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Pakistan has procured a new Intelligence gathering vessel from China


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Pretty sure China will pass on all the data their reserach ships are collecting. So why exactly did Pak spend money buying this. You could have bought, say, 10 more Super Mushak with the cash.
Not sure if Pakistan has actually acquired the ship but we are not short of SM, in fact we are exporting them. Maybe we should get more AMRAAMs.


Full Member
May 24, 2022
But letting Pakistan do their dirty work makes sense. If it is attacked, it will be an India Pakistan affair. Meanwhile, they will get all the intel..
Following the mess created by pdm and duffers and complete loss of integrity of all institutions… Chinese see Pak not as much an ally ( after all duffer army and now PAF would sing to the tune of the US from simply a call from Lu boy), but more as cannon fodder against Indians.. Arms and advanced weaponry is not given for any brotherly love but cold calculated self interest.. diverting Indian resources towards Pak and not China..


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Following the mess created by pdm and duffers and complete loss of integrity of all institutions… Chinese see Pak not as much an ally ( after all duffer army and now PAF would sing to the tune of the US from simply a call from Lu boy), but more as cannon fodder against Indians.. Arms and advanced weaponry is not given for any brotherly love but cold calculated self interest.. diverting Indian resources towards Pak and not China..

We hate India more then the Chinese do, we both have a mutual interest in keeping India controlled


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2016
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Pakistan wasted a generation fighting a Jihad in Afghanistan to keep the region free from Communism. Sadly, it itself has become a communist state like China now. Spying on it's citizens, suppressing all voices.

Islamic Republic of Pakistan is dead, long live People's Republic of Pakistan.
Please learn the difference between communism and authoritarianism. If Pakistan had become a secular communist republic, it would have progressed like Vietnam instead of becoming a hotbed for extremism and terrorism. Your dear Canada is also headed towards authoritarianism. Your government is spying on young gamers to "prevent extremism".


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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These spy ship are good at sitting right above communication cables in the sea for a few days. Haha I would have to think that as advanced as this Pakistani ship is that it will be monitoring all of the information that is being sent through those lines in our region. Similar to Russian spy ships sitting above ocean cables it does in North Sea and off US coast spying lol
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Mar 16, 2024
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Following the mess created by pdm and duffers and complete loss of integrity of all institutions… Chinese see Pak not as much an ally ( after all duffer army and now PAF would sing to the tune of the US from simply a call from Lu boy), but more as cannon fodder against Indians.. Arms and advanced weaponry is not given for any brotherly love but cold calculated self interest.. diverting Indian resources towards Pak and not China..
I think India is doing the same to Pakistan through Afghanistan.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Well they hate muslims more than Indians do.

I find Chinese are rather equal in treatment across the board, you will find them going after Buddhists, Christians, their own population etc now that's a problem when it comes to Muslims within China and that has created tension but numerous teams and groups from the Muslim world have now been sent and China understands the need to be reasonable as not to create tension

India is completely different with a rabid hindutva extremist state that can only be described as a enemy


Full Member
Dec 20, 2023
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Considering India conducts all its missile test from Balasore of the coast of Orisa, there js only so much intelligence (telemetry data) this vessel can carry out, shipping out from its base of operations in Karachi.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2023
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I appreciate this gift from China. It is definitely a boost for Pakistan.


Think Tank
May 21, 2006
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PNS Rizwan ???? ... data collection of Indian nuclear missile and missile movements , testing . Its new Chinese floating post in Indian ocean, data link to Chinese spy satellites.

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Think Tank
Dec 26, 2005
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Why its not announced like other ships ?

Didn't heard official news from either Pakistan or China. Is it really confirmed? How much the cost? What are the specs? What kind of sensors ? Anyone any info?

you never know what pak military is getting if they don't want to tell.

This is a monster of an addition. Maybe 7 navies have this capability ship.

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