Pakistan to respond ‘most decisively' to Indian aggression, vows PM Shehbaz at UN

Premier addresses plenary meeting of UN General Debate as second speaker of session
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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressed the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday, delivering a powerful speech that touched on a range of urgent global issues. His remarks focused on Israel's military actions in Gaza, the unresolved Kashmir dispute, the global climate crisis, and the international community’s failure to uphold justice and human rights.

Sharif began his address with a recitation from the Quran and expressed his pride in representing Pakistan for the second time at the General Assembly. He congratulated the newly elected president of the UNGA, Dennis Francis, and reaffirmed Pakistan’s steadfast commitment to the UN Charter.

“Our founding father, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, declared that Pakistan stands by the United Nations Charter, and we remain committed to peace and prosperity for the world,” Sharif said.

Call for immediate action on Gaza

Prime Minister Sharif condemned Israel's ongoing bombardment of Gaza, describing the situation as a "genocidal war" and a humanitarian catastrophe. He painted a vivid picture of the suffering of Palestinian civilians, particularly women and children, calling for an end to the violence.

“Our hearts bleed as we witness the tragedy unfolding in the Holy Land,” Sharif said. "This is not just a conflict; it is the systematic slaughter of innocent people and an assault on the very essence of human life and dignity.”

Sharif urged the international community to stop the bloodshed and work towards a durable peace through a two-state solution, calling for the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem (Al-Quds Al-Sharif) as its capital.

“Can we remain silent while children lie buried under the rubble of their homes? The blood of Gaza’s children stains the hands not just of the oppressors but also of those who are complicit in prolonging this cruel conflict,” he stated emphatically.

The prime minister demanded that Palestine be admitted as a full member of the United Nations, stressing the need for immediate action to protect the lives of Palestinians.

Kashmir conflict and Indian aggression

Sharif drew parallels between the plight of the Palestinian people and the decades-long struggle of the Kashmiri people for self-determination. He criticised India for its ongoing repression in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir, accusing it of ignoring United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions that call for a plebiscite to allow Kashmiris to determine their own future.

“Like the people of Palestine, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have struggled for a century for their freedom and right to self-determination,” Sharif said.

He condemned India’s actions since 5 August 2019, when it revoked Kashmir’s special status, and accused New Delhi of attempting to impose a “final solution” by illegally altering the region’s demographic composition. Sharif described India’s use of nearly a million troops in the region as a "classic settler-colonial project," designed to turn the Muslim majority into a minority.

“Day in and day out, 900,000 Indian troops terrorise the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir with draconian measures, prolonged curfews, extra-judicial killings, and abductions of thousands of young Kashmiris,” he noted, adding that such efforts to subjugate the people would fail.

Sharif issued a stern warning to India, stating that Pakistan would "respond decisively" to any aggression across the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border dividing Kashmir.

“To secure durable peace, India must reverse the unilateral and illegal measures it has taken since August 2019 and enter into dialogue for the peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with UNSC resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people,” Sharif said.

Climate change and Pakistan’s vulnerabilities

The prime minister then shifted his focus to the global climate crisis, drawing attention to the devastating floods that struck Pakistan in 2022, causing $30 billion in damages. He highlighted the disproportionate burden placed on countries like Pakistan, which contribute less than 1% of global carbon emissions but bear the brunt of climate-induced disasters.

“Each summer brings blistering temperatures and fresh climate impacts. Pakistan emits less than 1% of global carbon, yet we have paid a very heavy price for no fault of ours,” Sharif said. “This is most unfair in any calculus of global justice.”

Sharif called on the international community to uphold the principle of "polluter pays" and urged developed nations to fulfil their commitments to providing climate finance. He emphasised that a new annual target, beyond $100 billion, is essential to support developing countries in achieving climate goals and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“We look forward to the fulfilment of commitments made by our development partners,” he added, stressing the importance of ensuring justice and fairness in addressing climate change.

Global economic reforms

Sharif also pointed to the growing debt crisis facing nearly 100 developing countries, referring to it as a "death trap" rather than a "debt trap." He called for the reform of the international financial architecture, which he described as "morally bankrupt," and urged for global trade and technology systems to be restructured to promote equity and development.

“The current financial architecture is failing to address the needs of the most vulnerable. Achieving the SDGs remains a distant mirage for many developing nations,” he warned.

Pakistan's economic stability and fight against terrorism

Highlighting Pakistan’s economic recovery, Sharif said that his government had made difficult decisions to stabilise the economy, reduce fiscal deficits, and strengthen foreign reserves. He claimed that inflation had been reduced to single digits, reviving prospects for economic growth.

“We have taken tough but necessary measures that have rescued our economy from collapse. As a result, inflation is down, and economic growth prospects have revived,” he said.

Sharif also highlighted Pakistan's efforts in combatting terrorism, noting that the country had paid a heavy price, losing 80,000 people, including civilians and security forces, and incurring $150 billion in economic losses. He condemned the resurgence of terrorism by groups such as the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), and other extremist factions, vowing to eliminate the threat through Pakistan’s “Azm-e-Istehkam” (Resolve to Promote Stability) initiative.

“We are determined to eliminate this threat through our comprehensive national effort,” Sharif declared.

Regional cooperation and connectivity

Sharif praised the progress of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), particularly the second phase of the project, which focuses on infrastructure, renewable energy, and technology investments. He highlighted the role of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) in promoting regional connectivity and geo-economics, which he described as key to securing "win-win outcomes" for the region.

Sharif reiterated Pakistan's commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan and called for international assistance to address the humanitarian crisis in the country. He also emphasised the need for the Afghan Interim Government to respect human rights, particularly those of women and girls, and take effective action against terrorist groups.

Islamophobia and global unity

Sharif expressed concern over the rise of Islamophobia, pointing to recent desecrations of the Quran, attacks on mosques, and the negative stereotyping of Muslims. He specifically criticised India's Hindu supremacist agenda, which he said was aimed at subjugating 200 million Muslims and erasing India’s Islamic heritage.

“Islamophobia is a global concern, and we must combat this scourge together,” Sharif urged, adding that Pakistan would work with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the UN Secretary-General to implement a plan of action against it.

A call for justice and peace

Concluding his address, Sharif called on the international community to uphold justice and equality, urging that "the weak are not voiceless" and that the promise of global equity and prosperity must be respected.

“Let us leave this hall with a message for our people—that the oppressed should not lose hope, that poverty is not pre-ordained, and that justice and equality must be ensured for all,” Sharif said.

In a final plea, Sharif called for peace, dialogue, and multilateral cooperation, stressing that the time for action on pressing global challenges was now. "Let us not fail the future of humanity."


dont you want to show Asif Khawaja's English speech?....
All Imran did was to ruin relationships with USA, China, Saudi Arabia and India

he did the right thing... all of them were correct

> USA = lol .....he denied them bases.. a good thing. US cooperation only leads to more terrorism and instability.. look at what is happening in Pakistan since CIA bases were given...

> Saudi = they wanted him to reconize Israel... in case you have been living under a rock
even israeli's "mother" are embarrassed by them. Good call not to reconize israel

India = muhhahah ... are you for real?.... indians under Modi is a major asshole. Hate against islam and muslim fueled non sense and insecurity mindset the spread across the country. You are 10 times worse than Gen Zia.
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watch if you want to have a migraine and laugh at his absurd accent

He did hit all the right notes that were given to him, muslim, gaza, kashmir, aid etc etc

All the same things nothing new.

We should stop replying to these speeches on UN platform ,waste of time
Annual UN Lafda with internet viewers cheerleading. A high profile version of Indo-Pak border mujra (sorry armed force guys I hate that shit, what are you doing raising arms, running up on each other). It's cringe given people buy tickets to view that.
Annual UN Lafda with internet viewers cheerleading. A high profile version of Indo-Pak border mujra (sorry armed force guys I hate that shit, what are you doing raising arms, running up on each other). It's cringe given people buy tickets to view that.

you have the analytical capability of a donkey... the same donkey that noonies use to make donkey naan... that they serve to their ever diminishing patwaris in their rallies..
They going to replace Zardari and Shahbaz with Fazloo as President and Bilawal
as the next PM. Its going from bad to worse lol.
If this happens we should all commit suicide!

Make no mistake.

Then we all will know we’re finished!
he did the right thing... all of them were correct

> USA = lol .....he denied them bases.. a good thing. US cooperation only leads to more terrorism and instability.. look at what is happening in Pakistan since CIA bases were given...

> Saudi = they wanted him to reconize Israel... in case you have been living under a rock
even israeli's "mother" are embarrassed by them. Good call not to reconize israel

India = muhhahah ... are you for real?.... indians under Modi is a major asshole. Hate against islam and muslim fueled non sense and insecurity mindset the spread across the country. You are 10 times worse than Gen Zia.
Ye Pakistani hindu migrant hae……won’t admit it here……..but it’s ok.

It’s all good bro. No problem.
you have the analytical capability of a donkey... the same donkey that noonies use to make donkey naan... that they serve to their ever diminishing patwaris in their rallies..
Decades of such UN speeches and counter speech produced nothing for both India and Pak. It has become a joke at this point. Indian PM didn't even bother attending this year for whatever reason. But whatever floats your boat
he did the right thing... all of them were correct

> USA = lol .....he denied them bases.. a good thing. US cooperation only leads to more terrorism and instability.. look at what is happening in Pakistan since CIA bases were given...

> Saudi = they wanted him to reconize Israel... in case you have been living under a rock
even israeli's "mother" are embarrassed by them. Good call not to reconize israel

India = muhhahah ... are you for real?.... indians under Modi is a major asshole. Hate against islam and muslim fueled non sense and insecurity mindset the spread across the country. You are 10 times worse than Gen Zia.

It was not for me to decide if that was the correct. Your Pakistani army decided it was enough and showed me the door.

There was a lot of debt relief due to covid in 2020 & 2021. You take away the debt relief. your economy under Imran Khan would be a shit show.

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