Pakistan - Turkey (PAC-TAI) Collaboration for NGFA-TFX 5th Gen Aircraft l Updates, News & Discussion

Even the US government is but there may be other factors in play. The rapid rise of Ai has people rethinking their manned program strengths.

Do you really need that many F-35s with the supporting human inside - additional systems and so on or is it not better to put in a purpose made AI in place - give it all the sensors it needs and be able to make the platform for it much more efficient and more robust.

Lowers your costs - and for most low intensity conflicts is perfect and even for high intensity ones lets you put more on the battlefield and not fret about losing a few other than monetary and supply value. Also the reason the B-21 is being rethought even before deliveries have begun.
every weapon ever made has quickly been followed by a defensive weapon to neutralise the weapon.....n thats how it has worked for thousands of years.
Similarly IA or pilot less ac r not the be all end all of any thing.

With the increase in no. Of pilotless ac we r seeing many weapons to neutralise it in early stages.
One such weapon could be an emp device exploded in mid air with a radius of say 2 km......that would most certainly cook every thing electronic or electrical in that radius.
Even the US government is but there may be other factors in play. The rapid rise of Ai has people rethinking their manned program strengths.

Do you really need that many F-35s with the supporting human inside - additional systems and so on or is it not better to put in a purpose made AI in place - give it all the sensors it needs and be able to make the platform for it much more efficient and more robust.

Lowers your costs - and for most low intensity conflicts is perfect and even for high intensity ones lets you put more on the battlefield and not fret about losing a few other than monetary and supply value. Also the reason the B-21 is being rethought even before deliveries have begun.
It'll also be interesting to see how the Digital Century Series concepts can tie into UCAV tech.

A few years ago, the U.S. wanted to break away from relying on traditional development methods of the big 3 (LM, Boeing, Northrop) to rapidly create lower-cost fighters (that would be replaced relatively earlier).

The approach might have been too much of a stretch for crewed jets, but the idea may resonate much better with UCAV development, especially if more startups and other smaller players enter the UCAV production space.

Point being... UCAVs may end up taking up a lot of the R&D and production funding, so the UCAV supply channel will go up. In turn, the costs will drop and the U.S. and its allies will have many more options.

IMO UCAVs will be a godsend for the PAF. It wants to continue emulating the Swift Retort model, but maintaining the force size for it through crewed planes (especially in a context where some could be lost when crossing the border) is tough, especially at scale. The PAF would rather have many offensive wings rather than 1 or 2. UCAVs could help the PAF build those wings with a fewer number of NGFAs at the center.
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It'll also be interesting to see how the Digital Century Series concepts can tie into UCAV tech.

A few years ago, the U.S. wanted to break away from relying on traditional development methods of the big 3 (LM, Boeing, Northrop) to rapidly create lower-cost fighters (that would be replaced relatively earlier).

The approach might have been too much of a stretch for crewed jets, but the idea may resonate much better with UCAV development, especially if more startups and other smaller players enter the UCAV production space.

Point being... UCAVs may end up taking up a lot of the R&D and production funding, so the UCAV supply channel will go up. In turn, the costs will drop and the U.S. and its allies will have many more options.

IMO UCAVs will be a godsend for the PAF. It wants to continue emulating the Swift Retort model, but maintaining the force size for it through crewed planes (especially in a context where some could be lost when crossing the border) is tough, especially at scale. The PAF would rather have many offensive wings rather than 1 or 2. UCAVs could help the PAF build those wings with a fewer number of NGFAs at the center.
I suspect that is where the casual discussions are going and slide decks. But the capabilities to achieve this are beyond Pakistani R&D and will continue to be until economic and political situation improves.

I will be surprised if any MUM-T ambitions PAF has can be realized within the next 15 years from a scaled operations perspective
every weapon ever made has quickly been followed by a defensive weapon to neutralise the weapon.....n thats how it has worked for thousands of years.
Similarly IA or pilot less ac r not the be all end all of any thing.

With the increase in no. Of pilotless ac we r seeing many weapons to neutralise it in early stages.
One such weapon could be an emp device exploded in mid air with a radius of say 2 km......that would most certainly cook every thing electronic or electrical in that radius.
And be interpreted by mistake as a nuclear detonation along with its fun outcomes.
And be interpreted by mistake as a nuclear detonation along with its fun outcomes.
An emp attack at most times no one would even know that their is even an attack on going.....until u find ur sys fried.
As an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy.
gamma rays ionize the air molecules by interacting with the air molecules to produce positive ions and recoil electrons called Compton electrons. This pulse of energy, which produces a powerful electromagnetic field, particularly within the vicinity of the weapon burst, is called an electromagnetic pulse.

Hope that clears it
An emp attack at most times no one would even know that their is even an attack on going.....until u find ur sys fried.
As an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy.
gamma rays ionize the air molecules by interacting with the air molecules to produce positive ions and recoil electrons called Compton electrons. This pulse of energy, which produces a powerful electromagnetic field, particularly within the vicinity of the weapon burst, is called an electromagnetic pulse.

Hope that clears it

When you are expecting such weapon operationalize or is it already operationalized. please share some info if possible.
When you are expecting such weapon operationalize or is it already operationalized. please share some info if possible.
Emp works on the same principle of solar flare.....if not for our Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere....our sys would fry almost on a daily basis.

In simple terms we have had this weapons since the first day......its just that we have learnt to use it recently
Emp works on the same principle of solar flare.....if not for our Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere....our sys would fry almost on a daily basis.

In simple terms we have had this weapons since the first day......its just that we have learnt to use it recently
An emp attack at most times no one would even know that their is even an attack on going.....until u find ur sys fried.
As an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy.
gamma rays ionize the air molecules by interacting with the air molecules to produce positive ions and recoil electrons called Compton electrons. This pulse of energy, which produces a powerful electromagnetic field, particularly within the vicinity of the weapon burst, is called an electromagnetic pulse.

Hope that clears it
It does and I will echo that it can still be detected from an origin source and a false assumption can be made that it is due to a nuclear explosion.
Emp works on the same principle of solar flare.....if not for our Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere....our sys would fry almost on a daily basis.

In simple terms we have had this weapons since the first day......its just that we have learnt to use it recently
Is there an example of an operational weapon that can generate the field you are envisioning
It does and I will echo that it can still be detected from an origin source and a false assumption can be made that it is due to a nuclear explosion.
Emp is transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy.
nuclear weapons work by combining chemical explosives, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion. The explosives compress nuclear material, causing fission; the fission releases massive amounts of energy in the form of X-rays, which create the high temperature and pressure needed to ignite fusion.

Emp is not visible to the eye while a nuclear explosion is.

Two totally different principles, one is natural while letter is unnatural
Is there an example of an operational weapon that can generate the field you are envisioning
Not in the public domain but most certainly in trial n testing phase n could even be existing in secret.

The best use in my opinion would be to destroy low orbit setellites......don't know if it would be effective in outer space or not
Emp is transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy.
nuclear weapons work by combining chemical explosives, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion. The explosives compress nuclear material, causing fission; the fission releases massive amounts of energy in the form of X-rays, which create the high temperature and pressure needed to ignite fusion.

Emp is not visible to the eye while a nuclear explosion is.

Two totally different principles, one is natural while letter is unnatural
The potential for misidentification is real

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