Statement: Moderation Complaints and Discussions

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I have a query about this ban on taunting soldiers enforced in the Kashmir War section
Resistance Groups such as PAFF and TRF regularly post media statements in which they often taunt the occupation forces, can those messages be posted?

You raise a good point. Taking offence and the crocodile tears that follow is a targeted attempt by some to shut down discussion on Kashmir, especially regarding successful Mujahideen operations.
My take sir, it is a bad precedent and a loophole likely open to abuse in the near future.

Remember what I said about 24/7 jamadari.

Cheers, Doc
Its a valid point sir, and this is why I have left it for the admins to make a decision on it. Its well beyond my remit :)
I have a query about this ban on taunting soldiers enforced in the Kashmir War section
Resistance Groups such as PAFF and TRF regularly post media statements in which they often taunt the occupation forces, can those messages be posted?

You're not responsible for that content. We have members who post from official accounts from the IDF where they refer to 'terrorists' etc. We will then have to ban them and it carries on.
You're not responsible for that content. We have members who post from official accounts from the IDF where they refer to 'terrorists' etc. We will then have to ban them and it carries on.
Dear users, over the last few days the admin team have had conversations regarding moderation of various threads and posts, after a number of complains.

Certain threads came up a lot i.e. the Gaza thread, Indian defense section and so on, where moderation was deemed too harsh or in favor of a particular viewpoint.

Following this we had discussions with various moderators on the level of moderation and taking peoples' feelings into account. In some cases moderators will now be more passive and alert admin staff instead.

Thank you for you patience and your contributions.
Moving in the direction of the old PDF
I am saddened.
So be it.
Please just be glad I now have the freedom to post my views honestly rather than being bound by responsibility here. 😁
Please just be glad I now have the freedom to post my view honestly rather than being bound by responsibility here. 😁
Let me be glad that you have exercised your judgement and exercised your rights.

Even if I don't agree, I have to respect your moral integrity.
@Waz @Mr X

Thank you for creating this thread. As seems to be your intention, if I understand it correctly, I am sharing my personal view frankly for your due consideration.

Just their is no such thing as too much justice, there is no such thing as "over"moderation. What we have here is a situation where there is a great disparity between rules that are claimed, and what is actually applied in practice, in the best hypocritical Pakistani traditions. This is simply untenable, in my opinion.

If you recall, my duties as a moderator were granted only for a set probationary period, and either side had the option to walk away as they deemed fit, during this probation. Accordingly, I shall be exercising my right to withdraw from these duties with immediate effect.

I do thank management, and all my moderator (ex)colleagues, for the opportunity to serve PDF as best as I could. I apologize if I could not meet your expectations.

I will log out and will be happy to start participating as an ordinary member once I no longer see the red color.

With best wishes and deep regards,

VC, signing off.

Naya Pakistan = Purana Pakistan. But Pakistan Zindabad!
Naya PDF = Purana PDF. But PDF Paindabad!
Thank God. Wise decision. You were truly unfit for the role of a moderator. The comment you posted serves as compelling evidence supporting my observations that you abused the delete comment button, close thread button, and ban user button. Instead of doing your job and adhering to the rules you made decisions based on your emotions rather than facts.

I hope such things won't happen in the future. You have shown your true colors, and I will certainly remember that, never intending to debate with you again. Your mod game was a total bust.

This is my opinion of your moderation which was catastrophic. Rules are the same for everyone and if you cannot adhere to them yourself, the rules will never work. That's why I don't participate in certain topics because I know you are simply too emotional and would quickly delete my comments.

You know what's ironic? Even though @Beijingwalker and I are usually at odds, we'd team up on this one. Says a lot about your mod style or lack thereof.
Not really. It was coming for a while. When even the administration compares a young woman to a monkey simply because she was an Israeli hostage, and then claims to uphold the dignity of Allah’s creations, it can be a bit too much for my principles. For example. There is much much more besides. We can leave it at that. I wish to remain cordial with the few friends I have left on PDF.
Yes, I also came across that comment and my initial thought was to report it. However, I noticed that another moderator had actually liked it (which is completely inappropriate) and I thought that no changes would likely happen.

Drawing comparisons between victims and monkeys is undoubtedly ban-worthy, but apparently it's allowed just like continuously insulting all Israelis and using terms like "Jew Nazis"... but the focus will probably be on me because I added a music video to my thread smh.
Thank God. Wise decision. You were truly unfit for the role of a moderator. The comment you posted serves as compelling evidence supporting my observations that you abused the delete comment button, close thread button, and ban user button. Instead of doing your job and adhering to the rules you made decisions based on your emotions rather than facts.

I hope such things won't happen in the future. You have shown your true colors, and I will certainly remember that, never intending to debate with you again. Your mod game was a total bust.

This is my opinion of your moderation which was catastrophic. Rules are the same for everyone and if you cannot adhere to them yourself, the rules will never work. That's why I don't participate in certain topics because I know you are simply too emotional and would quickly delete my comments.

You know what's ironic? Even though @Beijingwalker and I are usually at odds, we'd team up on this one. Says a lot about your mod style or lack thereof.

Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated and given the consideration it truly deserves. 😁
Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated and given the consideration it truly deserves. 😁

You should be banned for deliberately abusing your moderating powers, and you've confirmed that with this comment. You're the reason I have a 'speed limit' under my avy. Anyway, it's all in the past now. I'll remember your actions that's something I won't forget, and I certainly don't intend to engage in any debates with you. I'll steer clear of you at every turn.

You should be banned for deliberately abusing your moderating powers, and you've confirmed that with this comment. You're the reason I have a 'speed limit' under my avy. Anyway, it's all in the past now. I'll remember your actions that's something I won't forget, and I certainly don't intend to engage in any debates with you. I'll steer clear of you at every turn.

The sentiments are truly reciprocated. But luckily for both of us it’s up to the management to make such decisions. 😁
Yes, I also came across that comment and my initial thought was to report it. However, I noticed that another moderator had actually liked it (which is completely inappropriate) and I thought that no changes would likely happen.

Drawing comparisons between victims and monkeys is undoubtedly ban-worthy, but apparently it's allowed just like continuously insulting all Israelis and using terms like "Jew Nazis"... but the focus will probably be on me because I added a music video to my thread smh.
this is the most mature I have ever seen you be, if only you could always be this mature and civilised when you post

for what it's worth, I disagree with all of your comments about @VCheng. Even when I slightly disagree with a decision he makes I know that his decisions are always reasonable and in good faith and for the good of the forum.
this is the most mature I have ever seen you be, if only you could always be this mature and civilised when you post

for what it's worth, I disagree with all of your comments about @VCheng. Even when I slightly disagree with a decision he makes I know that his decisions are always reasonable and in good faith and for the good of the forum.

Thank you, and it is indeed best for the forum for me to step down. :D
this is the most mature I have ever seen you be, if only you could always be this mature and civilised when you post

for what it's worth, I disagree with all of your comments about @VCheng. Even when I slightly disagree with a decision he makes I know that his decisions are always reasonable and in good faith and for the good of the forum.
I can demonstrate maturity when needed. However, being consistently mature can get monotonous at times. Moreover maintaining a serious demeanor all the time may not be great for one's well being. Occasionally it's beneficial to relax and let your nuts hang. 😤

One cool perk of the moderation gig tho... you all dropped the banhammer on Falcon29 for the Gaza thread garbage. That guy was on a whole different wavelength of abnormal lol. I've never seen someone capable of posting so much trash. The kind of disgusting propaganda he spews is on a whole other level. Good riddance.
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