New Delhi slams Khamenei over his remarks about Indian Muslims

You can’t fight Israel like Iran does. You are weak bruv. Your military is obsolete. Iran is a generation ahead of you in this game!

Don’t you understand something so obvious?

If your third class military is given the task of attacking Israel today, you can’t do it foo……

You can’t and we know it. You are a third class mi

You can’t fight Israel like Iran does. You are weak bruv. Your military is obsolete. Iran is a generation ahead of you in this game!

Don’t you understand something so obvious?

If your third class military is given the task of attacking Israel today, you can’t do it foo……

You can’t and we know it. You are a third class military!
To reach india iran will have to conquer pakistan first.
With India hanging cozy with Israel what will you expect? India is also cozy with Saudia and UAE. Both are at the very least not loved by Iran. Besides, India is not buying Iranian oil. Lately Iran is getting some dough from China too. So yeah, it is expected.
India has been naturally cozy with baby killers long before the Islamic revolution and Iranians were perfectly ok with it throughout the 80's and 90's while have a backchannel weapons trade of their own with baby killers. Iranians thought wanna be baby killers of the hindutva variety will not go full gung ho wanna be baby killers as they have in recent years. So possibly, mullahs are now slightly adjusting their strategic calculus. But I'd still remain highly skeptical of the move...

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