Not just engines, Tejas Mk-1A delivery could be hit over key Danish part, now on export blacklist

Imagine if China wasn't there for JF-17? Would it be even flying today? Only painting in green with Chand and Tara on it doesn't help to put it in the air....

Pakistan’s involvement with JF-17 comes nowhere close to India's involvement with Tejas.... we don't even have to answer them they know it within.....
Even our indigenously designed and developed systems for the Su-30MKI far surpass anything the Pakistanis have done with their JF-17.
Imagine if China wasn't there for JF-17? Would it be even flying today? Only painting in green with Chand and Tara on it doesn't help to put it in the air....

Pakistan’s involvement with JF-17 comes nowhere close to India's involvement with Tejas.... we don't even have to answer them they know it within.....

Yeah, dude, would rather have a car made by someone else then stuck in my garage telling my friends that i will soon build my own car.

Pakistan never wanted a home made fighter, we wanted one that was free from US sanctions and cheap.

JF-17 delivered very well.

India wanted a home made fighter. Instead it used US engines, Israeli radar, Russian weapons and still has not got any decent numbers in service.

Go figure....
You’re chest-thumping about Pakistan’s aviation industry, but let’s not forget that the US has just sanctioned Pakistan’s defense programs, especially its ballistic missile and nuclear capabilities under laws like the Pressler Amendment and the Glenn-Symington Amendment. These sanctions hit hard—just ask your F-16 fleet, which has struggled with maintenance and parts shortages for years. Even the JF-17, which you claim as a success, relies heavily on Chinese support for engines and avionics. Pakistan's aerospace industry is stuck in a cycle of dependency, while sanctions ensure it struggles to catch up with modern, independent tech development. Maybe focus less on 'phenomenal' chest-thumping and more on real development.
Now that you have been allowed back on the forum, resist from eating yourself.
You can post all the tripe to give your tiny Indian heart some relief . Kind of rich coming from you on phonemenal chest thumping but then I guess when India manages to beat China, albeit in some hockey match, it becomes phonemenal .
And since Pakistan being crushed under sanctions and PAF fleet getting depleted is the only hope for your fairweather airforce, let me once again remind you losers that America didn't supply AMRAAMS to PAF to fire at some Talibans caves and remember you people use to dream about some kill switch on PAF F-16s.
Well there was no such thing on 27.2.2019 except killing of IAF aircraft .
The Pakistani aviation industry sounds like a joke—how can a country that can’t even manufacture a bicycle claim to have an aviation industry?
Now that you have been allowed back on the forum, resist from eating yourself.
You can post all the tripe to give your tiny Indian heart some relief . Kind of rich coming from you on phonemenal chest thumping but then I guess when India manages to beat China, albeit in some hockey match, it becomes phonemenal .
And since Pakistan being crushed under sanctions and PAF fleet getting depleted is the only hope for your fairweather airforce
PAF used their AMRAAMs on Feb 27, 2019, and guess what? They still failed to hit anything significant. Your so-called "victory" ended with your F-16 wreckage being quietly hidden. How about we discuss the aftermath of 27 Feb 2019? Pakistan’s airspace was closed for months because they were too scared of a repeat clash. Meanwhile, India kept flying like it was business as usual. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who was rattled. Let’s talk about the real losers — Pakistan’s economy has been circling the drain for years. Reliant on handouts from friendly nations and the IMF, your country can’t even maintain its air fleet properly. Pakistan doesn’t need sanctions; it’s already crumbling from within. And dude, the kill switch on the F-16 is a fact, not some "dream" of ours. The U.S. keeps tight control over every F-16 sold, and it’s no secret that Pakistan doesn’t have the freedom to just use them however they want — which is why they tried to play down their F-16 losses after 27 Feb.
Every piece of news about the Bharati aviation industry shows, in differential terms of course, how successful the Pak aviation industry is! With a fraction of the Bharati resources they have achieved phenomenal stuffs and continuously kicking harder and higher....
Pakistani aviation industry - what is that?
let me once again remind you losers that America didn't supply AMRAAMS to PAF to fire at some Talibans caves and remember you people use to dream about some kill switch on PAF F-16s.
Now, you want to talk about BVR capabilities? The IAF is fielding its Astra BVR missile, which was developed in-house. Astra got superior range and performance, and unlike your imported AMRAAMs, India’s got full control over its own missile tech. Oh, and let's not forget the CEC we’ve integrated. This allows fighters like the Su-30MKI, MIG 29 UPG, and even Tejas to coordinate missile engagements, making it an absolute nightmare for any PAF jet to even come close.
PAF used their AMRAAMs on Feb 27, 2019, and guess what? They still failed to hit anything significant. Your so-called "victory" ended with your F-16 wreckage being quietly hidden. How about we discuss the aftermath of 27 Feb 2019? Pakistan’s airspace was closed for months because they were too scared of a repeat clash. Meanwhile, India kept flying like it was business as usual. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who was rattled. Let’s talk about the real losers — Pakistan’s economy has been circling the drain for years. Reliant on handouts from friendly nations and the IMF, your country can’t even maintain its air fleet properly. Pakistan doesn’t need sanctions; it’s already crumbling from within. And dude, the kill switch on the F-16 is a fact, not some "dream" of ours. The U.S. keeps tight control over every F-16 sold, and it’s no secret that Pakistan doesn’t have the freedom to just use them however they want — which is why they tried to play down their F-16 losses after 27 Feb.
No you loser, have you forgotten the humiliated and defeated faces of your so called IAF officers, waving that piece of AMRAAM and crying to America for getting hammered by the American weapon۔
Not even the Somalian airforce would go down this low .
And a big LOL for your pea size brainpower ' if closing the airspace would keep any aggressor away then perhaps Sadam any country would exercise this as an option.
Do Pakistan or for that matter India need each others permission to attack other.
Airspace was closed because you idiots put your own Spice jet airliner at risk .
And yea, it was only after your airforce miserably failed to deliver and defend, Modi realised it thus tried his brinkmanship with missiles.
The radio intercepts of SU-30 pilot screaming mayday as his second turbine exploded is indeed very satisfying for any airforce.
Now, you want to talk about BVR capabilities? The IAF is fielding its Astra BVR missile, which was developed in-house. Astra got superior range and performance, and unlike your imported AMRAAMs, India’s got full control over its own missile tech. Oh, and let's not forget the CEC we’ve integrated. This allows fighters like the Su-30MKI, MIG 29 UPG, and even Tejas to coordinate missile engagements, making it an absolute nightmare for any PAF jet to even come close.
Keep all these under your pillow
As so far your handling of reputable imported weapons like Spice and Spyder has been breathtaking , don't hold your breath for so called indigenous ones.
Next time, who will you cry and complain to ....China for supplying PAF with PL-15s . 😆
So now you’ve shifted from questioning India’s capabilities in its own defense industry to questioning its geopolitical positions? That’s quite a 360-degree turn.
Oh, I forgot bot don't have brain. My bad.😬
Indian MIC and related sectors are well below the Russians. West is courting and showering india with fake and laughable praises to make india feel important and become a larger Ukraine. 👍
This system is operated and maintained by General Atomics.
So, General Atomics stationed Americans in indian navy base?
Since you brought up USD, maybe it's time to settle the $800 million owed to Adani Power and the 100 crores due to the Tripura government. Sort it out quickly if you still value your self-respect.
Drag us to the court. 😆
Get a government system first,
Last time I checked we have a pretty good one in place. Or at least our government isn't an international pathological lier like india government. For example:
innovate something new in stitching try to offer something innovative to under garments industry
Open your apparel market for fair competition then you will find out. 😂
we can surely consider.... military related matters we will discuss with near peers....
Only Pakistan is your near peer. And Im sure they don't mind my input about indian defense related things. 😉
Yeah, dude, would rather have a car made by someone else then stuck in my garage telling my friends that i will soon build my own car.

Pakistan never wanted a home made fighter, we wanted one that was free from US sanctions and cheap.

JF-17 delivered very well.

India wanted a home made fighter. Instead it used US engines, Israeli radar, Russian weapons and still has not got any decent numbers in service.

Go figure....
Calling someone dude don't make you look smart... and whT is this all car and garage story..... it's your country man or supporter who opened thread saying India should buy F16 and ditch Tejas..?

Pakistan wanted sanctions free fighter but that too came initially with Russians engines and Chinese balance work with Pakistan final (Chand-Tara) paint job make Pakistan entitled to troll Indian fighter..... lage raho munnabhai....
No you loser, have you forgotten the humiliated and defeated faces of your so called IAF officers, waving that piece of AMRAAM and crying to America for getting hammered by the American weapon۔
Not even the Somalian airforce would go down this low .
And a big LOL for your pea size brainpower ' if closing the airspace would keep any aggressor away then perhaps Sadam any country would exercise this as an option.
Do Pakistan or for that matter India need each others permission to attack other.
And yea, it was only after your airforce miserably failed to deliver and defend, Modi realised it thus tried his brinkmanship with missiles.
The radio intercepts of SU-30 pilot screaming mayday as his second turbine exploded is indeed very satisfying for any airforce.
Oh boy, where do I even start with this mess? Your attempt at throwing shade is as misplaced as those AMRAAMs your air force blindly launched into thin air, hitting nothing but their own egos. Let’s break down this fantasy of yours, bit by bit, and sprinkle in some reality for good measure.

First, let’s address your obsession with that AMRAAM. You fired one of the most advanced missiles in your inventory, right? And what did it do? Absolutely nothing. While your F-16 pilots terribly missed their targets, a 1960s-era MiG-21—yes, a freaking MiG-21—turned one of your "pride of the PAF" F-16s into scrap metal. And that AMRAAM? Thanks for the souvenir! The only thing humiliated here is the AMRAAM itself, realizing it was in the hands of dumb pilots who couldn’t make use of it.

Now, let’s move on to the airspace closure. Let’s be real—Pakistan didn’t close its airspace because it was some strategic genius move. It was pure panic. After the whole fiasco, Pakistan was running scared, and the last thing it needed was to risk more jets getting smoked in broad daylight.

Now, as for your jab about Modi’s "brinkmanship" with missiles—yeah, I can see why you’d be salty about that. After your air force completely flopped at delivering or defending, India had to remind Pakistan just how thin the ice is that it's skating on. But let’s be honest here, the Indian Air Force did its job. Your "screaming SU-30 pilot" story is a fairy tale cooked up to make yourselves feel better. No turbine exploded, no mayday calls were made. The Su-30s danced around your AMRAAMs like they were mosquitoes at a summer barbecue. The fact that you’re clinging to this “mayday” narrative only shows how desperate you are to twist the story.

And let’s not forget the bigger picture here. India didn’t need anyone’s permission to defend itself. Pakistan tried to punch above its weight, and it got a solid reminder of its limits. If your airspace closure was supposed to scare off an aggressor, why didn’t it stop the Balakot strikes? Spoiler alert: it didn’t. Your airspace closure was about as effective as a cardboard shield in a hailstorm.

So yeah, while you’re busy dreaming up stories about SU-30s and shouting "mayday," we’ll be sticking to the facts: your F-16 went down, AMRAAMs missed their mark, and Pakistan had to shut down its own airspace out of fear, not strength. Maybe next time, don’t bring a missile to a battle of wits if you don’t know how to use it.
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Last time I checked we have a pretty good one in place. Or at least our government isn't an international pathological lier like india government. For example:
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View attachment 65887

Open your apparel market for fair competition then you will find out. 😂

Only Pakistan is your near peer. And Im sure they don't mind my input about indian defense related things. 😉
Okay Bangladeshi man.... whatever floats your boat to catch hilsa..... after all you need energy to stitch something....

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