Laugh and the world laughs with you....

Hope that neighbor thing is sorted, and shame that the thread got locked.

I wanted to ask you if that guy had knowledge in your previous involvement with "the movement" .. that could explain some, or a lot.

Either way, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, even if they have some not so nice stuff in their past. We're all sinners, or have been at some stage.

Take care, be safe.
Robert Ferguson, my nextdoor neighbor, should have titled this video:

"60 Year Old Ex-Naval Officer, Ex-Cop Vs. A Nearly Blind, Deaf, And Drunk Former 59 Year Old Former Skinhead"

Allow me to put this video into perspective.

A few hours earlier, I find out, a gut punch, a guy I consider a brother, committed suicide in Dallas, Texas.

Sat on my front porch, drinking beer, recalling the good times we had.


Robert Ferguson threw something at the side of my house. Would have ignored him like all the other times, but for two reasons: Yes, I was drunk, and two, the thump was something Robert threw at my cat Trippy and hit the side of my house.

Yes, I was pissed.

Marched right over to give him my two-cents.

Looks like Robert called the police and I am talking with them.

Cops question me, and let me go.

Must have been really pissed at Robert. I marched right back over to the lot line to give Robert another piece of my mind before the cops had time to drive off.

Remember, I am nearly deaf. Yelling back and forth. Can't make out what Robert is saying, so I walk up closer.

Did I mention I was blind drunk?

One can see I keep pointing between our houses. I am telling Robert to leave my cats alone.

When I went to make another point, my index finger accidentally poked his fat belly. Robert, already cocked and ready, punched me in the face, breaking my eyeglasses and nose.

Next you see me back off and bend over. Blood was running out of my nose.

Ok, no problem, I probably deserved it. Went to look for my eyeglasses in the grass.

Robert walked across his front porch, down his steps, and over near the lot line. Told me I am still on his property, and took another swing at me.

Laugh all you want, but keep in mind, I am nearly blind, deaf, and drunk, looking for my eyeglasses.

I deflect his punch and Robert fell back on his ass.

Went to look for my eyeglasses in another area. Nearly blind, deaf and drunk, see a fat blob start to get up and attack me a third time.

Decided to be proactive and kick Robert back on his ass with my bare foot. Pointing my finger at him again, told him to back off.

Video ends.

Robert clipped the next minute or so when he went to attack me again. He doesn't want the public to see that part.

I was on my hands and knees, my back to him looking for my eyeglasses, when he jumped me again.

Took another shot at me. He punches like a girl.
Ffs mate - we’ve drained this to the max. Let’s pray it works out for you - the end
Hope that neighbor thing is sorted, and shame that the thread got locked.

I wanted to ask you if that guy had knowledge in your previous involvement with "the movement" .. that could explain some, or a lot.

Either way, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, even if they have some not so nice stuff in their past. We're all sinners, or have been at some stage.

Take care, be safe.
Yesterday, my neighbor finally took down the sign accusing me of killing his dog.

Ten o'clock last night a drunk came up to my house and asked me if I killed that dog. His wife, still in the car, reminded him the lady who makes donuts at the local gas station told him earlier there is no way I will kill a dog.

Now work midnights. Guy came in and asked me if it's true I called Channel 2 in Tulsa.

Told him yes, but not pushing it.

He then told me to hold off. He and my judge drink moonshine together on Thursdays.

Yes, Robert knew of me. Former Naval intelligence and cop.

The ZOG spends about $4 billion each year watching dissidents like me.

When Robert told me his background, I asked him if he recognized a certain intelligence director's name. He said yes.

My luck. The guy who bought the house next door used to work for the government monitoring me.

Thank you for the kind words.
Ffs mate - we’ve drained this to the max. Let’s pray it works out for you - the end
This is a small hick town in Oklahoma that has an illustrious reputation.

The media in Tulsa will eat this shit up.
The original name of Nowata is Noweta.

Years ago, across the street from my house, the townfolk hired a drunken painter to paint the town's name on a water tank along the railroad tracks.

When the drunken painter was done, some noticed he misspelled the town's name. Unable to afford another painter, it was agreed, the name of the town is Nowata.
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On the other side of the tracks from me is Spike Park.

About a hundred years ago, the trains would ignore the 30 mph speed limit through town.

A deputy, some described as slow, wrote up speeding tickets and tooked them up to Coffeeville, Kansas to the railroad's headquarters.

Railroad company ignores.

Then one day the slow deputy took matters into his own hands.

As a train was barreling through town at a high rate of speed, the deputy pulled a lever to send the train flying off the tracks.

The deputy then issued another speeding ticket, this time to the conductor, when the train came to a stop.

Spike Park is the location where the train flew off the tracks.
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Ffs mate - we’ve drained this to the max. Let’s pray it works out for you - the end
Actually, this is just the beginning.

Just got word....text received....


I've notified our states attorney general, Gentner Drummond, plus a federal agency that deals with corrupt judiciary in county.

They don't call me "The County Cleanser" for nothing.

I agree about the collapse of this town.

There's is always room for change, but the 3 ring circus here needs to be dismantled & rebuilt.

I have friends here that I've helped, even put up retainer fees for attorneys for them. One still in the works.

"Overconfidence precedes carelessness"

They already have a noose around their neck & aren't even aware of what's about to visit this town.

I've seen several institutions where I've been involved, that today no longer exist.

You can not pervert justice & expect it to go well with you very long.

Caney, Kansas is next.
And this,

The city is presently being audited. However, this is just the beginning.
Some of you may like one of my texts when the two of us were discussing government corruption here, how to end it.

Told him a story.....

Cherokees tell me they own the land here.

I ask them,

Then why does the white man still run the government and courts?

They tell me they don't have the money.

I tell them there is a budget, comes from our tax dollars.

All the Cherokees have to do is declare their sovereignty.

This white man will support the Cherokees.

Sentencing was this morning. As you can see, I am home.

Worked the midnight shift last night, so haven't been to sleep since 9:00pm last night.

After midnight, an officer told me there will be a young lady staying overnight at the truck stop, waiting for her boyfriend to bond out.

I went out to make sure she was ok. Gave her money out of my pocket for gas. Found a place for her to park her vehicle (seven dogs, eight cats), so she can help her boyfriend get out of jail.

Long story short, she and I sat in the courtroom for over three hours together before my sentencing.

I was showing her verses in the Quran to bring her peace. When her boyfriend was released, he came to join us.

Now we have three white people reading the Quran while the other cases were being adjudicated.

Yes, I got screwed. Did get to come home, now on a payment plan. That will take me 3-4 years.

This is over a cracked mirror. Yes. A cracked mirror that can be fixed for $15.00.

Much rather Nowata County be run by a bunch of highway robbers, think they would be more honest than the three ring circus running the show around here.

Keeping my head high.

When the three of us were leaving the courthouse, a police officer gave me a friendly fist bump.

Turned to the young lady and asked her if she ever seen a man just sentenced to six months in jail get a handshake from a police officer?

She smiled and said never.

The young couple have my phone number. Just received a text from them thanking me for my help this morning.

And they have the contact information for Gain Peace for their free Quran.

The evil in this world can go to hell, but I don't have to join them.

In spite of it all, I will continue to do my best to praise Allah, and do his will.
Cannot really say much.

Investigations of police corruption and my ex-cop neighbor.

This has reached the office of Oklahoma Attorney General and a federal agency.

I can really use a recommendation of a good civil rights attorney.

I am looking good. Keeping my cool. Keeping my peace.

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