Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

No he didn’t.
The order of Jihad is clear. Soon we will see the real war:
بر همه‌ی مسلمانان فرض است که با امکانات خود در کنار مردم لبنان و حزب‌الله سرافراز بایستند و در رویارویی با رژیم غاصب و ظالم و خبیث آن را یاری کنند.
The order of Jihad is clear. Soon we will see the real war:
بر همه‌ی مسلمانان فرض است که با امکانات خود در کنار مردم لبنان و حزب‌الله سرافراز بایستند و در رویارویی با رژیم غاصب و ظالم و خبیث آن را یاری کنند.

He has not issued a Fatwa for war with Israel. I’m sitting in Iran watching the news as we speak.
He has not issued a Fatwa for war with Israel. I’m sitting in Iran watching the news as we speak.
He made war obligatory for all Muslims, which means that Iran will enter to the war as well.
Whatever happened to HZ supposed air defense capabilities?

I can’t see anything more important than having whatever few AD squads you have follow Nasrallah around to protect him.

Either this was mostly a psych ops campaign and HZ never truly had a serious Sayyad based AD capability or it did, but it was destroyed/severely degraded in the past several months.

Patarames talking about it in May 2024:
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He made war obligatory for all Muslims, which means that Iran will enter to the war as well.

That’s not how it works. He needs to issue a fatwa to make it a religious decree. Statements made outside of a official Fatwa do not carry same weight.

The last fatwa for mobilization was by Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq for war against ISIS.

Once again it doesn’t appear any serious retaliation by Axis is coming as Rahbar’s speech was devoid of any promise of revenge.

Very strange turn of events.

Hamas/Islamic Jihad severely degraded - Iran stood and watched
Hezbollah being decapitated - Iran also standing by and watching

The whole thing is baffling considering this was the same Axis that entered the Syrian civil war in 2010 to save Syria from becoming a Wahhabi/Zionist wonderland. The rationale was maintaining members of Axis especially a key weapons transfer hub like Syria was critical to the survival of Axis.

Yet today Iran is letting its Allies get destroyed and sits and gives speeches or protests at the UN that is in hands of western world order.

Solemani was glue that held everything together it appears and the only war hawk that had significant influence with Rahbar, Nasrallah, and even Putin himself.

The loss of Solemani has been immeasurable.
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IRI seems done and dusted altogether or atleast its current image of this Middle Eastern Boss with octupus like tentacles stretching from Yemen to Lebanon, that image is tarnished. Mullahs loved the idea of being a global power but never truly cared for actual power. They could have:

- Tested the nukes like DPRK did, somewhere underground in Iran and be done with it, instead they wanted to shove Khomeini's stupid illiterate fatwa up their asses. Instead of utilizing the strong industrial support Iran is blessed with to build a robust great power power-level military, they started appointing politically loyal illiterate ground soldiers from the Iraq war to spread propoganda and lies for internal consumption thinking people would get fooled. They could have been aggressive with the West by throwing the entire military-industrial complex weight behind Russia, not to help Russia but to show the West that Iran can get back at them at strategic levels but they did not do that either, instead, Reformists Cu'N't Pezeshkian wants to "talk" to west, lol why would they even talk to you when they can just bomb your proxies, your home, your allies, your generals any day they want.

After 155 years old anti-war soft peace bird Khamenei is gone, I think IRI will be gone to be replaced with IRGC's military dictatorship, what I hope is that Mullahs do not damage Iran the way Qajars did on their way out.
With only one traitor, Pezeshkian, Muslims suffered an immeasurable blow.
I hope that those who lie about elections and who they elect will take a hard look at this fact.
In just four months, the Iranian president and the supreme leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah have all been murdered.
Israel and the U.S. are trying to completely conquer the Middle East.
I think IRI will be gone to be replaced with IRGC's military dictatorship

I hope not. If that military council rule is led by the likes of Salami Sandwhich, Bagheri, and Hajizadeh then Iran would be facing utter disaster.

It will be another fruitless military junta like Egypt and Pakistan.
I hope not. If that military council rule is led by the likes of Salami Sandwhich, Bagheri, and Hajizadeh then Iran would be facing utter disaster.

It will be another fruitless military junta like Egypt and Pakistan.
If you read our history, it's always during these times a national hero emerges, fixes our mess, gives us prosperity and then we screw him. So if history repeats itself, we might get some temporary relief.

Once again it doesn’t appear any serious retaliation by Axis is coming as Rahbar’s speech was devoid of any promise of revenge.

Very strange turn of events.

Hamas/Islamic Jihad severely degraded - Iran stood and watched
Hezbollah being decapitated - Iran also standing by and watching

The whole thing is baffling considering this was the same Axis that entered the Syrian civil war in 2010 to save Syria from becoming a Wahhabi/Zionist wonderland. The rationale was maintaining members of Axis especially a key weapons transfer hub like Syria was critical to the survival of Axis.

Yet today Iran is letting its Allies get destroyed and sits and gives speeches or protests at the UN that is in hands of western world order.

Solemani was glue that held everything together it appears and the only war hawk that had significant influence with Rahbar, Nasrallah, and even Putin himself.

The loss of Solemani has been immeasurable.
That's what I said before, and you guys laughed at me and said Soleimani was old and unimportant.

Its almost satire that he is a pole pretending to be a real "jew" and he is drinking Poland spring.
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The only reason Israel did not bomb Iran was because it feared a counterattack through Hezbollah.
Now that Hezbollah has proved ineffective, there is no reason to hesitate to bomb Iran.
Israel has at its disposal the U.S. military bases that encircle Iran and can easily turn Tehran into Gaza with a large formation of countless stealth aircraft while using U.S. forces as shields.
Iran, more than 1100 km away, has no way to counterattack and will be destroyed without any more than Lebanon or Gaza can do.
What makes you think Hezbollah is ineffective, the Zionists have scored early points but history as shown it's going to blow up in their face
What makes you think Hezbollah is ineffective, the Zionists have scored early points but history as shown it's going to blow up in their face
They have eliminated all Hz leaders. Once they decided to kill Nasrallah, it took them 2 or 3 attacks?

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