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Electronic Warfare (EW) generally refers to “any action involving the use of the Electro-Magnetic (EM) spectrum or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack an enemy, or impede enemy assaults via the spectrum”.

The purpose of EW is to deny the opponent the advantage of, and ensure friendly unimpeded access to, the EM spectrum.

EW can be applied from air, sea, land and space by manned and unmanned systems, but its biggest impact is felt in the conduct of air operations.

Three major categorisations in the vast area of EW include:
Electronic Surveillance (ES),
Electronic Protection (EP) and
Electronic Attack (EA).

EA, or Electronic Countermeasures (ECM), involves the offensive use of the electromagnetic energy, or anti-radiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities or equipment with the intent of degrading, neutralising or destroying enemy’s combat capability. EA operations, however, can be detected by an adversary due to their active transmissions. Examples include communications jamming, Integrated Air Defence System suppression, Directed Energy/Laser attack, expendable decoys (for instance, flares and chaff), and Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device systems.

EP, also known as Electronic Protective Measures or Electronic Counter Countermeasures (ECCM), involves actions taken to protect personnel, facilities and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy use of EM spectrum that degrade, neutralise or destroy friendly combat capability. EP should not be confused with self-protection (jamming). For example, the use of flare rejection logic on an infra-red (IR) missile to counter an adversary’s use of flares would come under EP, whereas, use of flares would come under self-protection (or defensive EA). While Defensive EA actions and EP both protect personnel, facilities, capabilities and equipment, EP by itself protects from the effects of EA (friendly and/or adversary). Other examples of EP include spread-spectrum technologies, use of Joint Restricted Frequency List (JRFL), emissions control (EMCON), and low observability or ‘stealth’.

The unsung hero of 27th Feb 2019:pAF's Falcon DA-20 EW/ECM aircraft .

The "Ghost" jammed IAF aircraft communications caused utter confusion and mayhem,

giving PAF a decisive edge over IAF of air battle fought on 27th.

DA-20 Blinders.jpg

Pakistan Air Force No 24 Blinders Squadron are equipped with Customised EW Falcon DA-20​

Dassault Falcon 20 (DA-20) jet aircraft, fitted with electronic warfare equipment and nicknamed "Iqbal" after a Pakistani war hero, is parked in a hangar at a Pakistan Air Force airbase. PAF DA-20 Falcon is a dedicated Electronic Warfare (EW) aircraft Operated by the No.24 Blinders Squadron


PAF's DA-20 aircraft fitted with an electronic warfare suite, tasked with providing ESM and ECM support to other PAF squadrons. The suite provides data which is analysed by EW officers to compile an enemy's electronic order of battle and evaluate their tactics.

DA-20 EW Falcon.jpg
The destruction DA-20 of PAF laid on the electronic spectrum on 27 Feb, 2019 is unprecedented in history.
Fully integrated into the battlefield, the Blinders frustrated the IAF command & control which eventually also led to Mi-17 fratricide

DA-20 EW.jpg

DA-20 Falcon, Pakistan Air Force's primary Electronic Warfare (EW) sitting in its nest at an operational airbase.
The aircraft pictured below is a highly modified version of its base variant as an additional synthetic aperture radar under the fuselage can be seen


Working within the System of Systems , Highly Networked, AEW&C Support to gain superiority in EM Spectrum.

They are used to saturate the air defences and blind them and/or inhibit their communication capabilities.

Thier systems can spoof signals by making its own transmission on the same frequencies to either

overload the targeting receiver or to produce a false return/returns.

We need to replace or at least upgrade our old DA-20 aircraft with either Turkish or Chinese EW systems
any news regarding DA 20 upgrades, those jets are too old !
staying obviously. but dont you think the electronics on these things needs to upgraded!
technically they have played their part, and for the next conflict the adversaries are aware of their abilities and will be able to counter them. I agree that upgrades in technology and tactics are needed as EW domain is always evolving. :)
The selling point of the DA20s are their extremely high speeds.
technically they have played their part, and for the next conflict the adversaries are aware of their abilities and will be able to counter them. I agree that upgrades in technology and tactics are needed as EW domain is always evolving. :)
The selling point of the DA20s are their extremely high speeds.
DA20s were recently upgraded and validated during Swift Retort.
Now their capabilities are known. So, we would need some new tactics or even technologies to use.

3 EW planes are not enough. Pakistan needs to join Turkish project and induct 4 to 6 new ones.
Now their capabilities are known. So, we would need some new tactics or even technologies to use.

3 EW planes are not enough. Pakistan needs to join Turkish project and induct 4 to 6 new ones.
That’s already in the pipeline.

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