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Jinnah Class Frigate | Updates & Discussion


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Jan 17, 2024
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Nowhere it says about "Steel Cutting" ceremony. Only the contract is awarded. This is understood that KSEW will build JCF. However, Steel Cutting ceremony is not done yet. It's impossible to miss Steel cutting of such an important vessel.

The day we hear the first steel cutting news that will be the first tangible step to whole construction process. Let's not spread misinformation. I myself want JCF construction to start soon. But my wishes are different than reality. Let's hope we hear the news soon :)


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Apr 18, 2011
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Jul 23, 2016
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Can the Anti Ship missles be reloaded while at sea or 2*4 is the entire payload of the ship?


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Jan 17, 2024
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Can the Anti Ship missles be reloaded while at sea or 2*4 is the entire payload of the ship?

Cannot be reloaded. As these missiles are quite heavy. Cranes / elevators at ports are used to load these missiles.


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Feb 5, 2022
i totally forgot, the further following 4 damen OPVs yet to be contracted, the heavier tonnage ones, 2 light+6 heavy
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Mar 9, 2022
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TF-2000 Destroyer Evolves into Anti Air 96 VLS Vessel

Feb 2024:

The TF-2000-class destroyer is a type of anti-air warfare guided-missile destroyer that is currently being developed by the Turkish Naval Institute. This class is designed to counter aerial threats and is equipped to perform various mission functions, including command, control, communications, reconnaissance, early warning, surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and electronic warfare.


On December 5, 2007, the Defence Industry Executive Committee approved the construction of six ships in this class, with four being fixed orders and two as options. In January 2013, it was reported that Turkey planned to acquire a total of eight TF-2000 destroyers, a plan which was confirmed at the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF) in 2021. The development of the TF-2000-class is intended to enhance the Turkish Navy's capabilities in anti-air warfare.

The TF-2000 destroyer is described as having a length of 149 meters, a width of 21.3 meters, a draft of 5.75 meters, a displacement of 8,300 tons, a speed exceeding 26 knots, and a CODOG propulsion system consisting of two gas turbines and alternatively diesel engines.


The primary armament will include a 127mm gun , 25mm STOP guns by Aselsan in turrets, and a 35mm Gokdeniz close-in weapon system (CIWS) at the stern, complemented by a RAM launcher type LEVENT by Roketsan with a capacity of 21 missiles.

For armaments, the TF-2000 is expected to be equipped with 96 vertical launch system (VLS) cells which are divided into two sections, with 32 cells located at the bow behind the main gun and 64 cells at the midship. Comparing with earlier depictions, the design has matured significantly, showing an increase from 64 to 96 VLS cells.

PN related Road Map to Surface Fleet :

"1- Would PN Jinnah class Frigate Project Next Batch with Capabilities of P-282 should also evolve into some thing similar to TF-2000 is the question time should answer.

2- P-282 AShBM or Supersonic Cruise Missile similar to Fatah-2 or YJ-21E Re-branded remains to be seen "
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Mar 9, 2022
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"The TF-2000 class AAW Destroyer has 96 MIDLAS VLS cells. Each MIDLAS cell can carry up to a maximum of 4 HISAR Air Defense Missiles quad-packed. This means each vessel can carry 384 HISAR Missiles in addition to the other active and passive air defense weapons."

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Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Wow, if the specs are accurate this would make Jinnah Frigates almost as heavily armed as IN Destroyers weighing twice as much!


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Jan 17, 2024
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Wow, if the specs are accurate this would make Jinnah Frigates almost as heavily armed as IN Destroyers weighing twice as much!

Which specs you are referring to ? Someone posted Turkish destroyer specs about not the Jinnah frigates. Jinnah frigates will not be as heavily armed. Most likely it will be 16 VLS for SAMs & 4 or 6 Ashms.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Which specs you are referring to ? Someone posted Turkish destroyer specs about not the Jinnah frigates. Jinnah frigates will not be as heavily armed. Most likely it will be 16 VLS for SAMs & 4 or 6 Ashms.

AS3600 Frigate qoutes 32x2 VLS


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Mar 9, 2022
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Pakistan to Start JCF Project with Karachi Shipyard

Pakistan Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) has awarded the contract to Shipyard Karachi, setting the start for constructing the Jinnah Class Frigate.

Pakistan started its first ever indigenously designed and built frigate programme, Jinnah Class Frigate (JCF) AS3400, along with the Turkish Defence Ministry company ASFAT. The construction of this ship is expected to start at the end of this year or start of next year.


JCF is a frigate design project developed jointly by the ASFAT Design Office and the Pakistan Navy’s Platform Design Wing (PDW) to meet the Pakistan Navy’s (PN) operational requirements. The project also includes a technology—transfer Programme initiated by Turkiye for transferring the design know-how of a main combatant warship.


The first vessel of JCF will be constructed in Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KS&EW) Ltd.
JCF will be equipped and designed to defend against air, surface, underwater and asymmetrical threats.


The vessel will accommodate 200 personnel and 4000 nautical mile range by CODAD type of main propulsion configuration.



Turkiye and ASFAT’s role in the ship was decided when the two countries signed the MİLGEM contract. Pakistan Navy received its first MİLGEM Vessel in the Babur Class corvette, PNS Babur (280), just last week.
Pakistan will construct six frigates in total.


ASFAT Showcases Heavily Armed AS3600 Frigate At IDEF 2023​

Turkish defense contractor ASFAT, which is affiliated with the Turkish Ministry of Defense, unveiled a new frigate design called the "AS3600" at the IDEF 2023 defense exhibition held last week in Istanbul.

The AS3600 was unveiled by ASFAT for the first time in IDEF 2023. The model stands out with its extensive armament and sensors. It carries 32×2-cell vertical launch systems and 4×2 surface-to-surface missiles, which are expected to be increased to 4×4.

Speaking to Naval News, ASFAT officials stated that AS3600 is a conceptual design and there is no certain timeline for the project yet. “When we materialize it into something more concrete, we will see how the host navies will define it,” said Mr Sinan Topuz, an ex-Navy Captain, and Director of Strategy and Business Development of ASFAT Inc.

According to the company’s brochure, AS3600 has a high survivability feature for the agile and flexible response to operational requirements. The stealth design provides a low radar cross section (RCS), and the configuration can be modified in accordance with the required principle warfare.

The AS3600 will be 124 meters long, 14.42 meters wide and have a displacement of about 3680 tons. The propulsion configuration will be based on the CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas Turbines) principle, consisting of two diesel engines and a gas turbine unit, which will give the ship a speed of more than 26 knots.


The range of the AS3600 will be 4500 nautical miles with 18 knots, with a 30 days of endurance at sea. The frigate will also have CBRN protection system.

The weapon suite includes two VLS units both have 32 cells, two quadruple launchers for anti-ship missiles, a 76 mm forward gun, Gökdeniz CIWS, a RAM equivalent point defence missile system (probably Roketsan Levent), torpedo launchers, and two 25 mm RWSs.





AS3600 will be compatible with network-centric operations thanks to ADVENT combat management system developed by HAVELSAN. The sensors coupled to the CMS as follows;

  • 3D search radar
  • EO sensors including IRST
  • Fire Control and Illumination radars
  • Navigation and LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) radars
  • EW suite (ESM&ECM)
  • Torpedo Countermeasure system
  • Decoy systems
  • Laser Warning System
  • Hull mounted sonar

ADVENT is a new generation command and control system that responds to the needs of a force-oriented, network-enabled operational approach rather than a single ship. It is possible to access to tactical data link (Link 11, Link 16 and Link 22, SIMPLE, JREAP and VMF) functions fully integrated with ADVENT through all operator consoles. With its decision support systems ADVENT has an architecture that facilitates the speed and correct decision-making process of its user and provides flexible structure in the use of new weapons and sensors. It has been developed in a modular structure that fits in multi-task profiles and other platform types. ADVENT is a platform independent system. With its scalable open architecture structure; ADVENT can be adapt to surface, underwater and air platforms and land facilities.

ADVENT is an advanced CMS, which is more effective, open to technological developments, scalable, secure and network supported. The Turkish Navy believes ADVENT to operate in harmony. ADVENT has become the indispensable Command Control System of the Turkish Navy.

ADVENT has proven itself by successfully completing the TCG KINALIADA, TCG UFUK and TCG BEYKOZ Sea Acceptance Tests and has been operationally used by these platforms. ADVENT will also be used as CMS in TCG BURGAZADA, TCG DERYA, TCG ANADOLU, Barbaros Class and TCG ISTANBUL Frigates platforms and Pakistani and Ukrainian Corvettes.

ADVENT SYS, which took the first step to surface platforms with ADVENT KALYON and to maritime patrol aircraft with ADVENT MARTI; It will continue to add capabilities to submarines with ADVENT MUREN, to surveillance coordination centers with ADVENT UFUK and to unmanned vehicles with ADVENT ROTA.

Firuze Ç. Kızılkayak, System Engineer at HAVELSAN, introduced the ADVENT LINK, which works under the ADVENT CMS, allowing different communication protocols to communicate with each other. This system supports Link 11, Link 16, Link 22, VMF, FFI and Web Service protocols, as well as the Multi-Link Process protocol that enables Link 11, Link 16 and Link 22 to communicate with each other.

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Apr 18, 2011
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Pakistan to Start JCF Project with Karachi Shipyard

Pakistan Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) has awarded the contract to Shipyard Karachi, setting the start for constructing the Jinnah Class Frigate.

Pakistan started its first ever indigenously designed and built frigate programme, Jinnah Class Frigate (JCF) AS3400, along with the Turkish Defence Ministry company ASFAT. The construction of this ship is expected to start at the end of this year or start of next year.

Pakistan will construct six frigates in total.


This article is dated Sep'23. Hence, don't be misled into thinking that building has been delayed.


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Apr 18, 2011
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Wow, if the specs are accurate this would make Jinnah Frigates almost as heavily armed as IN Destroyers weighing twice as much!

As stated in detail on post # 5 on the preceding page, Jinnah class FFGs will be built in batches using AS3400 & AS3600 design & layout features.


Well there are rumors/unconfirmed reports that Jinnah class will be constructed in batches (2+2+4).

Following are the expected tonnage & Weapon Systems:

1st batch - 3400T

VLS - Quad pack 16cells CAMM-ER (~80km) with Sylver-A50/70
CIWS - single GOKDENIZ 35mm gun
PMDS - Levent with 11 cell SAMs
AShCM - Slant Launchers 2x4 (P-282 or CM-302)

2nd Batch - 3600T

VLS - 2 (front & center) Quad pack 16cells CAMM-MR (+100km) with Sylver-A50/70
CIWS - 2 Type 730 guns
PMDS - 16 missile salvo of HHQ-10
AShCM - Slant Launchers 2x4 (P-282 or CM-302)

3rd Batch - 4200T

VLS - 2 (front & center) Quad pack 32cells Siper -B2 (150km) with MIDLAS
CIWS - 1 Type 1130 gun
PMDS - 24 missile salvo of HHQ-10
AShCM - Slant Launchers 4x4 (YJ21)


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Mar 9, 2022
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Turkey's leading engine company, TEI, will perform depot level maintenance and revisions of the American Navy's LM2500 marine gas turbines

Turkey's leading engine company, TEI, will perform depot level maintenance and revisions of the American Navy's LM2500 marine gas turbines.

With the agreement signed with the engine manufacturer GE Marine in 2023, TEI took the first step to become a global maintenance, repair and revision center for LM2500 engines.

According to the statement made by the American Department of Defense, in accordance with the agreement that will last until October 2026, TEI will provide warehouse level maintenance and revision services for the LM2500 engines used by the American Navy during this 14-month period at TEI facilities.Derived from TF39 and CF6-6 aviation engines, the LM2500 is one of the world's most preferred marine gas turbines with a large number of global users.

With this contract, which has a ceiling value of 45.6 million US dollars, TEI has once again proven its global claim not only in aviation engines but also in aviation engine-derived gas turbine maintenance activities.
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