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Pak Army trying back door USA engagement


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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US gave $33B in aid (free money) to Pakistan along with free F-16 fighter jets while China gives only loans that too dollar denominated and doesn't forego even a single dollar of interest.

By the way, who backstabbed US in Afghanistan ?

The US reimbursed Pakistan for various services. Who pays anyone free money? 🤔 We didn't put a gun to US head to pay us money or did we now? The US paid Pakistan because it owed Pakistan money for supply routes, sevices etc.

Pakistan has also purchased F-16s with its own money. Some were provided by the US in exchange from various other sources. That is how deals are made. These F-16s weren't provided to Pakistan just because the US loves Pakistan.

The US/NATO propped up India in Afghanistan at the expense of Pakistan. India carried out various terror attacks through its Afghan consulates against Pakistan with the full knowledge of US/NATO. You expect Pakistan to assist the US/NATO when these powers are helping India inside Afghanistan against Pakistan? You want to call that backstabbing? Be my guest. Call it whatever you like. It doesn't bother us in the least. Just like your country Afghanistan and your ally India has used every opportunity to attack Pakistan we have paid you in the same coin. As far as I am concerned, we are even.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2011
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Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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The US reimbursed Pakistan for various services. Who pays anyone free money? 🤔 We didn't put a gun to US head to pay us money or did we now? The US paid Pakistan because it owed Pakistan money for supply routes, sevices etc.

Pakistan has also purchased F-16s with its own money. Some were provided by the US in exchange from various other sources. That is how deals are made. These F-16s weren't provided to Pakistan just because the US loves Pakistan.

The US/NATO propped up India in Afghanistan at the expense of Pakistan. India carried out various terror attacks through its Afghan consulates against Pakistan with the full knowledge of US/NATO. You expect Pakistan to assist the US/NATO when these powers are helping India inside Afghanistan against Pakistan? You want to call that backstabbing? Be my guest. Call it whatever you like. It doesn't bother us in the least. Just like your country Afghanistan and your ally India has used every opportunity to attack Pakistan we have paid you in the same coin. As far as I am concerned, we are even.

Then what is the complaint against America ?


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Then what is the complaint against America ?

1. Leave Pakistan alone. We are not interested in any kind of a misadventure anymore.

2. Reject any request for cooperation and arms from the Pakistani generals. Pakistani generals aren't sincere nor trustworthy.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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1. Leave Pakistan alone. We are not interested in any kind of a misadventure anymore.

2. Reject any request for cooperation and arms from the Pakistani generals. Pakistani generals aren't sincere nor trustworthy.

Since the pullout from Afghanistan America has left Pakistan alone. It is Pakistanis who want money and attention

The Pakistani government wants the IMF bailout. You are free to ask your Iron brother for a bailout


Dec 16, 2023
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1. Leave Pakistan alone. We are not interested in any kind of a misadventure anymore.

2. Reject any request for cooperation and arms from the Pakistani generals. Pakistani generals aren't sincere nor trustworthy.

That s hilarious
Your entire govt and Isi and army headquarters have campaign going on
In USA doors of power
Literally begging for attention
Asking for dialogue
Claiming you need USA arms and money

USA left you six years ago ..They are not looking at you for one second
They see no need or no value from.you

Now the thing Im asking Pakistanis why and where is big brother china in this
Why are you not asking china for ammo and money to fight your internal war

More importantly are you really struggling for ammo against a few rebels in balouch or Afghan Taliban's

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