Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

This forum has very few active members

If you feel you are being Defamed, take it up with twitter

If I don't post something, will it mean that Everything is fine after your Revolution
Oh, you can post anything from anywhere. But, you must come with paperworks when challenged. This is a forum, not social media site.
And revolution is a bloody thing. Current government is just over a month old. Yet they have managing BD remarkably better than the BAL dictatorship ever did.
Oh, you can post anything from anywhere. But, you must come with paperworks when challenged. This is a forum, not social media site.
And revolution is a bloody thing. Current government is just over a month old. Yet they have managing BD remarkably better than the BAL dictatorship ever did.

What do you mean by Paperwork

If you don't want Twitter links here ,get Twitter banned on this Forum

But the Reality will not change
What do you mean by Paperwork

If you don't want Twitter links here ,get Twitter banned on this Forum

But the Reality will not change

Twitter / X is now run by a far right crazy man. It now peddles even more fake news than before.

You cannot use that as primary source.

You have to back it up with established and respected sources like London Economist, BBC, CNN, Wapo etc
Indian media and Right-wing blog sphere is full of articles like the one below:

Let me first define Islamism and Islamist. (Same definition applies to Hinduvta!)

Anyone who engages in actions to promote their religious views on others and/or wants to use the instruments of state to enforce religious practices - is an Islamist.

Whilst I don’t think Islamists will be able to use the central government apparatus to enforce their diktats - I do think they will be able to use local government powers e.g. permits for loud speakers to spew nonsense. They will also be able to modify the school curriculum and intimidate teachers.

And generally intimidate cultural Muslims who do not want to practice Islam 24/7.

This is why many stuck to Hasina until the bitter end. And are still in fear.

The weak Younus still hasn’t provided any reassurances!!!

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer
Bangladeshis should immediately make a new political party which is neither pro India nor pro America, nor Pro Saudi nor Pro anything. There needs to be a political party which would represent and work for the well being of everyone regardless of whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, religious or irreligious. Ultraliberalism is a curse for Bangladesh as Shahbagis are working as Indian and western foot soldiers to implement LGBTQ, Free sex, ultrafeminism and all sort of garbage in Bangladesh. Similarly religious fundamentalist parties are dangerous as they would turn Bangladesh into Taliban ruled Afghanistan.

A new party is needed in Bangladesh asap.
Bangladeshis should immediately make a new political party which is neither pro India nor pro America, nor Pro Saudi nor Pro anything. There needs to be a political party which would represent and work for the well being of everyone regardless of whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, religious or irreligious. Ultraliberalism is a curse for Bangladesh as Shahbagis are working as Indian and western foot soldiers to implement LGBTQ, Free sex, ultrafeminism and all sort of garbage in Bangladesh. Similarly religious fundamentalist parties are dangerous as they would turn Bangladesh into Taliban ruled Afghanistan.

A new party is needed in Bangladesh asap.

Under PR you don’t need or get one party.

You end up with loads of small parties - forced to compromise.
Means reputable source for verification.

As I said, you can post any social media post here. But, you must come up with authentic source when challenged.

Post vaild source then talk about reality.

You can ignore my posts and Twitter too
You can ignore my posts and Twitter too

You can post an opinion but you cannot post fake news!

Simple really.

Freedom of speech. YES.

Fake news, no!

E.g. you can say, in your opinion minorities are being targeted. What you cannot say is that it is based on fact - unless you can back it up with reliable sources.

Social media are not reliable sources as they do not have rigorous editorial standards!

Yes! Secular party adds prayer to the constitution?!!

And don’t blame BAL for not reversing it! Religion is like opium - very hard to wean people off it!!

You are as impulsive as you are ignorant. I suggest that you take some time off from technology and read some good books to educate yourself.
Can we give this thread a rest and come back in one year. We can all use some laugh. Indian neighbors always provide that.

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