of missiles into Haifa and Tel Aviv, then the political pressure to invade will grow to new levels

But the status quo is increasingly not sustainable for Hezbollah
Hezbollah is responding like how Islamic Jihad of Gaza would respond but even less than that even. Islamic Jihad would fire 250-300 rockets a day, try to saturate bomb Ashkelon, and would target central Israel and Jerusalem.

Something is off with the higher leadership. Arab/Saudi Media always spam fake reports of Naem Qassem being killed. But if that's true that's a big problem. Though there's 0.1% chance it is.
Hezbollah is responding like how Islamic Jihad of Gaza would respond but even less than that even. Islamic Jihad would fire 250-300 rockets a day, try to saturate bomb Ashkelon, and would target central Israel and Jerusalem.

Something is off with the higher leadership. Arab/Saudi Media always spam fake reports of Naem Qassem being killed. But if that's true that's a big problem. Though there's 0.1% chance it is.
Hezbollah doesn't hide its martyrs

Hezbollah has failed to establish deterrence, we can all see that. The question is how to restore it without forcing Israel to launch all out war. I don't think that's possible. So you can either continue the status quo (and maybe get invaded anyway), surrender (tactical retreat for now), or control when the all our war starts (but recognising this means the destruction of Lebanon). No good choices.
Hezbollah doesn't hide its martyrs

Hezbollah has failed to establish deterrence, we can all see that. The question is how to restore it without forcing Israel to launch all out war. I don't think that's possible. So you can either continue the status quo (and maybe get invaded anyway), surrender (tactical retreat for now), or control when the all our war starts (but recognising this means the destruction of Lebanon). No good choices.
Why no all out war now ? What difference does it make next year or in 10 years? Advancement in weaponry ? Enemy will have x10 anyway at any point.

Khameneis hesitancy is causing huge problems.
Why no all out war now ? What difference does it make next year or in 10 years? Advancement in weaponry ? Enemy will have x10 anyway at any point.

Khameneis hesitancy is causing huge problems.
all out war is never a good outcome because it will lead to the total destruction of Lebanon and hundreds of thousands of martyrs

one can hope IRI has been working hard proliferating thousands of ballistic missiles across Iraq and Syria in case it needs to join this war if it happens, but given the IRI's famous lack of competence that is unrealistic so Hezbollah will be vulnerable
Why does Hezbollah still not fight back, leaving itself alone in the agreement, when Israel has broken decades of agreements and started indiscriminate bombing of Beirut?
We have seen this happen time and time again.
Iran clung to the JCPOA for years when Trump left it.
Why do the Shiites take this attitude every time their opponents break their promises?
all out war is never a good outcome because it will lead to the total destruction of Lebanon and hundreds of thousands of martyrs

one can hope IRI has been working hard proliferating thousands of ballistic missiles across Iraq and Syria in case it needs to join this war if it happens, but given the IRI's famous lack of competence that is unrealistic so Hezbollah will be vulnerable
You are surrounding Israel in a so called ring of fire and expect to avoid total war. Does it sound logical ?

Nasrallah himself soon will be targeted if the Israelis get tired, then is Khameneis turn and so on.

What makes you think Israel will accept being surrounded they are going to bring the war to you.

I am wondering what the red line of IR truly is?
Israel's definition of a 'targeted strike' is the total demolition of a massive multi-storey residential building with dozens of civilians buried under the rubble
You are surrounding Israel in a so called ring of fire and expect to avoid total war. Does it sound logical ?

Nasrallah himself soon will be targeted if the Israelis get tired, then is Khameneis turn and so on.

What makes you think Israel will accept being surrounded they are going to bring the war to you.

I am wondering what the red line of IR truly is?
Hezbollah is a national liberation movement created to liberate south Lebanon from Israeli occupation

Israel is indeed trying to bring the war to Iran and the Axis, though Iran created the Axis to fight Israel on its behalf, not to fight Israel on behalf of the Axis (cynical view).

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