Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Still no trace of artillery jets and yet there should be a lot of them. This is completely abnormal, even terrorists would launch a defense with artillery jets. Abnormal in times of war but not abnormal if it is wanted
Hezbollah did not receive the Mesbah 1 and other artillery cannons from Iran???? Is this the biggest joke in bad taste that we have ever seen in times of war?


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The Hezbollah response has been very mysterious and peculiar. What has taken place behind the scenes in the last 2-3 months that causing Iran and the resistance to be so cautious to the point of cowardice.
America will launch a campaign against Iran in the next 3 years sensing weakness and we can carry the ayatollahs dead body over our heads then.

No nukes cuz it's Haram. No retaliation cuz of "strategy". Strategy and Haram only in application to save the balls of the leadership.
Well o hope you are right.
My post was not about being 'wrong' or 'right' (the naggers have monopolized that.. :D ). My post was about never ever playing into the hands of Zionist propaganda. My post was also about keeping a firm hand and to wait to see what really has happened and what will unfold. All these comments are garbage based on zero.

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