Pakistan Military's Epic betrayal and Own Goal


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
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Bajwa overthrew IK at behest of Americans because the former was pursuing "aggressive neutrality" with respect to Russia and China

Jamedar braintrust thought this will usher in mena from heavens. Head duffer Bajwa begged for a state visit as a reward for services rendered, while here proceeds to bash China at an embassy event to his amreeki mai baaps. Tells them how he loves American sitcom particularly married with children and hates Chinese food.

Amreeki mai baaps kick the duffer jamedars in the nuts a la Lord Clive, tell them to get lost, no aid coming for Mir jaffers.

Now Chinese are pissed, duffers go back running to Chinese who repeat the American sentiment and tell Jamedar beggars to get lost.

In order to win back Chinese favor, duffers have now offered naval base at gawadar no strings attached.
Breaking Points
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Bajwa overthrew IK at behest of Americans because the former was pursuing "aggressive neutrality" with respect to Russia and China

Jamedar braintrust thought this will usher in mena from heavens. Head duffer Bajwa begged for a state visit as a reward for services rendered, while here proceeds to bash China at an embassy event to his amreeki mai baaps. Tells them how he loves American sitcom particularly married with children and hates Chinese food.

Amreeki mai baaps kick the duffer jamedars in the nuts a la Lord Clive, tell them to get lost, no aid coming for Mir jaffers.

Now Chinese are pissed, duffers go back running to Chinese who repeat the American sentiment and tell Jamedar beggars to get lost.

In order to win Chinese favor, duffers have now offered naval base at gawadar no strings attached.

I do not want to beat a dead horse. Pakistani generals have 100% control over foreign policy. Every civilian PM knows the deal. If Mr Imran Khan did not know that he deserves getting tossed out
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I do not want to beat a dead horse. Pakistani generals have 100% control over foreign policy. Every civilian PM knows the deal. If Mr Imran Khan did not know that he deserves getting tossed out
Only compromised criminal thugs masquerading as politicians have ceded that role to the military in the past.
I do not want to beat a dead horse. Pakistani generals have 100% control over foreign policy. Every civilian PM knows the deal. If Mr Imran Khan did not know that he deserves getting tossed out
Well then F the generaaals.
Its been almost two years since I stopped talking about politics and still largely remain mute on the subject. Reason being.....its actually pointless.

The truth is that nations are formed and nations disappear. Take any era and you will see that. Either due to external or internal factors. Its just how things work.

In case of Pakistan, unfortunately, it may not see a 100 years and probably far less.

We have come to point where a population of 250+ million is unable to produce anything let alone of poor quality that the world would want to use. It has nothing to offer. The elite and the military do not have the basic sense that their actual gold is these 250+ million people that earn them billions of dollars many fold over. Its extremely short sightedness and extreme arrogance.

Well....keep watching....they are going to give away national assets one by one to make a few pennies including the nuclear arsenal.

Then once everything has been sold off....they will go off to the west to live in a two bedroom flat and drive a taxi all around.

Pakistan has come to the brink and is hanging fromt he cliff with two fingers....not sure how much strength it has.

Quite honestly, if India attacked Pakistan today....and offered its population to join India......many will accede to it.
My take is somewhat different. If Khan had not been so stubborn with a bad team at his disposal that he was so proud of, the US and Pakistan could work something out. Bajwa did not handle the developing situation in a better way either.

And I am not sure how PLAN will solve problems of Pakistan as it might set the stage of Cold War in the region. The US will help India develop a very capable naval force and the US is also present in Diego Garcia. And we also need to think about how the US will treat Pakistan when PLAN takes control of Gwadar.

Well done on all fronts. Deep down many Pakistani are telling each other to leave the country.
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Bajwa overthrew IK at behest of Americans because the former was pursuing "aggressive neutrality" with respect to Russia and China

Jamedar braintrust thought this will usher in mena from heavens. Head duffer Bajwa begged for a state visit as a reward for services rendered, while here proceeds to bash China at an embassy event to his amreeki mai baaps. Tells them how he loves American sitcom particularly married with children and hates Chinese food.

Amreeki mai baaps kick the duffer jamedars in the nuts a la Lord Clive, tell them to get lost, no aid coming for Mir jaffers.

Now Chinese are pissed, duffers go back running to Chinese who repeat the American sentiment and tell Jamedar beggars to get lost.

In order to win back Chinese favor, duffers have now offered naval base at gawadar no strings attached.
ہم کیا کریں بھائی؟ اگر امریکا کی نہیں سنی تو ہم نہیں بچیں گے کیا وقعی آپ سمجھتے ہیں ہم ایران بن گئے ہیں؟
Not only Bajwa, but who was the spokesperson for the ISPR during Balakote - Mr mustache who also criticized the Chinese and talked down on them to the Americans during a flight. I have to find the story. Read it years ago. They’ve sold out Pakistan, wait they have been selling Pakistan for decades now, for green cards
ہم کیا کریں بھائی؟ اگر امریکا کی نہیں سنی تو ہم نہیں بچیں گے کیا وقعی آپ سمجھتے ہیں ہم ایران بن گئے ہیں؟
Amreeka ki na sirf suni balkay pechwarray say bhi li phir bhi amreeki aqaon nay thooka tak nahi...

Abb shayad cheeni bhai phir say chhota bhai bana lain
ہم کیا کریں بھائی؟ اگر امریکا کی نہیں سنی تو ہم نہیں بچیں گے کیا وقعی آپ سمجھتے ہیں ہم ایران بن گئے ہیں؟
We can start by not visibly siding with one side or another. Secondly, we can figure out how to get our economic house in order. All this before we think of who sits on the PM chair, because in reality, without addressing the fundamentals; without the oligarchs conceding power and control, it doesn’t matter who is in the PM chair.

Also not jumping into the middle of the new Cold War, between two superpowers, where we have nothing to gain, is just asking for more trouble. Also, apparently we won’t even get anything out of hosting a PLAN naval base, and will undoubtedly draw negative attention.

Next we can lay out what ANY elected official can actually do, considering what we need to do to rescue our economy, ON OUR OWN, and stabilize our economy once and for all.

Secret deals that sell out the nation will be the nation’s undoing. The people need a new social contract, not just in domestic affairs but in economics and foreign policy as well.

We need a complete change in how the government works; we need a “Third Republic”, the state reborn.
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I feel sorry for Pakistan. Hope something good happens to my former countrymen. Sadly IK chose the path of peaceful protests, which doesn't work in the thug life third world.
IK has done two fundamentally revolutionary things, regardless of how much of a hand the powers that be had in his initially coming to power.

He challenged the status quo via the process. Let the system play itself out for all to see. Removing the illusion from the eyes of the masses AND THE OLIGARCHS.

Second, he started the ball rolling on unraveling the books on the economy, before it was too late. Pakistan even at this point can recover, but with pain for the elite / oligarchs. Had we waited even another 10 years, the debt would have been beyond recovery. He brought the nation to a point it had to face its economic problems head on, then kick the can down the road.

Tubdeeli has come, but not in the way anyone had anticipated.
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My take is somewhat different. If Khan had not been so stubborn with a bad team at his disposal that he was so proud of, the US and Pakistan could work something out. Bajwa did not handle the developing situation in a better way either.

And I am not sure how PLAN will solve problems of Pakistan as it might set the stage of Cold War in the region. The US will help India develop a very capable naval force and the US is also present in Diego Garcia. And we also need to think about how the US will treat Pakistan when PLAN takes control of Gwadar.

Well done on all fronts. Deep down many Pakistani are telling each other to leave the country.
Bad team not withstandind, ultimately the bone of contention boiled down to the independent/neutral path IK wanted to tread, which would have been a anathema to the 77 years US-Pak master subordinate relationship. US being an hyper hegemonistic power with compliant partners in the mil-establishment, hypersensitive to their self-preservation found common grounds to overthrow IK.

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