Need Help to buy VPN.


Snake Eater
Aug 24, 2015
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Need Help to buy VPN.
Very good,

80% of our users will have a referral code for you so they can make a bit of money too :rofl:

Well any VPN is good, I use the free version of the VPN called “Free VPN”

And have used many premium VPNs in the past, they all work great. Nord VPN was very good

Download this free VPN until you have a premium VPN. Alternatively download Opera browser which has a built in VPN for free

Is that a joke or provide link.
Is that a joke or provide link.
Not a joke, why do you think so?

Download the app from the App Store called Free VPN. You need to watch ads for 1 minute and then browse vpn for 24 hours

If you are looking for paid version, then I had bought Nord VPN for couple of years and I was a happy customer. I am sure someone will share a referral code to reduce the price for you and to earn some commission from this purchase. I don’t have one as I no longer find codes
VPN veteran user, alas!
I pay a lot of money for them every year. They're getting more and more expensive.
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I use expressvpnrouter for my VPN needs. Its really good. Its important these days to secure your identity. I pay $8 a month apart from $200 router I bought.
Kindly provide link.
Kindly provide link.
My advice is to look for VPN in your country of residence. There are some companies good off UK but not so good for USA. Other companies might be better for US but not so good for UK.

I have used this company until 2021/2022 and its speed was still very fast compared to some other cheap VPNs which often slows down your itnernet

I got that referral link from the following website. You can check other VPNs mentioned and click on the links as they will usually take you to discounted prices / affiliated pages

We use surfshark.
In UK all internet usage of everyone is recorded ,cand I don't like it
My advice is to look for VPN in your country of residence. There are some companies good off UK but not so good for USA. Other companies might be better for US but not so good for UK.

I have used this company until 2021/2022 and its speed was still very fast compared to some other cheap VPNs which often slows down your itnernet

I got that referral link from the following website. You can check other VPNs mentioned and click on the links as they will usually take you to discounted prices / affiliated pages

lols i cant even open links......

shit man
I use Windscribe for my PC. But I rarely need to use them. It gives around 15GB of free usage. You can buy plans.

Another option is to use Tor. For the most part it can avoid govt. snooping but slightly unsecured and slow.

----- apologise I forgot to mention this earlier -----


if you just want to browse Internet with VPN - not worrying about the other apps like Facebook, twitter etc. There is a free option available for it. Download Opera browser. It used to be really good browser for years but I used to prefer Chrome on it. But since they released VPN as part of their browser, It's probably the best browser besides DuckDuckGo (unfortunately they don't offer VPN yet).Make sure to enable it and you will be able to browse the websites with VPN in just a single click.

It's got both desktop and mobile versions and make sure to configure it before you start assuming the VPN is enabled. Always check your ip address from the following website

or similar websites...

then enable VPN and check your IP address again and you will be good to go.

The mobile version will prompt you to connect to VPN automatically before you start browsing but if you dismiss that notification, you may have to connect manually, the desktop version can be configured so that as soon as you turn the browser ON, it should connect automatically.

I use the VPN to access the sensitive websites (you probably know what I mean) and normal browser (Chrome on laptop and DuckDuckGo on mobile) for other websites including this one

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