Netanyahu: 'The people of Iran should know - Israel stands with you'


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Netanyahu: 'The people of Iran should know - Israel stands with you'

Israeli PM publishes message expressing solidarity with the people ruled by the Ayatollahs' regime and the hope that the peoples of Israel and Iran will enjoy peace and friendship when Iran is free.​

Benjamin Netanyahu
Sep 30, 2024, 3:39 PM (GMT+3)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published the following message to the people of Iran on Monday afternoon.

"I speak a lot about the leaders of Iran.

Yet at this pivotal moment, I want to address you – the people of Iran. I want to do so directly, without filters, without middlemen.

Every day, you see a regime that subjugates you, make fiery speeches about defending Lebanon, defending Gaza.

Yet every day, that regime plunges our region deeper into darkness and deeper into war.

Every day, their puppets are eliminated.

Ask Mohammed Deif.

Ask Nasrallah.

There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach.

There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country.

With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you — the noble Persian people — closer to the abyss.

The vast majority of Iranians know their regime doesn't care a whit about them.

If it did care, if it cared about you, it would stop wasting billions of dollars on futile wars across the Middle East. It would start improving your lives.

Imagine if all the vast money the regime wasted on nuclear weapons and foreign wars were invested in your children’s education, in improving your health care, in building your nation's infrastructure, water, sewage, all the other things that you need. Imagine that.

But you know one simple thing – Iran’s tyrants don’t care about your future.

But you do.

When Iran is finally free and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think – everything will be different.

Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace.

Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.

When that day comes, the terror network that the regime built in five continents will be bankrupt, dismantled.

Iran will thrive as never before.

Global investment.

Massive tourism.

Brilliant technological innovation based on the tremendous talents that exists inside Iran.

Doesn’t that sound better than endless poverty, repression and war?

From Qom to Esfahan, from Shiraz to Tabriz, there are tens of millions of good and decent people with thousands of years of history behind them and a brilliant future ahead of them.

Don't let a small group of fanatic theocrats crush your hopes and your dreams.

You deserve better.

Your children deserve better.

The entire world deserves better.

I know you don’t support the rapists and murderers of Hamas and Hezbollah, but your leaders do. You deserve more.

The people of Iran should know – Israel stands with you.

May we together know a future of prosperity and peace".
The Jews cannot maintain this, they need for the region to give up and accept their apartheid occupation

They want people to force Iran to give up

Even the lackey Arabs can push from one direction and Iran from another all for the same reason to create a free and Independent Palestinian state
This isn't actually funny. This is a direct threat to Iran's sovereignty and it is likely an attack is in its final preparations. If you think this through logically, there is big USN presence in the ME, Gaza/Lebanon destroyed. Israels reputation (whatever it had) down the gutter and their enemy Iran - whom they consider to be the architect of the troubles in their country - remains unscathe. Put yourself in that situation and ask yourself what would you do? The logical answer to this question is: whilst you're at it, finish the job off properly!!!

Iran: take note, start preparing and put your armed forces (specifically your missile arsenal) in 'ready' phase. This is what they'll target and it'll likely be a surprise attack. The baby killer has basically pre-warned you and it doesn't get any better than that.
This maniac has caused more damage to the Jewish people than anyone before other than Hitler.

Eroded Israeli democracy and promoted genocide.

Him and his right wing advisors are complicit in October 7th not just in terms of ignoring threats but by propping up Hamas to ensure a Palestinian state is not pushed forward.

Where there was a real possibility of peace - he poured molten lead all over it
Speech that some impostors of this forum who pretend to defend Iran will secretly like, we call that controlled opposition, hypocrites on duty who are everywhere in the West, Middle East and all countries in fact
This isn't actually funny. This is a direct threat to Iran's sovereignty and it is likely an attack is in its final preparations. If you think this through logically, there is big USN presence in the ME, Gaza/Lebanon destroyed. Israels reputation (whatever it had) down the gutter and their enemy Iran - whom they consider to be the architect of the troubles in their country - remains unscathe. Put yourself in that situation and ask yourself what would you do? The logical answer to this question is: whilst you're at it, finish the job off properly!!!

Iran: take note, start preparing and put your armed forces (specifically your missile arsenal) in 'ready' phase. This is what they'll target and it'll likely be a surprise attack. The baby killer has basically pre-warned you and it doesn't get any better than that.
Israel has been preparing for an attack on Iran for years.
The commander of the squadron preparing for a strike on Iran: “This is the order of the moment, we were not at a boiling point like this”

The commander of Squadron 119, “The Bat”, referred in an interview with Walla to the operation that the IDF had been preparing for years – damaging Iran’s nuclear program 15 years after the attack on the reactor in Syria, the commander said about the preparations for a similar operation, the lessons learned from it and the mental preparation “We will do whatever they ask of us – we are ready.”
And Iran has been preparing for this for many years, never releasing surprise and hidden weapons.
This isn't actually funny. This is a direct threat to Iran's sovereignty and it is likely an attack is in its final preparations. If you think this through logically, there is big USN presence in the ME, Gaza/Lebanon destroyed. Israels reputation (whatever it had) down the gutter and their enemy Iran - whom they consider to be the architect of the troubles in their country - remains unscathe. Put yourself in that situation and ask yourself what would you do? The logical answer to this question is: whilst you're at it, finish the job off properly!!!

Iran: take note, start preparing and put your armed forces (specifically your missile arsenal) in 'ready' phase. This is what they'll target and it'll likely be a surprise attack. The baby killer has basically pre-warned you and it doesn't get any better than that.

You are one of the only few Pakistanis who understand his meaning or have even attempted to understand him.

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