JF-17 - Updates, News & Discussion

I was expecting to new info. I’m wondering what’s the point of the proposed/ speculated news here since Pakistan already has the bigger alternative that j10c is…
Pakistan can't afford to shut down production line of JF 17. Hence PFX program
PFX is likely to become PAC's Al-Khalid 2.
No one knows what the PFX programme is because PAF has not defined it. It is all guesswork and speculation. My guess is more local content to go from 56% to closer to 100% and integration of Turkish munitions and systems.
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No one knows what the PFX programme is because PAF has not defined it. It is all guesswork and speculation. My guess is more local content to go from 56% to close to 100 and integration of Turkish munitions and systems.
It's for sure as hell not that. And they pretty much described it on 23rd March Parade. They way they described it it's either a very heavily upgraded version of JF-17 or something new.
No one knows what the PFX programme is because PAF has not defined it. It is all guesswork and speculation. My guess is more local content to go from 56% to close to 100 and integration of Turkish munitions and systems.

1-The way I see it is that Pakistan doesn't want to lose all the effort it's put into the JF17 project, all the people it's trained and infrastructure and support systems it's put into place

2-At the moment it will likely continue to upgrade as many upgradeable JF17s to block 3 and fulfill any export orders their may be

3- The PFX project will more then likely seek to buy out the Chinese partner, so Pakistan has much more control over the project

4- This allows Pakistan to incorporate it's own technology and systems as well as joint systems it can produce with Turkey or even China and it can do so with total freedom and no restrictions or reliance, not event on China

5- So whilst the PFX project will need to keep pace with new developments, it's unlikely to be some super-duper 5th gen super plane.
But more a follow on from the JF17 project to have a Pakistani made plane that Pakistan has full control over, can make as many as it needs and can work on different systems and technology to be incorporated

Pakistan has gone down a similar route for the navy, where it's working on multiple systems, and seeks to purchase ships or make ships like the Jinnah class or the recent ships made in Romania where it can add multiple of its own Internal systems
It's for sure as hell not that. And they pretty much described it on 23rd March Parade. They way they described it it's either a very heavily upgraded version of JF-17 or something new.
Most likely very heavily upgraded version of JF17 like Gripen-E, something new needs lots of time and $$$ to complete SOMETHING NEW
Most likely very heavily upgraded version of JF17 like Gripen-E, something new needs lots of time and $$$ to complete SOMETHING NEW

Stealth profiling may not require a total redesign
Most likely very heavily upgraded version of JF17 like Gripen-E, something new needs lots of time and $$$ to complete SOMETHING NEW

The Gripen E is bigger and heavier than the Gripen C, essentially an almost new design with most of the systems being upgraded or replaced with new ones. Doing that to the JF-17 is beyond the capability of the aerospace industry in Pakistan, which hasn't attempted anything of that magnitude.
Regarding JF17 PFX, Can some knowledgeable inform precisely?

1. Is there any concrete evidence or reliable source confirming the existence of PFX, or is it merely a speculation based on a PowerPoint slide image?

2. Is PFX an upgrade program designed for existing JF-17 aircraft nearing their service life, similar to the MLU program?

3. Is PFX a modified version of the JF-17 Block-3, incorporating technologies from Turkey and other countries?

4. Is PFX an upgraded version of the JF-17, akin to the Block-4 upgrade?

5. Is PFX a larger and more advanced version of the JF-17, similar to the transition from Gripen C to Gripen E?
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Well PFX will have low obsrvability definitely as its been designed for future air fields
How do we have the capability to convert JF-17 into low observability platform aka STEALTH without any foreign help (China or Turkiye) I don't think we have the capability for converting JF-17 into low observability (stealth) platform with ourselves and it will also needs lot of $$$ and time to complete 😉 😀 😜
Regarding JF17 PFX, Can some knowledgeable inform precisely?

1. Is there any concrete evidence or reliable source confirming the existence of PFX, or is it merely a speculation based on a PowerPoint slide image?

2. Is PFX an upgrade program designed for existing JF-17 aircraft nearing their service life, similar to the MLU program?

3. Is PFX a modified version of the JF-17 Block-3, incorporating technologies from Turkey and other countries?

4. Is PFX an upgraded version of the JF-17, akin to the Block-4 upgrade?

5. Is PFX a larger and more advanced version of the JF-17, similar to the transition from Gripen C to Gripen E?

I think this question or its answer is almost like the "J-31 in Pakistan until late 2025"!

For some - including myself - this JF-17PFX is most likely no. 2 & 3, while others are convinced it something like no. 5 aka a new type, a semi-stealthy JF-17XL-PLUS!

Besides this single report and slide however we know nothing!
The Gripen E is bigger and heavier than the Gripen C, essentially an almost new design with most of the systems being upgraded or replaced with new ones. Doing that to the JF-17 is beyond the capability of the aerospace industry in Pakistan, which hasn't attempted anything of that magnitude.

Yeah, that's why it's starting the process
Infact it started the process a few decades ago and it working with allies like Turkey and China

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