Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

There is something that bothers me is the fact that for the moment the Hezbollah air defense is non-existent. We should see at least hundreds of anti-aircraft guns to defend the population. More than 20 years of preparation with Iran is nothing for the moment? Hidden card to come? A lot of sacrifice for such a hidden card.

Without counting more sophisticated air defense system, I am starting to get impatient on this subject. 20 years of preparation without any of this? hard to believe
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Yeah but interceptors are not something that can be made, shipped and supplied overnight

Especially with the Ukes demanding money and weapons in their losing fight against the Russians
Ukrainians are disposable fodder for the West; slavs killing slavs, the more that die on both sides the better in western logic.
"Israel" will always be a priority over anything and everything else for them. They have been airlifting billions of dollars of worth bombs to "Israel," so unless that air bridge can be disrupted I doubt they will have a major issue resupplying interceptor. They will also likely try to strike production sites in Lebanon and Syria at the same time.
Ukrainians are disposable fodder for the West; slavs killing slavs, the more that die on both sides the better for the West. "Israel" will always be a priority over anything and everything else for them.
They have been airlifting billions of dollars of worth bombs to "Israel," so unless that air bridge can be disrupted I doubt they will have a major issue resupplying interceptor. They will also likely try to strike production sites in Lebanon and Syria at the same time.

Interceptors are not simple products, they are hoping they won't need resupply, but they most likely will, making hundreds of not thousands of interceptors, then getting them shipped, sent to systems across Israel is not a quick task
There is something that bothers me is the fact that for the moment the Hezbollah air defense is non-existent. We should see at least hundreds of anti-aircraft guns to defend the population. More than 20 years of preparation with Iran is nothing for the moment? Hidden card to come? A lot of sacrifice for such a hidden card.

Without counting more sophisticated air defense system, I am starting to get impatient on this subject. 20 years of preparation without any of this? hard to believe
It is easy for Israel to hit air defense radars in Lebanon.

it appears Hezbollah's plan is to wait out intense weeks of mass bombing then regroup and assert themselves more

Israel cannot maintain this insane bombing rate for too long, it's incredibly expensive and logistically challenging. 2000 bombs in one day... e

Tamir interceptor is made in US as well. Like I said US and Europe are providing them unlimited material support. If you want to drain the interceptor supply you will have to outproduce all the factories around the world, not just in "Israel."
Don't be suspicious, it take weeks to build those missiles, and more time to pack them and send them to Israel.
There is something that bothers me is the fact that for the moment the Hezbollah air defense is non-existent. We should see at least hundreds of anti-aircraft guns to defend the population. More than 20 years of preparation with Iran is nothing for the moment? Hidden card to come? A lot of sacrifice for such a hidden card.

Without counting more sophisticated air defense system, I am starting to get impatient on this subject. 20 years of preparation without any of this? hard to believe
Completely agree. Moreover we saw some weeks ago parts of a Sayyad missile in Lebanon that was launched against a F16. Where are those SAM systems?. Could be stored for a protracted war?.🤔
It is easy for Israel to hit air defense radars in Lebanon.
Too easy comment. There are radars of different dimensions, optical cameras too. So easy to destroy when you have nothing to destroy. No, there are some things to dig here or they are waiting for a global war to bring out their defense machines.

Where are the hundreds of anti-aircraft guns?
Too easy comment. There are radars of different dimensions, optical cameras too. So easy to destroy when you have nothing to destroy. No, there are some things to dig here or they are waiting for a global war to bring out their defense machines.

Where are the hundreds of anti-aircraft guns?
anti-aircraft guns and optical cameras are for low altitude. Its not useful.

Most of the Israeli fighter jets don't even enter Lebanon, they easily shoot from Israel to anywhere they want in Lebanon

some conflicting reports about this. looks like a senior commander and a few others were killed by Israel in Beirut today. but this guy was not on the Shura Council or Jihad Council.

we will almost certainly see more assassinations of Jihad Council members in the coming days.

nonetheless, these assassinations of senior commanders in Beirut are a daily occurrence. how many more assassinations in Beirut until these guys start to take better precautions and stop hanging out in Beirut residential high rises?! this is full blown war, they need to be in tunnels 24/7 and in groups of 2-3 at the most
Hezbollah used Fadi-3 for the first time

Fadi 1 and 2 are like Fajr-3 and Syrian M302. wonder what Fadi-3 is

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