It's in China or Russia? Both are right


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Nov 4, 2011
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It's in China or Russia? Both are right.

China and Russia border citie, people are in Russia city Blagoveshchensk, the Chinese flag and highrise buildings are in China's Heihe city.

China-Russia border town, Heihe in autumn, October. 19 2023
Beautiful China-Russia border River

China has 14 land neighbors, almost all of them have very cordial relations with China, India is the only country out of 14 that China has a hostile border with.

China has a long land border and has 14 neighboring countries in total : Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam.
So excited to see Chinese national flag from a Russian street

China and Russia border citie, people are in Russia city Blagoveshchensk, the Chinese flag and highrise buildings are in China's Heihe city.
Cross border marriages between the neighboring villages are becoming increasingly common, these villagers are next door neighbors, yet belong to two different countries.
Marrying your neighbors makes it convenient to go back to visit each others' parents after the marriage.
The international borders are blurred in this region.

Russian girl living in China-Russia border city Heihe speaks perfect Chinese and use Weixin for everything
Many Russians live and work in China-Russia border regions, many of the younger generation Russians in these regions speak perfect Chinese and use Weixin App for everything.

China- Russia Heihe Border river
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China is on the other side of the river! Cities at the China-Russia Border! From the Russia side

Russian crowds gather on the Russian side of the border rivre bank to enjoy fireworks from the Chinese side
In long winter time, this border river just disappers...

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China-Russia visa free policy, Russian kids love to cross into China for breakfast, it takes only 5 minutes to cross the border

Russian kids love Chinese steamed buns for breakfast
Lots of Russians cross the border river to vist China every day, Many Russians live in border regions can speak some Chinese
Russian girls cross border into China's Harbin city to have fun
Janurary. 11 . 2024
Harbin city is dubbed as "China's Russia city" due to its Russian style architecture all over the city, they were built by the huge Russian exile diaspora who fled Russia and settled down in Harbin after the Russia Revolution 100 years ago.

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