It has been learned that there is an “unprecedented crisis” in the European automobile industry

He is asking why do you like to live in the west. Even when China is so much better.

Because it's my right. Because I like it.
Revenue is not profit. VW has far more expense than revenue. When expense > revenue, they go bankrupt.
No they dont. They make Billions in profits every year. $22 billion last year.

So you don't like to stay in China ?. Great !.

Start appreciating the West, who allowed you to stay in their land.

Why should I appreciate the West? I don't owe anything to the West.
USA is dropping empire provinces to keep calm down China.

2015 Article of Soros:

Europe is no longer needed since USSR collapsed. And his richness is dangerous when energy and raw materials start to run out.

The better move for USA is give Europe to Russia.

It will happen in the next Trump administration I guess.
@Viet @Hamartia Antidote @Sharma Ji

It's kinda expected. After the Cold War, Europe became more and more socialist and less and less efficient. No socialist country has ever succeeded. Every socialist country has failed. Under socialism, no one has the incentive to work.
The percentage of russian cars in Europe is close to 0. The market share of Chinese cars is rising but not that big yet.

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