Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Time


Sep 18, 2024
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Although, the article is very old, it’s nevertheless important to prepare for such scenario, especially given the latest string of terror attacks and genocide against arabs.

It’s difficult to validate this kind of rumours, but IMO it’s very likely Israel is researching such biological weapons. One has to ask self, why has Israel made DNA tests illegal?

Ukrainians have been doing the same thing lately.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! Not an inkling of scientific understanding, aptitude or knowledge in making such a post. FreePalestine is not only speed limited but brain limited as well.
i guess It will be called Genetic bomb, it will look for semite Genes to kill people
Although, the article is very old, it’s nevertheless important to prepare for such scenario, especially given the latest string of terror attacks and genocide against arabs.

It’s difficult to validate this kind of rumours, but IMO it’s very likely Israel is researching such biological weapons. One has to ask self, why has Israel made DNA tests illegal?

That is Fringe level shit.....
Someone talking about this when I was in school few years ago. Just imagine the consequences if someone was able to do it.
That is Fringe level shit.....
I’m sure someone said the same about the supply chain sabotage in the past.

They don’t have to be successful in creating such terror weapon, but the research itself is terrifying and highlights the length Israel is willing to go for its illegal occupation. Should such rogue regime even be in possession of nuclear weapons?
Guys, this is not possible as there are many Arabs in the settler entity’s Jewish population.
i guess It will be called Genetic bomb, it will look for semite Genes to kill people
Many Arabs and Jews are closely related. More than 70% of Jewish men and half of the Arab men whose DNA was studied inherited their Y chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors who lived in the region within the last few thousand years.
After those pagers blew up, Jews have suddenly become 20 foot taller. LOL!

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