Leaked Audio: Intelligence Officer & An Overseas Pakistani | Drop Site News

The impunity with which these people act with is shocking. At the end of the day this guy is what? A grade 16-17 government servant? He is speaking to an overseas Pakistani who sends millions in remittances every year, the same remittances which pays his salary and fuel for the vigos. ISI really is a rouge organization. Ironically the world and specially India used to call it out and we used to think they are lying. Unfortunately this is the truth. There are no laws in Pakistan and there is no accountability. Everything is controlled by violence, power and threats. I don't think this system has the capability to ever fix itself. It needs to be demolished and rebuilt ground up. There are no ethics, no shame, no righteousness whatsoever!
This is what Papa John Army and ISI has come down to
they lost every war so they have decided to threaten,
torture and kill their own civilians because they can't fight

Just tell these f@ckers or their supporters to go fight
India and their mootar comes out in their tambi.
This has been going on since 1948!

when these estab cronies did not spare the founder of the country Quaid e Azam and put him under house arrest, barred his sister Fatima for 10 years, then what do commoners expect???
This isn't unique to ISI, Hassina and BAL used DGFI to the Similar end. But we overthrew them and now intelligence community is being cleaned up. Many of the former high ranking intelligence officers are being arrested for their crime against the people. You should overthrow your stablishment and force the criminals to stand trial.
So let me get this right, some one from Pakistan's premier agency is talking to someone overseas on an open line knowing well the person living abroad also runs a citizen's portal. The source also claims that its been banned in Pakistan and the whole conversation is convinently subtitled in Hindi.
The agency also beats the victim on air to make the whole thing look even more authentic. Incredible, I'm sure a Thanedar from some rural village can put up a better performance 👏 .
So let me get this right, some one from Pakistan's premier agency is talking to someone overseas on an open line knowing well the person living abroad also runs a citizen's portal. The source also claims that its been banned in Pakistan and the whole conversation is convinently subtitled in Hindi.
The agency also beats the victim on air to make the whole thing look even more authentic. Incredible, I'm sure a Thanedar from some rural village can put up a better performance 👏 .
Haha. What do you expect from these idiots?
Till Pakistan sends Army to the barracks, even fabricated video will be entertained as such, these Duffers (Idiot jarnails) dont realize how much harm they have done to Pakistan army.
They is exactly why I say that Pakistan is a failed Banana Republic of Faujistan...

This has the small peepee COAS whisky COAS asim munir written all over it.
Disagree the problem isn't the coas...he is problem for punjabis but for other minorities it was and has been EVERY OFFICER...officers are trained from the beginning to be different..I saw that first hand myself..from teenager age they are brain washed into thinking they are doing the right thing

That's how the British raj lasted for 200 years and so will the military raj
So let me get this right, some one from Pakistan's premier agency is talking to someone overseas on an open line knowing well the person living abroad also runs a citizen's portal. The source also claims that its been banned in Pakistan and the whole conversation is convinently subtitled in Hindi.
The agency also beats the victim on air to make the whole thing look even more authentic. Incredible, I'm sure a Thanedar from some rural village can put up a better performance 👏 .
Does it matter..every dick tom harry knows that 10000s of people are abducted every day

Few years ago pushtoons and balochi were laying scum.. though since punjab is have been picked up now we are kosher

Establishment may do recalculating and it will become again change like it has many times in the past

Reality is British raj never left..containments are there to remain so are the luxury and exclusive clubs
Disagree the problem isn't the coas...he is problem for punjabis but for other minorities it was and has been EVERY OFFICER...officers are trained from the beginning to be different..I saw that first hand myself..from teenager age they are brain washed into thinking they are doing the right thing

That's how the British raj lasted for 200 years and so will the military raj
Respectfully bullshit. Musharraf was not Punjabi as multiple other COAS’s. It’s a NATIONAL problem not an ethnic one.
On topic, I don’t know if this is doctored or not, but regardless it is a stain on the intelligence agency. Even if it is doctored, I can imagine the conversations go exactly in that manner. Maybe a case of ‘based on true events’ but I can’t be sure.

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