Pakistan Promised China a New Militarized Naval Base after Bajwa Compromised on Ballistic Missile Program


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Mar 6, 2024
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Some excerpts

"From New York, Munir Akram, Pakistan’s representative to the United Nations, began reporting back cables highlighting “sarcastic” comments from his Chinese counterpart, who openly tweaked Akram about Pakistan’s sudden swing toward Washington. In private conversations with their Pakistani counterparts over the past year, as reported by Pakistani diplomats, Chinese officials have expressed displeasure with Islamabad for “switching camps”—rather than merely seeking open relations with both countries."

"Classified cables provide frank assessments of the moribund state of the once-robust Pakistan-China alliance. An internal report from 2023 found that ties between the nations, publicly described as close allies, had experienced “gradual erosion” and had become “particularly cold” over the previous year."

Didn't I tell you guys the Chinese were pissed? I love to say this since some of you guys are bunch of complete morons who can't see the obvious when it's thrown to your face: I told you so ;)

"In conversations with U.S. officials around that time, Bajwa agreed to a longstanding U.S. demand to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program in order to alleviate Washington’s concerns about the possibility that Pakistani long-range missiles could one day threaten Israel. This concession was previously reported by Pakistani journalists and later confirmed by sources to Drop Site News."

I remember there were rumors here about our missiles being nerfed. Looks like those rumors were true.

"In February 2021, Bajwa initiated a ceasefire along the Kashmir “Line of Control,” a move that greatly pleased U.S. policymakers as it allowed India to focus its resources solely on the Chinese front. And in April 2021, Bajwa allowed the acting U.S. ambassador to visit Gwadar—another diplomatic coup for the U.S. and an affront to China, which was pushing for the port to be developed as a strategic asset."

All these generals should flayed alive for treason.

"Now, as the military establishment struggles to raise capital, it is trying to convince China and other creditors to favorably renegotiate their loan terms, including by restructuring its debt to alleviate the crippling balance of payments crisis in the country."

The audacity lmao. beg chinese for investment. fuckwits make shitty deals. carry out US-backed regime change against pro-China gov and install the same pro-west asslicking fuckwits who made the shitty deals. openly insult chinese. then when you get desperate go running back to china with the same clownshow of pro-west asslicking fuckwits. genius.

"Despite this preference, a classified internal Pakistani intelligence assessment judges China to be a more “natural strategic ally” than the U.S., with whom Pakistan is deemed to share “limited” strategic interests.

Facing such loss of trust from a key ally, the documents also show that Pakistan’s military-backed government privately promised Beijing a long-coveted concession: a Chinese military base in the key port city of Gwadar. Gwadar is a key node in China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative—the last stop in a land corridor through Pakistan that would connect China’s economy westward, and make it less reliant on shipping transit in the South China Sea.

In return, Pakistan asked for a major upgrade in economic and military assistance from Beijing in order to insulate Islamabad from the fierce reaction from the U.S. such a deal is expected to provoke."

"Two previous rounds of the 2+2 Dialogue ended without any progress on China’s principal demand of creating a military base at Gwadar, as Pakistani officials resisted Chinese pressure to accept a demand that would entail loss of sovereignty over the territory. But in the latest round, hosted by Islamabad in January of this year, Pakistan, much-weakened by political infighting and economic stress, acquiesced to the Chinese demand, agreeing to the future deployment of Chinese military assets at the port."

LMAO no words other than to say again that all these generals should flayed alive for treason. they & their families should be purged & made an example of for future potential adventurers.

The american elite is filled with complete sociopaths & psycopaths. Best thing pakistan can do is make a clean break & work on its own economy. We have Turkiye, China, some EU states, & maybe even Russians for military needs. That's enough. As for economy 1) their corporations will never fully abandon country unless there are economic sanctions which again those bumfucks will still need a justification for. They still haven't even abandoned China so use your fucking brains & realize that your "exports" are not going to be harmed as long as you're competitive. You haven't even fully explored trade with the rest of the world. i'm sure they can take in your pathetic measly $ 30-40 B exports lmfao

Dumbfuck yankcucks will eventually realize they screwed up & come running back like they did with vietnam & by that time we'll have all the leverage but only IF these generals & PDM are purged.
Some excerpts

"Despite this preference, a classified internal Pakistani intelligence assessment judges China to be a more “natural strategic ally” than the U.S., with whom Pakistan is deemed to share “limited” strategic interests.

Facing such loss of trust from a key ally, the documents also show that Pakistan’s military-backed government privately promised Beijing a long-coveted concession: a Chinese military base in the key port city of Gwadar. Gwadar is a key node in China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative—the last stop in a land corridor through Pakistan that would connect China’s economy westward, and make it less reliant on shipping transit in the South China Sea.

In return, Pakistan asked for a major upgrade in economic and military assistance from Beijing in order to insulate Islamabad from the fierce reaction from the U.S. such a deal is expected to provoke."

"Two previous rounds of the 2+2 Dialogue ended without any progress on China’s principal demand of creating a military base at Gwadar, as Pakistani officials resisted Chinese pressure to accept a demand that would entail loss of sovereignty over the territory. But in the latest round, hosted by Islamabad in January of this year, Pakistan, much-weakened by political infighting and economic stress, acquiesced to the Chinese demand, agreeing to the future deployment of Chinese military assets at the port."

Before you beat up on Pakistani army generals
In return, Pakistan asked for a major upgrade in economic and military assistance from Beijing in order to insulate Islamabad from the fierce reaction from the U.S. such a deal is expected to provoke."
Ask the Chinese what they are willing to give

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