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Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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Hezbollah is an islamic group that shown to have strong discipline, i really doubt about the white phosphorus

These shells are meant to kill civilians and also illegal, let's not mix Hezbollah values with western/zionist values

Plus even if they could use them, this would be a massive PR blow to Hezbollah in which all western and israeli media will paint the situation as "Israel is being struck with WMDs" or "Hezbollah kills civilians with illegal chemical, please US help us invade Lebanon"
Hezbollah is not an ‘Islamic group’.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2023
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Hezbollah is an islamic group that shown to have strong discipline, i really doubt about the white phosphorus

These shells are meant to kill civilians and also illegal, let's not mix Hezbollah values with western/zionist values

Plus even if they could use them, this would be a massive PR blow to Hezbollah in which all western and israeli media will paint the situation as "Israel is being struck with WMDs" or "Hezbollah kills civilians with illegal chemical, please US help us invade Lebanon"
WP artillary rounds are not banned if they are used for their original purpose as smoke rounds. It is the Israelis who use it illegally against population centers, not the rounds themselves!

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Growing rifts between Gallant and Netanyahu (two war criminals soon wanted by the ICC for prosecution)

Netanyahu's wife has accused the IDF of trying to conduct a coup to overthrow Netanyahu... And Bibi is entering a rift with the IDF, which increasingly supports a ceasefire in Gaza, which does not suit Netanyahu's agenda.

Last year Bibi fired Gallant for criticising Bibi's judicial 'reforms' and said hostile forces were penetrating the IDF, which should stay away from politics.

Liberal Jews vs far-right Jews (judicial reforms/democracy concerns)
Secular Jews vs Messianic Settler Jews (settler violence against IDF)
Secular Jews vs Ultra-Orthodox Jews (mandatory conscription for ultra orthodox)
Bibi/far-right vs IDF/Gallant (Netanyahu axis accusing IDF of sedition)
Centre-right vs right/far-right ('moderate' Zionists such as Benny Gantz vs Ben Gvir/Smotrich)
Israeli Arabs vs Zionists within Israel (massive Arab-Jewish violence/pogroms within Israel in 2021)

Lots of rifts are emerging with Israeli society...



The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
WP artillary rounds are not banned if they are used for their original purpose as smoke rounds. It is the Israelis who use it illegally against population centers, not the rounds themselves!
Those weapons were never used for their original means (smoke rounds), "non residential area" for cluster bombs, historically they were never used for their "legal" usage (Russia, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Britain, USA) are the main users of cluster bombs in recent wars, look how they used them in mass on residential areas for a terror purpose, look how the US used cluster bombs in 1991 and 2003 in the most disgusting way possible

Israel and its pairs always used phosphor and cluster bombs as a terror weapon and never for a "legal usage"

If Hezbollah uses that, even for its legal usage, they will try to enforce in the head of people that Hezbollah is using some kind of WMDs on "civilians", even if they uses them for legal usage, this would be a massive PR blow to Hezbollah

Hezbollah doesn't need this or chemicals to defend itself or carry out offensive operations

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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IDF Head of Military Intelligence: Israel’s qualitative military superiority and other traditional assets are being eroded

In operational terms, the war in Gaza is a wake-up call regarding the challenges of multi-front war, including simultaneous attacks on several fronts, disrupting trade and supply routes.

With Iran’s help, Israel’s enemies are increasing their ability to wage long wars of attrition. In the shadow of the war in Gaza, there has also been a normalization of firing missiles and drones into Israeli territory by Iran directly and by its various proxies across the region.

The proliferation of aerial threats, and the heightened ground threats on the borders, offset Israel’s qualitative and quantitative advantages. It is difficult for Israel to use crushing force to secure quick and decisive victory, highlighting gaps in its military structure and weaponry.

These external challenges for Israel are exacerbated by its internal divisions. The state faces an ongoing political crisis, paralysis of governance, and the weakening of the state with respect to legislation, policy planning and implementation, and law. These trends project weakness and undermine deterrence to our enemies. The damage to Israeli democracy also harms relations with Western allies. Above all, infighting undermines national resilience.

Israel faces an unequal sharing of the national burden, socioeconomic gaps, the deterioration of education in science and innovation, and the lack of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) integration into the labor market. These threaten to collapse Israel’s economy in the coming decades and to severely damage the remnants of the “people’s army”, welfare policy, and governance. Economic decline means less resources for defense and reduced soft power and international status.


Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Hezbollah rockets have 80% success rate, 2 IDF terrorists injured

Two IDF terrorists were lightly wounded by a rocket impact in the northern city of Kiryat Shmona earlier this evening, the Nazi military says.

Hezbollah launched a barrage of five rockets from Lebanon at Kiryat Shmona, some of which impacted the city and caused damage.

Damage was caused to a home in Kiryat Shmona by a direct rocket impact, local authorities say.

The Kiryat Shmona municipality says one of the five rockets launched from Lebanon was intercepted, while the other four hit the city, including one that struck a home.



Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
IDF Head of Military Intelligence: Israel’s qualitative military superiority and other traditional assets are being eroded

In operational terms, the war in Gaza is a wake-up call regarding the challenges of multi-front war, including simultaneous attacks on several fronts, disrupting trade and supply routes.

With Iran’s help, Israel’s enemies are increasing their ability to wage long wars of attrition. In the shadow of the war in Gaza, there has also been a normalization of firing missiles and drones into Israeli territory by Iran directly and by its various proxies across the region.

The proliferation of aerial threats, and the heightened ground threats on the borders, offset Israel’s qualitative and quantitative advantages. It is difficult for Israel to use crushing force to secure quick and decisive victory, highlighting gaps in its military structure and weaponry.

These external challenges for Israel are exacerbated by its internal divisions. The state faces an ongoing political crisis, paralysis of governance, and the weakening of the state with respect to legislation, policy planning and implementation, and law. These trends project weakness and undermine deterrence to our enemies. The damage to Israeli democracy also harms relations with Western allies. Above all, infighting undermines national resilience.

Israel faces an unequal sharing of the national burden, socioeconomic gaps, the deterioration of education in science and innovation, and the lack of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) integration into the labor market. These threaten to collapse Israel’s economy in the coming decades and to severely damage the remnants of the “people’s army”, welfare policy, and governance. Economic decline means less resources for defense and reduced soft power and international status.

You can follow same trends of internal political turmoils and economical challenges in US, some EU countries (specially France) and UK. And IMO the arms race that US has embraced against China and their crazy expenditures in the Russian war and Israel one are pushing US into the edge. If MENA region states and China stops buying their debt suddenly US will fall bankrupt. But none it is interested in such thing because all the world economy would collapse. Anyway seems that the economic and political contradictions of Israel are upon the edge. US cannot pay all military chokepoints in Far East, Middle East and Europe. So Taiwan, Ukraine or Israel must are walking to their gallows.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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You can follow same trends of internal political turmoils and economical challenges in US, some EU countries (specially France) and UK. And IMO the arms race that US has embraced against China and their crazy expenditures in the Russian war and Israel one are pushing US into the edge. If MENA region states and China stops buying their debt suddenly US will fall bankrupt. But none it is interested in such thing because all the world economy would collapse. Anyway seems that the economic and political contradictions of Israel are upon the edge. US cannot pay all military chokepoints in Far East, Middle East and Europe. So Taiwan, Ukraine or Israel must are walking to their gallows.
US and Israel are not comparable. US is huge country of 350 million population secured by massive oceans and if needed can be totally self sufficient, it doesn't need any other country. Israel is a tiny entity of 7 million Jews living with 2 million Palestinians, committing genocide against another 2 million Palestinians in Gaza and occupying/slowly annexing another 2 million Palestinians in the West Bank. With irreconcilable tension and confusion of national identity between secular liberalism or messianic settlers. Totally surrounded by non-Jews with no strategic depth and reliant on protection/support of USA and other Western powers. It is most (and uniquely) vulnerable to these trends

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Yemen reopens Sana'a airport

3 days ago the Ansarallah military spokesperson tweeted a cryptic message "3 days". Today we understand this message related to a deadline Ansarallah had given Saudi Arabia to return Yemen's Hajj pilgrims to Sana'a, not Aden, or else all airports in Saudi Arabia would be closed by Yemeni missiles. Yesterday the Yemeni pilgrims returned to Sana'a instead of Aden.



Full Member
Apr 1, 2024
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Yemen reopens Sana'a airport

3 days ago the Ansarallah military spokesperson tweeted a cryptic message "3 days". Today we understand this message related to a deadline Ansarallah had given Saudi Arabia to return Yemen's Hajj pilgrims to Sana'a, not Aden, or else all airports in Saudi Arabia would be closed by Yemeni missiles. Yesterday the Yemeni pilgrims returned to Sana'a instead of Aden.

Ansarallah are badasses in the truest sense. 😂


Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
US and Israel are not comparable. US is huge country of 350 million population secured by massive oceans and if needed can be totally self sufficient, it doesn't need any other country. Israel is a tiny entity of 7 million Jews living with 2 million Palestinians, committing genocide against another 2 million Palestinians in Gaza and occupying/slowly annexing another 2 million Palestinians in the West Bank. With irreconcilable tension and confusion of national identity between secular liberalism or messianic settlers. Totally surrounded by non-Jews with no strategic depth and reliant on protection/support of USA and other Western powers. It is most (and uniquely) vulnerable to these trends
Well, I am not comparing US with Israel. Just saying that US won´t have money to pay Netanyahu genocide, maintain Taiwan´s status and Ukraine-Russian war, while making white elephants like US Carriers and trillionaire bombers. There is not money for everything... so Israel is writting their future with invisible ink...

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Well, I am not comparing US with Israel. Just saying that US won´t have money to pay Netanyahu genocide, maintain Taiwan´s status and Ukraine-Russian war, while making white elephants like US Carriers and trillionaire bombers. There is not money for everything... so Israel is writting their future with invisible ink...
Certainly their national debt will eventually reach unsustainable levels. But then if they fail the entire world economy will be affected.

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