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Jf 17 replaces mirages for nuclear role.


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Jun 11, 2024
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Where as JF-17s have systematically taken over ADA and CAP duities from the F-16s in several sectors, it's prudent for it to adopt and supersede strike roles from other platforms. Mirages for example could carry a single Exocet or an ALCM on the centre station, whereas JF-17 can mount two CM-802 or CM-400 or ALCMs.... One under each wing.


Jan 3, 2024
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Are cruise missiles even an effective detterance?
Their terrain hugging suppose to make it harder to intercept but that's simply not the case anymore


Jun 27, 2024
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I have to say that the JF-17 has tremendous potential. To mass produce this craft and install newest technology means a potent Air Force. Only concern would be the Baker seats. Having western components might invite sanctions if Pakistan ever went astray. Something to ponder about.


Research Partner
May 15, 2006
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I think the J-10Cs will be an ideal replacement for the Mirage in the strategic role given both are delta wings.
I think PAF would set the KAAN as its ideal... a large twin-engine fighter with (potentially) a large enough internal bay to carry 1-2 ALCMs. Until then, however, it'll need to use the JF-17, J-10CE, and J-31.

I have to say that the JF-17 has tremendous potential. To mass produce this craft and install newest technology means a potent Air Force. Only concern would be the Baker seats. Having western components might invite sanctions if Pakistan ever went astray. Something to ponder about.
Western (esp. ITAR) inputs are a challenge until you have a decent alternative lined up. There was a time, for example, when no Western OEM would even broach the topic of selling the PAF radars, avionics (esp. EW/ECM), etc, for use on the JF-17. Today? It's a different story, especially with the Europeans (albeit backed by the UK) marketing their wares for use on the Thunder.

Yes, they will freeze deliveries during a conflict, but will likely resume their sales quickly after the fight. Pakistan would generally engage in short-term fights (spanning weeks at most), so new munition supplies are the premium, not new platforms. That's why there's a huge focus now on localizing the production of PGBs, AAMs, and SAMs.
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Apr 22, 2024
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Are cruise missiles even an effective detterance?
Their terrain hugging suppose to make it harder to intercept but that's simply not the case anymore
Thats why jf 17 factor makes its interesting PAF can deploy all jf 17 to protect those jf 17 who is carrying nuclear ALCM to make safe passage for them to bypass enemy defense line since you dont know which one is carrying nuclear ALCM. IT can give tactical advantage over any other aircraft since its in mass production.


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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The Taimoor ALCM (Air Launched Cruise Missile) boasts an impressive range of 1,200 km and a total mass of under 1,200 kg. Unveiled at the 2022 International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS), this advanced missile not only functions as an air-launched cruise missile but is also reportedly poised to serve as a next-generation Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (ASCM), highlighting Pakistan's innovative strides in military technology.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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The Taimoor ALCM (Air Launched Cruise Missile) boasts an impressive range of 1,200 km and a total mass of under 1,200 kg. Unveiled at the 2022 International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS), this advanced missile not only functions as an air-launched cruise missile but is also reportedly poised to serve as a next-generation Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (ASCM), highlighting Pakistan's innovative strides in military technology.
View attachment 53159

It is a beauty, isn't it?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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For the first time, a Pakistani JF-17 plane was spotted carrying RAAD nuclear weapons under its wings.


A JF-17 carrying a RAAD missile, Pakistan's only nuclear-capable air-launched cruise missile (ALCM).


Think Tank
Dec 26, 2005
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I am surprised that people know it now---.

JF17 has been seen flying with a center mounted heavy cruise missile a long long time ago---.

And the readers that did not anticipate on it being nuc capable---it is their fault---. Paf did it right in front of their faces and yet----.

I think the J-10Cs will be an ideal replacement for the Mirage in the strategic role given both are delta wings.

The JF17 is designed for low low flight. It is the true replacement for the mirages---.

The J-10C's have a different role---.


Think Tank
Dec 26, 2005
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I have to say that the JF-17 has tremendous potential. To mass produce this craft and install newest technology means a potent Air Force. Only concern would be the Baker seats. Having western components might invite sanctions if Pakistan ever went astray. Something to ponder about.

Sanction on the seat---that won't happen but if they did---then the chinese option is available---.

There is not much that the west can sanction on aircraft now---. Won't serve no purpose---.


Jul 4, 2024
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I am surprised that people know it now---.

JF17 has been seen flying with a center mounted heavy cruise missile a long long time ago---.

And the readers that did not anticipate on it being nuc capable---it is their fault---. Paf did it right in front of their faces and yet----.


The JF17 is designed for low low flight. It is the true replacement for the mirages---.

The J-10C's have a different role---.
What is The payload carrying capacity of the Mirage III and Mirage IV. Indian Air Force cannot replace the Mirage 2000 with the Tejas Mk1A because the Tejas MK1A has a payload capacity of only 5.3 tons, compared to the 6.3 tons of the Mirage 2000. As a result, the development of the Tejas Mk2, with a more powerful engine and a payload capacity of 6.5 tons, was initiated. The Tejas Mk2 is intended to replace the Mirage 2000, Mig-29 and Jaguars in the next 10 years.


Think Tank
Dec 31, 2023
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I am surprised that people know it now---.

JF17 has been seen flying with a center mounted heavy cruise missile a long long time ago---.

And the readers that did not anticipate on it being nuc capable---it is their fault---. Paf did it right in front of their faces and yet----.


The JF17 is designed for low low flight. It is the true replacement for the mirages---.

The J-10C's have a different role---.
When was it seen with payload on center point? Any images


Apr 22, 2024
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I am surprised that people know it now---.

JF17 has been seen flying with a center mounted heavy cruise missile a long long time ago---.

And the readers that did not anticipate on it being nuc capable---it is their fault---. Paf did it right in front of their faces and yet----.


The JF17 is designed for low low flight. It is the true replacement for the mirages---.

The J-10C's have a different role---.
We all knew it but international osint highlighting it makes a different hype for it since we claiming it can make it conflict of interest. As you can see PL 15 debate is hot topic nowdays.

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