Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

India is the biggest fake news factory in the world, nothing from them is trustworthy

Bangladesh should in general protect all of its population regardless of background, but this is a chance for Bangladesh to clean house and get rid of hindutva extremists within the ranks working for india

Indians are now infamous for fakery.

They have uploaded literally millions of fake videos.

They have even got involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict. They have uploaded more fake videos about Palestinians than zionists!

So they are now hated from the Surma river to the river Jordan!

Quite an achievement!
What's the danger of an Islamist takeover? Fundamentalist religious Hindutva has ruled India since 2014. Before poking their noses on others the Andh-Bhakts should be more concerned about their country.

About zero.

BD does not do religious extremism.
About zero.

BD does not do religious extremism.

Have you forgotten the bombings that led to 1/11?

Do you really think Younus and BNP can contain the Islamists - who - even by your own estimate - number 10s of millions?

They sure couldn’t last time!
Have you forgotten the bombings that led to 1/11?

Do you really think Younus and BNP can contain the Islamists - who - even by your own estimate - number 10s of millions?

They sure couldn’t last time!

What is wrong with being an Islamist in a Muslim majority country? Is it a crime? If India has a Hindu nationalist in power, why can't Bangladesh?
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What is wrong with being an Islamist in a Muslim majority country? Is it a crime? If India has a Hindu nationalists in power, why can't Bangladesh?

If our ancestors wanted us to emulate India - they wouldn’t have fought for independence.

Sultanate of Bengal was a prosperous beacon of tolerance - attracting traders and immigrants from everywhere.

E.g. Mughals had Hindus in high positions.

Our ancestors fought to recreate that history NOT create the Islamic republic of Bangladesh!!!

We were a pluralistic society in terms of language and religion.

We have BAL who want to create Bengali Chetona fascism. And BNP/Jamat who want to create Islamist fascism.

I reject both!!

I want what our ancestors fought for!!!

A pluralistic and tolerant society based on Mughal culture.

If our ancestors wanted us to emulate India - they wouldn’t have fought for independence.

Sultanate of Bengal was a prosperous beacon of tolerance - attracting traders and immigrants from everywhere.

E.g. Mughals had Hindus in high positions.

Our ancestors fought to recreate that history NOT create the Islamic republic of Bangladesh!!!

We were a pluralistic society in terms of language and religion.

We have BAL who want to create Bengali Chetona fascism. And BNP/Jamat who want to create Islamist fascism.

I reject both!!

I want what our ancestors fought for!!!

A pluralistic and tolerant society based on Mughal culture.


I don't know where you are from or what your background is. But it doesn't quite answer the question. I think of the Mughals as stupid and complacent.

Understand that before the Imperial British came, there was no such thing as identity politics in the sub-continent. Hindus and Muslims lived together. At best, they viewed each other's practices as alien. But not hostile under the current spectrum of identity politics. The very idea of identity politics was inserted by none other than the Imperial British. It takes a certain level of civilization and technological level to insert the idea of identity politics into the minds of subjects. The Imperial British succeeded in that.

Fast forward to today, Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country leaving behind a long and bitter history. And being a Muslim-majority country, there will be certain values that this society follow regardless of being religious or irreligious.

Now you say you do not want to see Jamaat? Is it specifically Jamaat or any Islamist for that matter? Regardless, if they want to participate in elections and are confident of getting votes, then who is to stop them? India? (hell no). Let them have their say in parliament along with other members from other parties. This will apply to any party be it religious or secular. Even AL are welcome as long as nobody engages in violence (though I doubt they will even exist). I believe this is what Bangladeshis largely want. I know I do.

From my experience, it is usually best to come out of the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia and move forward to a better future. Trust me.
If our ancestors wanted us to emulate India - they wouldn’t have fought for independence.

Sultanate of Bengal was a prosperous beacon of tolerance - attracting traders and immigrants from everywhere.

E.g. Mughals had Hindus in high positions.

Our ancestors fought to recreate that history NOT create the Islamic republic of Bangladesh!!!

We were a pluralistic society in terms of language and religion.

We have BAL who want to create Bengali Chetona fascism. And BNP/Jamat who want to create Islamist fascism.

I reject both!!

I want what our ancestors fought for!!!

A pluralistic and tolerant society based on Mughal culture.


There is no BNP-jamaat synonym. And no, BNP don't want to create islamist facism.
You say that you don't support AL and Hassina. Because that would instantly discredit you here, but then you constantly propagating the same false narrative about BNP that Hassina and BAL has been spewing for years.


So, you have to either shill for BNP or BAL? Or you cannot have an opinion?


@UKBengali by my reckoning 1/3 of BD people belong to neither tribe. This is why we need PR otherwise we will be stuck with the poisonous two clan chalice!
No. The problem is running with Hassina's age old propaganda about others.

Anything you don’t like is propaganda!

I am just stating facts!

There is a reason why 1/11 happened.

Those bombings weren’t done by the holy ghosts!
It’s like saying RSS is separate from BJP 😂

That's a nonsense comparison.

BNP and Jamaat are not in alliance now. Their political ideology are completely different. BNP is secular whereas Jamaat wants to abide by Islamic principles. If anything, BNP and BAL are more similar in ideology than Jamaat.

Jamaat and BNP has their history of fighting and killing each others' party men.
That's a nonsense comparison.

BNP and Jamaat are not in alliance now. Their political ideology are completely different. BNP is secular whereas Jamaat wants to abide by Islamic principles. If anything, BNP and BAL are more similar in ideology than Jamaat.

Jamaat and BNP has their history of fighting and killing each others' party men.

Yes! Secular party adds prayer to the constitution?!!

And don’t blame BAL for not reversing it! Religion is like opium - very hard to wean people off it!!

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