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Pakistan-United States Infantry Rifle Company Exchange Exercise-2024


Apr 1, 2024
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There is no bheek as such - but at the end the relationship is downgraded to what it was. Previously despite constant “do more” the actual relationship was tight and proved helpful against the east as recently as 2016.

But post Trump statements and NRI filling important posts both on GOP and democrat party and state department roles Pakistan is now a Donald Lu level relationship and its leaders simply cannot cope on it yet.

Basically, when the playbook was only the same cry wolf, milk and status quo - when it changed because everyone decided to basically say “F these narcissistic lying drama queens” the shock has been rather copium to another level.

I am being a little over acerbic but quite simply Pakistan has squandered its nine lives and is trying to find anything to cling on to.

Some things are working in the background
Others are falling flat.
We can’t blame anyone here except ourselves,without peaceful transition of power no one if going to take us seriously.
At this stage foreign countries don’t know Who to talk with.
Who would take a circus seriously?

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