Party General Secretary To Lam: "During the August Revolution, American Friends Were the Only Foreign Force Alongside President Ho Chi Minh"

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Dec 14, 2023
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During the August Revolution, American friends were the only foreign force standing alongside President Ho Chi Minh. They were invited to attend the Declaration of Independence ceremony on September 2, 1945, where President Ho quoted the US Declaration of Independence. On that historic day at Ba Dinh Square, the platform prominently displayed a banner reading "Welcome the American Delegation."
I guess they all want more of the sweet orange and American GIs.
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if anyone can trust the CIA-funded

Tuoi Tre and Thanh Nien newspapers, both are based in Ho Chi Minh city, are American mouthpieces for decades, and the whole country know that.
if anyone can trust the CIA-funded

Tuoi Tre and Thanh Nien newspapers, both are based in Ho Chi Minh city, are American mouthpieces for decades, and the whole country know that.


What about the cooperation between Viet Minh and the OSS can't be fully trusted?

This Law consists of seven chapters and 43 articles regulating activities to protect national security and ensure social order and safety in cyberspace; and the responsibilities of relevant agencies, organizations and individuals.

Cyber security is defined as ensuring that activities in cyberspace do not harm national security, social order and safety, and the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals.

Cyber security protection is the prevention, detection, containment, and handling of violations in this field.

Prohibited acts

Users are prohibited from using cyberspace to perform the following acts:

  • Organizing, operating, colluding, inciting, bribing, deceiving, enticing, training, and coaching people to oppose the state; distorting history, denying revolutionary achievements, sabotaging the great national unity bloc, insulting religion, discriminating based on gender, racism;….
  • False information causes confusion among the people, damages socio-economic activities, causes difficulties for the operations of state agencies or public servants, and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other organizations and individuals.
  • Prostitution, social evils, human trafficking; posting obscene, depraved, criminal information; destroying national traditions and customs, social morality, public health, etc.

Foreign enterprises must store data in Vietnam​

Domestic and foreign enterprises providing services on telecommunications networks and the Internet in Vietnam must verify information when users register for digital accounts; and secure user information and accounts. Enterprises must provide user information to the specialized cybersecurity force under the Ministry of Public Security upon written request to serve the investigation and handling of violations of cybersecurity laws.

Domestic and foreign enterprises that collect, exploit, analyze, and process data on personal information, data on service user relationships, and data generated by service users in Vietnam must store this data in Vietnam for the period prescribed by the Government. Foreign enterprises involved in the above fields are required to establish branches or representative offices in Vietnam.

The Law on Cyber Security takes effect from January 1, 2019.
And why do people say Tuoi Tre is a CIA or American mouthpiece? Wouldn't Vietnam’s cyber security law be used to prevent that? Even Facebook has to store its data within Vietnam, and fake news on there gets deleted or hidden, no?
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No one denies the cooperation between the Allies (American) and Viet Minh for anti-Japan activities before 1945. But it is also remembered that after 1945, the Allies (i.e. Britain) also helped French to re-conquer Vietnam.

But did President To Lam highlight this cooperation during this visit? Is there other sources aside from Tuoi Tre or Thanh Nien?
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No one denies the cooperation between the Allies and Viet Minh for anti-Japan activities before 1945. But it is also remembered that after 1945, the Allies (i.e. Britain) also helped French to re-conquer Vietnam.

But did President To Lam highlight this cooperation during this visit? Is there other sources aside from Tuoi Tre or Thanh Nien?
If it really happened, then why has Vietnam’s government never admitted it? And whether To Lam said it or not, does that make it any less true or something? For anyone interested, Vietnam’s official history textbooks have never acknowledged or mentioned the presence or role of the Americans or the OSS during the August Revolution, even though Vietnamese newspapers in the North, Central, and South covered it frequently. So, who’s actually running the propaganda here?

This is what propaganda looks like.
Vietnam is full of CIA cell . Sooner or later there will be a color revolution . The communist party of Vietnam is not very smart if they think America can be trusted.
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LLOYD AUSTIN: General Phan Van Giang, welcome to the Pentagon. On behalf of the US government, I want to convey our sincere condolences for the lives lost during Typhoon Yagi over the weekend. We commend you for the excellent job Vietnam has done responding to this terrible tragedy. Please let us know if the United States can assist in any way.

According to the People's Army Newspaper, at the beginning of the talks, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expressed his condolences to General Phan Văn Giang for the recent damage caused by Typhoon Yagi in Vietnam. He also expressed his pleasure in welcoming General Phan Văn Giang on his first official visit to the United States as Vietnam’s Minister of National Defense.

In the meeting, according to the Vietnam News Agency (TTXVN), U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expressed his sympathies to Vietnamese Minister of National Defense Phan Văn Giang regarding the damage caused by Typhoon Yagi in Vietnam.

To me, Thanh Nien and Tuoi Tre are the government's mouthpieces.
Even a pro US propaganda outlet admits that to move Vietnam away from Chinese orbit is to overthrow the CPV.
Those who truly seek an alliance with Vietnam to contain China should logically support regime change in Vietnam that produces a nationalist government in Hanoi that would be more receptive to the anti-Chinese voices of the masses and have no socialist pretenses to maintain an accord with Beijing.
Wanna be the next Philippines good luck lol
If Vietnam lets American troops station there then china can respond in kind and do the same in Cambodia and laos. But that won't happen even the most anti china Vietnamese people wouldn't allow that. Cambodia and laos are both in china camp anyway so it's up to Vietnam to make an enemy or friend of china. China can also move all its factories away from Vietnam and to a more friendly country. There are plenty whether it's in Mexico Brazil Thailand u name it.
Vietnam is full of CIA cell . Sooner or later there will be a color revolution . The communist party of Vietnam is not very smart if they think America can be trusted.


People have been saying the same thing about China here in Vietnam lately. This whole "color revolution" narrative was pushed against a US university here, but it got shut down right after some direct complaints from the university’s board. All the news surrounding it was wiped out in Vietnam, yet somehow a Chinese consulate here managed to recycle the story?

People have been saying the same thing about China here in Vietnam lately. This whole "color revolution" narrative was pushed against a US university here, but it got shut down right after some direct complaints from the university’s board. All the news surrounding it was wiped out in Vietnam, yet somehow a Chinese consulate here managed to recycle the story?
I dont know about the story to make a comment. And it got shut down by the CPV. At the end of the day it's the CPV security that's at stake. Like I said to move Vietnam from china orbit is to remove the communist party since they won't allow the Americans to station troops there anyway.
Whichever direction Vietnam is heading toward that's up to them really. Whether in America or china camp or stay out of it. There's benefit of playing both sides.
China is Vietnam largest trading partner anyway. And a lot of Chinese goods are reroute from Vietnam to the US. Chinese companies also have lots of assembly plants in Vietnam. It sure is not a good way to piss off your biggest trading partner and investor.despite what some Vietnamese say they need china more than china needs Vietnam. China can also move it's supply chain to some other places. Just look at how much Vietnam imports from china and export to the United States. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. The total trade between china and vietnam is expected to reach 200 billion in 2024. Like china can reroute from Thailand to the US instead so it's not really a lose for china but Vietnam. Vietnam also exported 57 billion to china in 2022 that's not a small number by any means. Do some Vietnamese really think the relationship can be thrown away just to please your self esteem. Come on at least the CPV is smart enough to keep both sides happy. Playing a balancing act is not always a bad thing as long as everyone involved is happy.
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