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J-31 to be inducted soon


Nov 9, 2014

Shenyang Aircraft Corporation Unveils Details of New Chinese J-31B Fifth-Generation Fighter.​

Please not here again, otherwise the fan-boys again will go mad

Exactly what I said ... a stupid model was placed into a TV-report - either intentionally or by mistake - and now all are jumping the party without using their brain!
There is no larger J-31B and it does not have a side-bay ... it's just a stupid wrong model/CG!

Already too late as it seems:

i said it many times, i will say it again.. J31 will be inducted before dec 2026

Based on a wrong a false CG in the CHinese TV? :ROFLMAO: 🤡


Think Tank
Dec 26, 2005
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The doubters keep doubting and the Paf keeps proving them wrong---.

It has happened so many times before and yet the critics keep coming back and want to be proven wrong---.

We don't know what is the final design and spec of the j31 to speculate if its cutting edge or not, also the ws19 engine for it is not ready, in a decade time the plane will be upgraded even more, 5.5++ generation j31 with high possibility of ws19 being ready. Sounds perfect.

As to the final specs---we won't know till many years into the induction---and still we won't---.

We will be living on speculations---tidbits from here and there---begging for information but none will be coming forth.

And as for the cutting edge---it will only be for the enemy to find out when the time came and for us to strut around---.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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We don't know what is the final design and spec of the j31 to speculate if its cutting edge or not, also the ws19 engine for it is not ready, in a decade time the plane will be upgraded even more, 5.5++ generation j31 with high possibility of ws19 being ready. Sounds perfect.

This is going to be PLAAN's aircraft carrier fighter and so of course there will be no compromise in terms of the latest cutting edge technology.

Only question is when WS-19 will be ready but the WS-13E with 90kN of thrust can be used as interim engine.


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Chinese media shows a video in which a new variant of J-31/35 stealth aircraft is aired. The new jet is reportedly named as ‘J-31B’.The J-31B will have sideways internal bays for carrying more long range bvr missiles, enhanced EW capabilities and other features which aren't revealed yet.The J-31B appears significantly larger than base variant. This 5th generation medium-sized stealth fighter is independently under development by SAC.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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This is going to be PLAAN's aircraft carrier fighter and so of course there will be no compromise in terms of the latest cutting edge technology.

Only question is when WS-19 will be ready but the WS-13E with 90kN of thrust can be used as interim engine.
For the PAF, should we assume this is the current design? If this plane got more powerful WS-19 engines, would we see any major external changes? If not can’t the planes be procured with the current engines used on the JF-17 and be swapped out for the WS-19 when they become available (and have the RD-93 engines go to the pool of engines for the JF-17)?



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
For the PAF, should we assume this is the current design? If this plane got more powerful WS-19 engines, would we see any major external changes? If not can’t the planes be procured with the current engines used on the JF-17 and be swapped out for the WS-19 when they become available (and have the RD-93 engines go to the pool of engines for the JF-17)?

View attachment 53832

Beautiful design. If we get it around 2032 time then its possible an upgraded version of J31 as the technology would be mature by then and Usa and China will be planning first flights for the 6th generation.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Beautiful design. If we get it around 2032 time then its possible an upgraded version of J31 as the technology would be mature by then and Usa and China will be planning first flights for the 6th generation.
I hope China goes for a design modification of a Pelikan Tail with a more canted angle. Personally saw it (and touched it) on the YF-23, and the way it blends in with the body seemed like an elegant solution, which is being adopted by many of the European 5th gen projects.

The tail was just the right size to be able to maneuver the aircraft that it didn’t need thrust vectoring nozzles. That comes in handy because the engine exhausts passed over basically space shuttle like heat absorbing tiles (with small holes to pass cold air through them) over which the hot exhaust was cooled down, bestowing great IR signature suppression.

So much can be done to improve the J-31 design, and considering the YF-23 is probably the inspiration of many of the proposed navy’s NGAD designs, adopting some of these improvements for the PLANAF’s J-35 might be a good option in a future variant.

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Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
No need to rush, PAF should wait for WS-19, as much advancement in it's radar and avionics to create J-35 levels of situational awareness and then go for the premier version. J-10C and F-16s can hold the line for next 5 years

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